Adonis Diaries

Archive for March 15th, 2010

703.  Part One: First love of Gibran K Gibran: Josephine Peabody; (Mar. 11, 2010)


704.  Who is Josephine Peabody (Gibran K Gibran first true love)? (Mar. 12, 2010)


705.  Part 8: “On the Wild trail of Mount Lebanon”; (Mar.13, 2010)


706.  Are you acquainted with death? (Mar. 13, 2010)


707.  FedEx President has a word to say; (Mar. 14, 2010)


708.  EU higher education system; (Mar. 14, 2010)


709.  Part One: “When we befriend death”; (Mar. 15, 2010)


710.  Part One: “The Great Disillusion”; (Mar. 16, 2010)

Part One: “The Great Disillusion”; (Mar. 16, 2010)

            Joseph E. Stieglitz, Nobel Prize for Economics, published “The great disillusion” in 2002 six years ahead of the financial crash.  It was followed by “When capitalism lost its head” in 2009.  “The great disillusion” is of 407 pages divided in nine chapters such as: promises of international institutions; promises not kept; liberty of choice; the Asiatic financial crisis; who lost Russia; the “unjust laws of fair trade”; the best alternatives toward the market place; other programs of the International Monetary Fund (IMF); and the future.

            Joseph E. Stieglitz was doing research on the imbalances in fair market competition because of the lack of adequate and precise flow of economic intelligence that are not equitably disseminated and shared equally by competitive companies and enterprises. Former President Clinton asked Joseph to join in 1993 the “Economic Advisory Council (EAC)” that was represented by three experts nominated by the President to counsel the Executive branch on economic matters. Thus, Stieglitz was de facto immersed into politics since then and witnessed closely the processes of decision making.

            In 1997, Stieglitz was transferred as First Vice President to the World Bank or economist in chief till 2000. In these 7 years in Washington DC, Stieglitz followed the transition in Russia and the Far East Asia financial crisis that extended globally. Stieglitz had the opportunity to visit countless developing States and converse with many financial and economic ministers and political leaders.

            The book discusses and analyzes the terrible effects of globalization and the ideological economics precepts of the IMF on the rampant poverty that was exacerbated by unilateral neo-liberal economic ideology of the USA. Stieglitz said: “Today globalization is not working; not for the poor of the world; not for the developing States; not for the environment; and not for world economic stability.  Globalization is not working because it is badly managed: the unilateral rules of the game of the US disturbed the process for developing States to comprehend why non working and non applicable decisions in the US should be forced to work in the developing countries.” (To be continued)

Barack Obama’s first year performance 

            Bill Adair (Pulitzer Prize) published the Obama program that included 510 promises. Promises being executed are 240 promises, 86 promises were kept, 26 were compromised, and 62 were blocked by the oppositions.

            First, let me present a rundown of the major promises according to the previous categories.

            For promises being executed we have the following:

Creating 5 million “green jobs”

Restraining eavesdropping without authorization

Shutting down Guantanamo prison center

Stopping the usage of torture

Creating CO2 emission market

Creating a universal health plan that added 30 million more citizen benefiting of coverage

Setting up new financial regulations

Repealing the tax cut for the higher incomes

Reducing nuclear arms reserves in a verifiable manner

Re-enforcing antitrust laws that favor consumers

Reducing oil consumption of 35% by 2030

Securing borders by increasing personnel

            For promises kept we may mention

Sending two supplementary brigades to Afghanistan (30,000 soldiers)

Creating a fund to prevent further Real Estates foreclosures

Reforming prison terms to clear prison overpopulation

            For promises compromised we have

Creating a tax credit of $500 for employees

Requiring transparency in the process of budgetary credit by Deputies

            For promises blocked

Extending citizenship to immigrant with no work permit

            For promises betrayed

Obama failed in his promise to hardening regulations in the Administration on conflict of interests between public carriers and private jobs.  The worst transgressors are members in the International Monatary Fund (IMF), which is a public institution but functioning as if a private enterprise.

Note: Every now and then I edit and re-publish articles that passed unnoticed.  Since I first posted this article in January Obama had decided to use his authority as President to improve on Health Care Reforms without the need of Republican support.  Obama policies in the Middle East is still undecided and agravating the situation for his lack of personal involvement.

Part One: “When we befriend death”; (Mar. 15, 2010)

            Pierre is never afraid; he is also a fix it all at home and at his laboratory: he is a physicist in solid states.  Once, the very ancient water burner (or boiler) lacked a spare part that the manufacturer stopped producing; Pierre fabricating it and the boiler got a new life for over 10 years. Another time, his car gas pump broke down on the highway; Pierre attached an empty plastic water bottle by his window, removed a few (totally unnecessary tubes from the engine) and connected the gas directly to the engine or something to that effect. Pierre is taking to his grandfather.

            The grandfather needed a new pair of trousers and he started from scratch.  He manufactured a weaving machine, weaved the threads, then cut and sewed himself a pair of trousers.  The grandmother had this to say “the entire process is fine; the trousers are to be desired.”

            Pierre was for social justice and a staunch far left Trotskyite in school; he still is an activist for social justice with a twist: as he started secondary studies he believed that he had a powerful ally in Jesus.  Curious Pierre had met with a group of practicing Catholics called “Focolari”.  He applied the concept of loving his neighbor and in his case it was finding ways to loving his teachers.  It dawned on Pierre to attend seriously to classes as his notion of loving teachers; his grades improved greatly though he persisted on not studying at home.

            Pierre was never afraid in childhood and he was even less afraid in middle age: he believed that after death he will enjoy a listening ear in Jesus and aid better his family and friends.  When Pierre looks sick and his wife is terribly worried he would say “Don’t you worry; I’ll pray for you” meaning that his new location by Jesus will take care of everything.

            At the age of 53, Pierre had a stroke but was conscious all the time.  As he was carried to emergency he saw his second son standing bare footed and told him “Bruno, wear your slippers.”  This curious researcher was having a field day witnessing all the maneuvers and equipments being used to re-animate him: Pierre was asking plenty of questions for detailed comprehension of this new opportunity to learn.  When Pierre recovered his son Bruno cracked this joke “Can you imagine if you died there and then what people would have retained as your last words? Bruno, wear your slippers! You certainly can do better next time”

            Pierre is suffering from a terrible backache; as a scientist Pierre reviewed medical journals, analyzed the data of his medical file and understood that he has a generalized bone cancer; Pierre also knew that it is incurable though physicians never explicitly revealed his illness: the bones formed a Christmas tree shape. Pierre studied the authorized medicines, the secondary effects, and the statistics. Pierre asked his physician to cooperate with him as partner in the procedures and treatments. The debate was: “who is in charge to decide on the treatments? Is it the physician or the patient?”  The physician position is that death does not exist and it is his responsibility to heal the patient. Pierre begs to differ. (To be continued)

Note: Sylvie Garoche wrote a book on her husband’s fight for stopgap measures (taking charge of his destiny and dying peacefully)


Do you feel sexy after a satisfying bowel movement? (Jan. 31, 2010)

A friend asked me one of his frequently mindless questions: “How do you feel?”  I said “I am feeling shit sexy.”

My friend was appalled by my incomprehensible reply and said: “I was under the impression that you are totally broke to indulge in luxury costly lust.”

I like to invent new expressions and terminologies in English: I was not born and raised in an authentic English-speaking country.  I was saved from memorizing and regurgitating boring idioms: I am not up-to-date on the latest slang.  I have got to do with the classics; more so that I was never in linguistics, anthropology, or ethnology fields of study.

Usually, I say what I mean.

After my glamorous bowel movement I felt this sexy pain, a sensation that I had emptied a huge load and diffused pressures off my mind.

I had lunch and then had a long walk, and then I read and wrote.  After 3 hours of the bowel movement, I still felt this lovely pain in my bowel; I had siesta and still felt this sexy pain. Maybe it is a matter of aging, but when I recall tasks that I achieved during a day, a satisfying bowel movement takes the lead as the most memorable task.

How many of you, young and kicking, ever kept track of your memorable bowel movements? 

I guess you cannot recall:  They were part of your daily routine, like pissing.  Is it possible that as we age we revert to childish habits?  Like feeling this urge of passing around the potty to show everyone our achievement of the day?

I am pretty sure that if Barack Obama had a satisfying bowel movement before finding out that he was elected President, he could be honest if he claimed that the news were the best achievement of the day: People are forgetful.

But if Obama received the news of being the next President, and feeling scared shit of the haunting job ahead of him, followed by a normal extended bowel movement, and deep down his guts, he would know what was the greatest achievement of the day.

It was during one of these sensational feelings that Barack Obama was elected President.

You might heave a sigh of dejection but it is not just a coincidence: The odds are pretty high for strong correlation between anxiety and bowel movement activities. Yes, if you do the probability math you might realize that the odds are actually pretty high for coincidence of shitting sensations and catastrophic events close to home.

For example, I don’t like certified crazy Bush Junior, that President who never set foot on “foreign soils” before he was elected also “President”, though he enjoyed the same moments of sensation after it dawned on him that the Twin Towers attack is serious business.

I can confirm that Bush Jr. lucubration “Either you are with us or against us” was produced as he was engaging in a profuse bowel movement aggression.  As I can confirm that the odds were a certainty that Martin Luther King and Malcolm X would be assassinated.

What is this?

When I am ecstatic I cannot think; when I am morose I cannot think. I have to induce that I think when I am in a lukewarm temperament. Thus, “Not Thinking” and extreme mood zones are highly correlated.

In moderate mood swings, you might be thinking; when you are thinking you might also not be thinking much; either what you are thinking do not make sense or your thinking can be revolutionary verging to lunacy. This is a firm deductive result.

Just to tell you that physical exigency is a fundamental factor to your mental output. I sometimes wonder at critics psychoanalysis authors by their books.  If critics are honest then they should comprehend a book was mostly “excreted” during lukewarm mood periods; thus, psychoanalysis is not valid in these cases: the author should be observed in “a not thinking” instances.

Critics believe that authors basically lie down on comfortable coach, talk to themselves and record their babbling; critics get in the skin of a relaxed author who is figuring out how audiences have sworn the oath of confidentiality, as the expert mental shrinks.

I don’t usually go off on tangents but it feels good.

Note: You may read




March 2010

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