Adonis Diaries

Posts Tagged ‘colonial countries

Tidbits and notes. Part 412

Apparently, the Muslim wives have an effective resolution to their retired husband troubles: They marry him with a tad younger second wife. Now, the first wife can travel at leisure to visit with her sons and daughters, dispersed around the world.

China has banned the export of black clothes, often worn by protesters, to Hong Kong. And how Iran will get its black clothes?

Depuis des annees “il flotte comme un parfun de genocide” au Myanmar? What’s that crappy piece of poetry? No doubt of ethnic cleansing. And the UN is still debating whether there was a genocide since 2017?

And why this Buddhist racist State of Myanmar decided to commit genocide? The Rowinga “ethnic Muslims” were procreating like crazy? Another proof that all religions are racist by nature and inciting on violent acts.

Is Boris as big a liar as Trump? A Brexit deal has been struck, says the UK prime minister. As the deadline for Britain’s departure from the EU approaches, Boris Johnson announced, “we’ve got a great new deal that takes back control.”

Le plus grand cannibal est toujours l’Europe colonial, mais l’Amerique l’a surpasse’ depuis 1945.

How would you list the hardest hit States/nations by climate calamities (Storms, earthquakes, flooding, fires) according to their economic/financial potentials to recover from devastation? 

The cobra effect is a specific kind of unintended consequence that happens when the proposed solution ends up worsening the problem it was intended to solve. It’s not simply a surprise negative result, it’s the opposite of what was intended. The cobra effect highlights the limitations of linear thinking, and what happens when we underestimate the complexity of a system—or of human motivations

When you introduce an incentive scheme, you have to just admit to yourself that no matter how clever you think you are, there’s a pretty good chance that someone far more clever than yourself will figure out a way to beat the incentive scheme.

The classic example of a fix that fails is relieving road congestion by building bigger roads. Traffic eases at first, but then, because driving is more pleasant when roads are less congested, more people drive, and the cycle starts again.

French-occupied Hanoi attempts to reduce the rat population in its newly-built sewer system with a bounty on tails. Enterprising locals cut the tails from rats and set them free to breed and create more tails. Some also breed their own rats. When the bounty ends, those rats are released, further increasing the rodent population in Hanoi.

The Streisand effect is when the act of trying to make something private calls more attention to it.

Rania avait vite eu de quoi s’ inquieter: Le pretendant etait un vertueux, ne buvait pas d’alcool, pas d’ aventures, un precheur venue de la campagne, intransigeant et “honnete”. La marieuse dit: “Tous les chameaux ont une bosse: j’en trouverais une”. Beware of the “puritan” people.

The Times of London reported that Turkey could have used banned white phosphorus against Kurdish civilians in Rass el Ayn town

US Administrations Not famous for saying the truth to its citizens

Plausible conjecture: Nations are unwilling to treat the capitalist fundamental of retaining 20% of the population always slaves to “Capital”. Thus, a newer influx of refugees toward the developed nations.

A lost chapter of the world’s first novel was unearthed?  Parts of the 11th-century epic tale, The Tale of Genjiwere discovered in a Tokyo family home.

Debt collection is an $11 billion industry in the US, and medical debt makes up nearly half of what’s collected each year. Debt collectors, working with judges who often have no law degree, decide who gets thrown behind bars and who’s shown mercy.

About 60% of Qatar electricity is used for cooling, the hottest place on earth.

Scammers, running hard-to-cancel “subscription traps,” use free trials to trick customers into paying for products they don’t want

Caring is a case by case endeavor: listening intently on the individual case. Generalization is the perfect concept for Control, over a large swap of people and phenomena.





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