Adonis Diaries

Posts Tagged ‘Temporary marriage contracts

Truths, universally acknowledged, that…

Note: Re-edit of ““It is a truth, universally acknowledged that…” November 28, 2012

“It is a truth, universally acknowledged that a Muslim man, regardless of his fortune, must be in want of a 9 year-old virgin wife…”.

That’s how Nassrine started the discussion with the opening sentence of Jane Austen book “Pride and Prejudice”, a temptation that a reader is most likely to feel and rearrange….

Manna rejoined: “It is a truth, universally acknowledged that a Muslim man will eventually displace his older wife for a fresh naive 16 year-old virgin…”

Azar Nafisi, an Iranian author, held Thursday’s sessions for 7 of her former students, discussing selected English fiction novels and keeping diaries.

What is your “truth, universally acknowledged….?”

Azin, who is in the process of divorcing her third husband, said: “Who is thinking about love these days? The islamic Republic of Iran has taken us back to Jane Austen’s blessed arranged marriages. Nowadays, girls marry either because of family pressures, or to get a green card, or to secure financial stability… And we are talking about educated girls, discussing English literature, and who have gone to college…”

Mahshed replied: “Many women are independent in Iran, and are business women and who have chosen to live alone…”

Manna retorted: “Most women don’t have a choice now. In previous periods, my mother could chose her husband and wearing the veil was optional…”

Nassrine said: “Temporary marriage contracts are all the rage. President Rafsanjani is encouraging these kinds of short-term marriage contracts… Many conservative clerics call these contracts a sanctified form of prostitution… A few progressive men are for these contracts, and I tell them that they should demand that this law gives women the same rights as men… Talk about hypocrisy!”

At the start of the 20th century, the age of marriage was changed to 13 and increased to 18.

In the 1960’s, there was little difference between the rights of both genders, and women were at a par with western democratic States standards in human rights.

As Khomeini grabbed power in 1979, and this totalitarian and theocratic regime came in the name of the Past, and individual freedom was banished… the first law was to repeal the Family-Protection law, which guaranteed women’s rights at home and at work.

The legal marriage age for women was lowered again to 9 year-old, sort of 8.5 lunar years… Adultery and prostitution were punished by stoning to death, and women were considered to have half the worth of men

And why this 9 year-old cut-off standard for marriageable girl?

Prophet Muhammad had officially married Aisha at the age of 9 but he didn’t have intercourse with Aicha until she was 13. They didn’t beget any children. Aicha was the most beloved of wives and the most educated. Aicha’s father was Abu Bakr, later to become the first Caliph of the Muslims.

This terribly jealous wife used to throw tantrums when exposed to injustices.

As Muhammad announced his desire to marry another wife (9 wives in total), Aicha shouted: “This God of yours has the habit of satisfying all your desires in verses…

Aicha was in charge of transcribing the verses during Muhammad’s bouts of epilepsy.

And the Muslim clerics want to emulate their prophets, particularly in lifestyle that pleases their pleasures and comfort…

Sanaz was to meet with her long-time preferred Iranian young man, accompanied by her family, across the border in Turkey: The beau was settled in England for the last 6 years and decided to give it a shot and get engaged with Sanaz. The discussion among the girls was on how to discover the compatibility attribute, after so many years of absence, before Sanaz agrees to get engaged.

Nassrine suggested that “The first thing you should do to test your compatibility is dance with him

This suggestion was a reminder of the “Dear Jane Society” idea of forming dance sessions: Teacher Azar had gathered the girl students after class following a lecture on Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice to dance in the style of Austen’s period (the Napoleonic age). But that is another story.

Note 1: The story is taken from “Reading Lolita in Tehran” by Azar Nafisi

Note 2: If interested in a biography of Aicha, check

Tidbits and Notes. Part 273

L’elegance de la misere? Une chambre, une natte a meme le sol, des clous aux murs pour attacher des vetements, un seau d’eau pres de la porte et un balai… Les liceens qui habite ces taudis payent pour la seule lampe electrique

Nous ne sommes pas des personages, ou des characteres… nous sommes des histoires. Un paysage, une certaine lumiere, un crepuscule, un aube, une rencontre, un au revoire, un entretient, un malentendu, un moment d’amour fou… On se reconnait dans une de ses histoires qui nous decrit.

All the Israeli settlements, paid for by the USA taxpayers, would ultimately shelter the returning Palestinians to their home land, once Israel foolishly undertake another pre-emptive war.

Something has to give in Venezuela: the people will decide who is the constitutional President and the other one will be judged as traitor and executed

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” Thus, do you due diligence to shorten your comfort zones periods and have the 8 lives of a cat?

The Neo-Zionists “strategic centers” in USA are running Israel society: The are no good options for Israelis in order to vote “democratically”. Israel is pressured to keep in a state of constant war and to increase its apartheid laws

Justin Trudeau, PM of Canada: You cannot rely on world Zionism to get you out of this morass of tampering with the justice. You cannot forget the plights of Palestinians and let it believe that you are a “human rights” activist

And you start reading biographies of these old crooks (Old money) who “whitened their highway-robbery schemes” decades ago, and how their inheritors legitimately resumed the same crooked behavior:  They were elected to political offices and they finance election campaigns, and fund lobbies for special interest laws.

You feel that there are no serious institutions in Lebanon: No serious statistics about all the various refugees in Lebanon. It all depends on perspective and political short-term exigencies: Palestinian refugee numbers can oscillate between 200,000 to 500,000. Syrian refugees numbers vary from one million to 2 million: a matter of perspective and what the UN wants us to consider as accurate.

The Vatican begins a crucial summit on clergy sexual abuse, on children and on clerical “sisters”. What do you expect? if the “sisters” wash the male priests’ clothes, underwear, cook their meal, tend to their daily comfort… sooner or later she will be asked to share his bed. Allow temporary marriage contracts: old age will resolve chastity.

Many would like to hear: Hezbollah should focus more on financial abuses “fassaad” in Lebanon and much less on state of affairs in the neighboring countries. I say: the two options must go hand in hand: fassaad Loubnan min fassaad al douwal al mou7itat

Temporary marriage contracts: Sigheh and city of Mashhad (Iran)

The author of “Walk on my eyes; welcome” wrote:

“I interviewed Samaneh, a 52 year-old woman theologian teaching in the Iranian city of Mashhad.  All the main streets in Mashhad converge to the mausoleum of Imam Rida.

The Moslem Shias sect believe that Caliph Al Maamoun assassinated Rida by poisoning around 850 AC.  Mashhad receives 20 million pilgrims (visitors of Holy places) every year (twice greater than pilgrims heading to Mecca).  Actually, most pilgrims to Mashhad combine sincere prayers with sexual pleasures:  Mashhad is renown to be the city where prostitutes flock to in Iran.  Those who can afford it contract out temporary marriage or sigheh for the duration.

I asked Samaneh: “How can you reconcile this liberty of sexual conditions in Mashhad and the observed requirements in the Koran?”  Samaneh replied:

“Islam seeks happiness for its believers.  The sigheh is a real marriage with a contract defining the conditions and amount of money paid to the wife for a duration.  In the sigheh, the man and the woman are officially married.  This contract satisfies the basic needs for feeling happy, complete, and finding peace of mind until permanent marriages are feasible.”

Samaneh resumed: “Sigheh existed during the Prophet Muhammad’s period until the second caliph Omar banned this tradition.  Caliph Ali re-instituted the sigheh contract saying: “When wives are sick or when the husbands cannot wait longer than 5 years for sexual satisfaction then sigheh is better than committing sin.”

Samaneh continued: “In general, it is the divorced women and those who lost their husbands who ask for sigheh because it is not easy to remarry permanently after the first marriage.  Virgin girls have to get the permission from the father, grandfather, or one of the brothers.”

I asked Samaneh: “Iranian Nobel laureate Shirin Abadi is demanding equal parts in inheritance because it is not fair that boys get twice the girls.”  Samaneh replied:

“Shirin has her ideas.  Personally I agree to equal shares:  Women have demonstrated to be better money managers than men.”

I asked Samaneh: “Shirin demands that the courts should accept a woman testimony as valid as man (the custom in Iran is that testimonies of two women equal one man’s testimony; In Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed to testify, period)”

Samaneh answered: “I once visited a prison and the men convicts cried sincerely telling me their stories as innocent men.  I believed that they were innocent until the ward showed me their documents.  Consequently, women are too emotional to testifying rationally in serious situations.”

I am currently reading “Three cups of tea” and the author mentioned that a Pakistani/Balti entrepreneur in Baltistan province (North Pakistan), who supplies European alpinists (mountain climbers), contract out several sigheh “zawaj Mout3a” each season with the foreign girls.

Note 1:  Sigheh is catching up in Sunni Moslem States thanks to the Saudis.  Egypt has been agreeing to contracting out temporary marriage since the establishment of the Saudi Kingdom:  The Saudi princes and the middle class in Saudi Arabia have increased their touristic trips to Egypt for easy, affordable, and lenient sexual pleasures.

The Saudi middle class cannot afford to marry 4 wives because they cannot afford equitable conditions for all wives. Thus, they seek new adventures out of borders, preferably with virgin child girls.  The Saudi royal family members prefer young boys when they travel for a change of 4 wives.

Syria is catching up on sigheh contracts since Iranians and Saudis are touring Syria more frequently than before.

Note 2:  The abridged interview and accounts are translated from the French book “Walk on my eyes; welcome” by Serge Michel and Paolo Woods.

Note 3: Are you aware of the legalized religious prostitution of one-hour sigheh contracts?

Sigheh: Temporary marriage contracts

Mohsen married twice by temporary marriage contracts called sigheh in Iran and “zawaj mut3a” in Arabic.

Virgin girls cannot marry sigheh without prior permission from the father, grandfather, or a brother.  Mohsen married with two divorced women.

The first time, one of the friends of Mohsen asked him to marry sigheh one of his sisters who got just divorced.  Mohsen got angry:  the friendship will be altered once he becomes brother-in-law.  Then, the father of his friend called Mohsen to consider marrying sigheh his divorced beautiful daughter.  The contract was for 6 months that can be renewed for another 6 months if the parties matched.

In Iran, the people who marry sigheh are not in any obligation of revealing the new co-habitation situation:  Mohsen lived in the city of Mashhad since Mohsen’s parents were living in Teheran, and they were not informed.  Since Mohsen had no apartment, he shared a room at his “in-laws” with his wife.

The only obligation was for Mohsen to dine on Friday’s nights with his in-laws.  Mohsen got used to joining his new family around the “sofreh” eating on the floor over a white cover.

Well, a cousin of his wife landed from the Netherlands and she decided to marry her cousin and not renew the sigheh after 18 months of temporary marriage.  Mohsen could not eat for an entire month and was depressed.

One day, a friend bought tickets for a bus trip to the Caspian Sea, north of Iran.  Since they could not join their girl friends on the bus, they decided to marry sigheh. The registration office of the contract was helpful and inscribed the marriage on their ID (giving the illusion that the marriage is permanent) so that they could get joint rooms in hotels.

Mohsen fell in love with his new wife and got very chatty and recounted their troublesome lives.  His wife says with a smile: “I don’t want to have more children.  Mohsen wants children.  Thus, I won’t be able to marry him permanently.  Anyway, Mohsen has better opportunities than me to building a stable family life.”

Note 1:  Permanent marriages in Iran are costly.  First, there are not enough apartments to rent. Second, the dowry fixed by the Koran is currently equivalent to $7,000 in Iran (100 camels, or 200 cows, or 1,000 head of sheep)

Note 2:  The abridged interview and accounts are translated from the French book “Walk on my eyes; welcome” by Serge Michel and Paolo Woods.




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