Adonis Diaries

A few comments. This unbelievable military intifada of the Palestinians in Gaza: Reclaiming Israeli settlements on their land around Gaza.

Posted on: October 14, 2023

The pseudo-State of monarchic Jordan is the main base for USA and the western colonial powers for transferring Zionist mercenaries and weapons into Israel. This created State by Britain a decade before the creation of Israel was meant to protect the Zionist State. Jordan has 700 km with Palestine, and more than 80% of its population are displaced Palestinians, it is the easiest and quickest border to defeat Israel and reclaim the occupied land and settlements.

What is your opinion on governments and “leaders” who watch a genocide in progress on Gaza for 5 days and nights and still manage to assert “Israel has the right to defend itself”?

Since Sunday, Israel is still air bombing Gaza with all the heavy bombs it acquired from USA, about 2,000 tons, more than 5 times what it dropped on 33 days on Lebanon in 2006 and using phosphoric munitions. Israel demolished over 25,000 homes so far and most of the skyscrapers, hospitals and infrastructure… A destruction that surpassed the earthquakes on Turkey and Syria. 500,000 Palestinians have fled to southern Gaza and most casualties are still under the rubbles. The dead Palestinians have surpassed 4,000 and the injured over 8,000.

Today, Israel ordered 1 million Palestinians in north Gaza to move to its southern part within 24 hours, on account of freely demolishing the norther part with agreement with the USA administration. Many organizations voiced that this order is Not feasible.

Palestinians in Gaza are stubbornly experiencing this ruthless furnace amid the Non action of this world governments. No hospitals, no water, no electricity and no food stuff.

Roald Dahl wrote: “The invading Israelis killed 22,000 civilians when they bombed besieged Beirut. It was very much hushed up in the newspapers because they are primarily Jewish-owned. I’m certainly anti-Israeli and I’ve become anti-semitic,”

The utmost demonstration of people who have No shame: posting vacation video, partying and puny celebrations when thousands are displaced and being slaughtered in Gaza.

The “Lebanese Resistance” and Syria had the means to refrain the Zionist organization in Israel from carrying out the genocide bombardment on Gaza. They preferred to stick to outdated rules of engagement.

Many parties will soon pay for their failure to allow the genocide on the Palestinians in Gaza to resume and progress. Including this monarchic pseudo-State of Jordan.

For an entire year, thousands of Palestinians in Gaza converged on Fridays to the “demarcation line” peacefully reclaiming their rights to return to their former villages and be shot at by snippers. For example: 7 Palestinian martyrs fell by live snipers bullets this 31st Friday March of Return to Homeland on the dividing line with Gaza.

Rashid Khalidi: “No country on Earth that shot thousands of people on the other side of its border (apartheid Israel), is in a situation none of its own citizens were hurt…would be free of condemnation in the United Nations”

Gaza was demolished in 2014 and as many Palestinians died and were injured without any serious responses from governments. This time around, it is the people in all countries who will remind governments that a resolution has to be executed to give the Palestinians all their rights for an international autonomous entity.

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