Adonis Diaries

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dans Bioéthique, Santé et Science — par Pierre-Alain Depauw — 4 mai 2024

Le Premier ministre slovaque Robert Fico et le parlement slovaque parlent ouvertement de la « conspiration von der Leyen-Pfizer », le contrat controversé entre la Commission européenne et le géant pharmaceutique.

L’accord oblige la Slovaquie – comme tous les autres pays de l’UE – à transférer des millions d’euros à Pfizer d’ici 2026.

Il n’y a, a priori, pas d’échappatoire. Mais en raison du changement de gouvernement dans le pays, l’accord est au moins discuté et la nouvelle majorité gouvernementale essaie de trouver un moyen d’en sortir.

Des doses de “vaccin” inutiles, des millions d’euros perdus et des victimes par milliers

C’est peut-être la première fois qu’un chef de gouvernement s’exprime aussi ouvertement sur ce sujet. Devant le parlement slovaque, il est fait état de plus de 20, 000 victimes de la vaccination contre le Covid.

Et bien que, même dans le discours dominant, plus rien ne justifie que les États-nations aient encore besoin de doses de vaccin, ils sont obligés de continuer à acheter d’énormes quantités de fioles de Pfizer.

Robert Fico a déclaré :

« Bien que la Slovaquie n’ait pas eu besoin d’une seule dose de ce vaccin pour 2022, elle a reçu 6 millions de doses supplémentaires pour 151 millions d’euros. »

« En août 2023, 3,8 millions de vaccins stockés en Slovaquie auraient expiré.

Mais le fabricant (c’est-à-dire Pfizer, ndlr) a ensuite prolongé la date de péremption sans autre forme de procès – (une pratique qui a déjà été vue à de nombreuses reprises, ndlr) – jusqu’au printemps 2024. »

Le ministère slovaque des Finances reconnaît aujourd’hui que le pays a subi des dommages financiers considérables, ce qui aurait été impensable sous le précédent gouvernement gouvernement.

Reprenant les termes du Centre d’audit, le ministre a été clair : « Nous avons souligné le danger que d’importants fonds publics soient utilisés pour acheter des vaccins contre le Covid-19, dont la Slovaquie n’a en fait pas besoin. »

Le Premier ministre slovaque a parlé non seulement des enquêtes contre Ursula von der Leyen et la Commission européenne – un fait trop souvent dissimulé dans les grands médias – mais aussi des victimes de la vaccination et du traitement du Covid :

« Quelqu’un a gagné beaucoup d’argent. Et comme si cela ne suffisait pas, 20 000 personnes ont également été tuées. »

Pierre-Alain Depauw

China is hoarding the gold market with accumulated trillions of $. As the USA hysterically print $, China buys gold. As the USA adopt restrictions in printing $, China buy $.

Russia is currently the major producer of gold. When Russia needs liquidity, it sells gold to China in Yuan and $. The Yuan is meant to pay the millions of Chinese working in Russia provinces.

Russia also sells gold to India, but it does Not care for Rupees.

The USA invaded Iraq to get hold of its huge gold reserve when Saddam refused the deal as Saudi Kingdom agreed with the USA in order to secure the monarchy successions, kind of refusing to sell oil but in $.

USA de-throned Qhadafi to grab Libya huge gold reserve.

Algeria civil unrest by the extremist Islamists was stopped by Bouteflika relinquishing part of its gold reserve.

The USA had an eye on Syria gold reserve, but Syria refused the deal since the USA had no basis to launch another military campaign against Syria.

The USA launched a civil unrest in Syria by sending in extremist Daesh and Al Nusra. Syria responded by relinquishing part of its gold reserve so that Russia installs a maritime base in Syria and help the Syrian army recover key cities, such as Aleppo and Hama, in order for the regime to preserve a semblance of a State.

Once the gold reserve in Syria dwindled, Russia desisted from any material support and “investment”.

The cheaper Iranians had to fill the gap where the Syrian army was unable to keep.

There is a change in venue with the Syrian regime:

Since Russia is unable to invest and turn around the western sanctions on its economy and finance;

And since Iran is in a worse condition to remedy to the economic instability in Syria;

And since the USA realized that Israel is a major liability, becoming a total liability after the genocide in Gaza, with no economic return whatsoever since USA has many military bases in all the Middle-East;

And since Israel does Not weigh much compared to Syria in rich minerals and skilled hard-working forcethen a “rapprochement” with Syria is badly needed at this junction.

When Russia media start proclaiming that Syria is leaning more toward the western world…it is expressing its resentment for its incapacity to compete.

Iran also had taken notice that the regime in Syria is Not viewing its presence as an alternative to the western economic “might”. The successive and frequent Israeli/USA jet attacks on Syria and the ease with which is targeting Iranian and Hezbollah high officials is meaningful.

France robbed Mali of its gold production (France has the 4th largest gold reserve) and amassed huge gold reserve and uranium extraction for nothing significant in return.

Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger …decided to replace France and USA with Russia Vagner group that basically are for the gold production.

I would Not be surprised if Trump is re-elected President to put the squeeze on Macron to part with some gold reserve, given that France is a chaotic condition at many levels and lost its autonomy by re-joining NATO alliance.

Note 1: Lebanon President Elias Sarkis accumulated gold in the Central Bank as the civil war had started in 1975. During President Amine Gemayel, the USA put the squeeze to part from major part of gold reserve in return to keep him President and a few scraps of tanks and helicopters (Puna) that the army did Not need or could maintain. The $ that was worth 3 LP shot to a $ for 3,000LP overnight. And Lebanese citizens stared to face the worst currency hardship since then.

Note 2: The Euro has been much overvalued for decades and the citizens of the EU are paying a tax for that overvalued currency. Germany is the sole winner because it “prints” the Euro and it is undervalued compared to the previous Mark.

Note 3: Lebanon Hezbollah knows the predicament of the Syrian regime, but it prefers to deal with a known entity than with a chaotic alternative. The USA knows that Hezbollah is a key player in the region and needs and wants to negotiate with this organization. The cooperation of Hezbollah can resolve many corny issues at this junction and ending this genocide in progress on Palestinians is related to satisfying Hezbollah.

Note: It seems that this new Antisemitism Awareness Act was Not explicitly posted in this article.

By Joachim Hagopian

Global Research, May 03, 2024

On Wednesday May 1st, the House overwhelmingly passed the Antisemitism Awareness Act by a 320-91 vote, with only 21 Republicans joined by 70 Democrats against it.

Expanding the scope of what is legally considered antisemitism, this is another bipartisan uniparty trap to ensnare the thousands of protesters exercising their free speech against the apartheid Israel’s extermination of Palestinians, in effect criminalizing those that are critical of the genocide.

This piece of legislation is a betrayal of our First Amendment rights and a betrayal of the American people, and a testimonial how AIPAC Israel through bribery and blackmail have turned our constitutional republic into a totalitarian technocratic police state.

Foreign national influence is outlawed in the United States except with one exception, the American Israel Political Action Committee (AIPAC) that allows Zionist Israel money and bribery control to essentially own the treasonous US Congress.

Through intelligence agencies Mossad, CIA and MI6 in addition to AIPAC, US politicians are systemically coerced, bribed and blackmailed into unconditional support for Israel.

As Tucker Carlson admitted recently to Joe Rogan, politicians are afraid to Not vote in line with these intimidation tactics imposed by foreign agent operatives, that threaten kiddie porn on their computers or truth exposing pedo-blackmail activity, to ensure that Zionist Israel always gets what it wants with total impunity.

With this kind of captured control over politicians, and now with this latest antisemitism law, dare criticize Israel or Zionism or Jewish power, it can now get us locked up under antisemitic hate speech.

Zionist bloodline moneychangers like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers would not want it any other way.

A Thursday May 2nd Truthout article states:

House lawmakers voted overwhelmingly Wednesday to approve legislation directing the U.S. Department of Education to consider a dubious definition of antisemitism, despite warnings from Jewish-led groups that the measure speciously conflates legitimate criticism of the Israeli government with bigotry against Jewish people.

Uniparty Republicans and Democrats passing this new antisemitism bill destroying US Constitution’s First Amendment that guarantees our citizens’ free speech rights, confirms that US Congress panders and grovels in submission to their master Zionist Jewish State and its bloodline master founding owner, the Rothschild banking cartel. America’s uniparty is owned and operated by foreign agent AIPAC Israel.

Again, look at what inexhaustible lengths our Congress goes to, to protect the rights, security and safety of Jews, while Palestinian Arabs are brutally massacred daily and American citizens’ disappearing constitutional rights, our safety and national security are blatantly trampled upon.

Only the apparent “chosen ones” receive preferential legal protection under bipartisan US law, while all the rest of us members of the human race, to Israel and US Congress, are all Palestinians in the genocidal crosshairs of our common Zionist Darkside enemy.

My article on Global Research last week is titled “In Defense of Genocide and War on ‘Antisemitism’, There Go Our Constitutional Liberties.” I cite the increasing number anti-hate speech laws grossly conflating criticism of Israeli genocide with antisemitism conveniently misused to falsely justify criminalizing and silencing our fundamental First Amendment rights of free speech, including the right to assemble for peaceful protest. 

Image: Rep. Thomas Massie (Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)


On Saturday April 27th, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) called out his colleagues over this very same issue:

Some of my colleagues are introducing legislation to create federally sanctioned ‘antisemitism monitors’ at colleges. I’ll vote No. Policing speech, religion, and assembly is not the role of the federal government. In fact, it’s expressly prohibited by the U.S. Constitution.

In a related news story illustrating how the will of Zionist Israel controlling America through AIPAC bribery and Anti-Defamation League (ADL) as Israel’s thuggish enforcer, they bought and sold US Congress completely abandoned the will of the American people demanding that the recently passed FISA law be stopped or amended.

The ADL/Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations actively lobbied Congress emphasizing the FISA renewal was necessary to keep Israel, Jews in the US and all Americans safe from terrorism.

The need for spying without warrant on anti-Israel/pro-Palestinian protesters was used to sell the FISA law’s passage as the biggest domestic surveillance legislation since the subversive Patriot Act. The alleged “rise of antisemitism” events in America hyped artificially by the mainstream media also helped pass the law during the current wave of college campus pro-Palestine protests.

ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt is attempting to create a legal framework whereby pro-Palestine protesters are charged with providing material support to the designated foreign terrorist organization Hamas.

This move along with inciting antisemitic hate speech are the legal angles currently in process to violate and eliminate our First Amendment free speech rights that includes the right to protest. The mass arrests of hundreds of peaceful student protesters across US campuses is part of this unconstitutional dystopian agenda.

ASL’s Greenblatt showed up at the Columbia University campus calling for the NYPD and/or National Guard to arrest and expel “student agitators” in order to assure the public safety and civil rights of Jewish students since Columbia administration’s response was deemed too lax.

And as my article alluded to, hundreds of protesters exercising their legal constitutional rights were illegally incarcerated across multiple campuses nationwide. Again, we are rapidly in tyrannical freefall descent towards the Soviet Gulag era.

It seems what Israel, AIPAC and ADL Zionists want, Israel, AIPAC and ADL Zionists get.

In Defense of Genocide and War on ‘Antisemitism’, There Go Our Constitutional Liberties

The anti-Israel genocide/pro-Palestinian saga has continued for several weeks across numerous college campuses. On Tuesday April 30th, at where demonstrations first started at Columbia University, and also now at City College of New York (CCNY) in New York City, a large NYPD contingent cracked heads in its crackdown on protesters, arresting hundreds of students sick and tired of Bibi the Butcher’s wholesale slaughter of an entire people, fully protected by the US and the globalist powerbrokers.

Additionally, violence broke out at UCLA in Los Angeles late Tuesday night April 30th, when an armed pro-Israel mob of agitators assaulted assembled peaceful anti-Israel protesters.

The Mockingbird controlled Mainstream Press described the scene of the two opposing camps as “clashing” with each other. But this was not true.

Up to 100 pro-Israel agitators dressed in black fired fireworks projectiles into the crowd of protesters, reportedly injuring some. Law enforcement showed up late and appeared to allow the attack.

The following night on Wednesday May 1st, in militarized police state riot gear a show of force army was dispatched including LAPD, California Highway Patrol, LA County Sheriffs and UCLA campus police.

In their demands for immediate ceasefire to the Gaza genocide and divestment of all university funds to Israel that support, enable and condone the Israeli genocide, in addition to the campus encampments, recently protesters are taking over university buildings, a flashback to the past anti-Vietnam War days.

Just as the antiwar activists of over a half century ago were morally vindicated acting in protest on the right side of history, despite being beaten and abused by law enforcement for years, similarly, the vast majority of peaceful protesters today are also being manhandled and unlawfully arrested, and again they too are on the right side of history.

Genocide is wrong and the perpetrating offender nation must be brought to justice. 

The federal police state in today’s America, largely trained by in Israel by the Israeli Defense Force, is aggressively being mobilized to suppress this current wave of this peaceful protest movement.

Student protesters are in some cases being beaten and falsely arrested, but also suspended and some expelled from school.

Many college administrations are actually shooting themselves in the foot, since in recent times, colleges have seen significant drops in enrollment, and some of these higher educational institutions cannot afford to lose their high-cost tuition revenue stream.

But as I mentioned in my article last week, this mass protest as an anti-genocide movement has been co-opted and infiltrated by George Soros paid activists and agitators, clearly intent on discrediting the protesters, inviting coordinated police state crackdowns nationwide, making peaceful assembly protest in America increasingly against the law.

The thugs that attacked protesters at UCLA fall into this category.

The anti-Israel movement has largely been negatively slanted by the mainstream press. Thus, anti-Zionism equates to antisemitism.

The media purposefully downplays the murderous Israeli atrocities while hyping up the “antisemitic” protesters as hateful and violent toward victimized Jewish students.

False headlines like “Jewish student stabbed in the eye” is really no different from Hamas militants on October 7th “chopping off the heads of babies” and raping droves of Israeli women and girls, all later proven to be fabricated fake news propaganda.

The Gen-Z demonstrating on college campuses are often portrayed as pro-Hamas terrorist supporters, and a criminal threat to society.

Don’t be fooled by these lies and falsehood used to usher in hate speech antisemitic laws. Meanwhile, last week’s story of nearly (600 Palestinians with hands tied behind back were assassinated in 4 mass graves so far around the demolished and invested hospitals) at Gaza’s hospitals is quickly buried and largely swept under the rug.

Again, this hybrid war is between truth and lies, good and evil, human rights and tyranny, life and death. Take your pick.

All this is so predictable because we’ve seen this movie rerun many times before. This long-planned unfolding scenario today becomes the current fascist Marxist totalitarian regime’s excuse to throw out America’s free speech First Amendment rights as our God-given fundamental human liberties, guaranteed by our Founding Fathers’ Constitution as a constitutional republic.

The brand-new antisemitism law passed on Wednesday May 1st and last week Congress legislating a ban against TikTok has drawn criticism not only as a free speech violation for 170 million TikTok users in the US, but also to ban dissent against Israeli genocide.

The bill was heavily backed and lobbied by strong support from both ADL and Jewish Federations of North America. In the face of mounting evidence of genocide and the International Criminal Court’s investigation of genocide, at the end of March the US just sent another batch of fresh one ton and 500 pound bombs as part of Israel’s $3.8 billion annual military aid.

But that cash cow giveaway also included a longstanding provision limiting aid to the West Bank’s governing body, the Palestinian Authority, specifying:

If Palestinians initiate an International Criminal Court (ICC) judicially authorized investigation, or actively supports an investigation, that subjects Israeli nationals to an investigation for alleged crimes against Palestinians.

This clearly shows how under threat of withholding Palestinian aid and starvation, the US government insidiously shields Israel from all criminal accountability under the auspices of the UN’s International Criminal Court while sending yet more bombs.

This is the same court that “Bibi the Butcher Netanyahu just asked Biden to intercede on his behalf to prevent ICC from issuing Netanyahu and his government an arrest warrant for genocidal war crimes.

Then last Wednesday April 24th, Biden signed into law an aid package passed by the House by a 366-58 margin, rewarding Israel another whopping $26.4 billion for its heinous genocide, on top of passing a law the same day banning TikTok in the US and now this week’s antisemitism act.

These laws are all over-the-top pro-Israel, pro-genocide, in total defiance of the will of the American people, overriding their constitutional right to freely criticize this Jewish rogue State that enjoys complete immunity from prosecution for its flagrant violations of international law.

This jam-packed pro-Israel legislation within seven days of each other reminds America and world the US government works far more on behalf of Israel than it does America.

Moreover, it’s an overtly dangerous indication that the US federal government is aggressively silencing and outlawing Americans’ right to dissent, protest and exercise free speech, while condoning and protecting Israeli genocide and war crime atrocities in favor of unconstitutional censorship, suppression and unlawful criminalization.

All Americans should be joining the college students in mass protests against our own government’s all too obvious treasonous betrayal in addition to the genocide.

We the People need to hold both the Israeli government as well as the US government to account for their appallingly egregious, thus far unprosecuted crimes.

The US and Israel should not be above the law, but if no court, agency or organization with the legal, political and economic will, clout and teeth is in place to hold them accountable, then they can and still will get away with murder and genocide.

With the geopolitical and economic power dynamics shifting currently from unipolar kingpin America led Western bloc to the multipolar Global South nation majority led by Eastern powers Russia and China, gradually the international community is in a position to effectively hold them and in fact, any nation that flagrantly violates international law accountable.

Other nations are gradually becoming more empowered and assertive enough to be openly critical of the US hegemon, for the first time able to exercise their voice autonomously without fearing US sanctions, regime change or invasion.

For example, at least on a rotational basis, members outside the five permanent UN Security Council nations are now included. A number of new members have been welcomed into the expanding BRICS economic and strategic alliance as a competing alternative to Western G20 dominance and new gold back currency, surpassing G20 in both GDP holding over half the world population.

Perhaps in compensation, the African Union is now a permanent member of G20. All these recent changes reflect the global balance of power moving away from US/Western hegemony towards a multipolar world plurality.

Whether these two pariah nations, US and Israel, can finally be held accountable as Russia and China ascend to global leadership roles in this polarizing multipolar world remains to be seen.

Clearly, provocation by the globalist controlled Western bloc currently with its strength rapidly waning both economically and geopolitically, is undergoing militarized mobilization, seemingly instigating at the elite’s behest, an insane World War III against the Eastern bloc of nations.

The Eastern axis, comprised of Russia, China, Iran and North Korea, with either neutral or tacit support from the Global South majority, if the approaching world war remains short of strategic nuclear exchange, the Eastern powers will decisively defeat the West.

This destructive outcome appears to be the deliberate intention of the globalists, to destroy the West through drastic depopulation, and with only a half to one million survivors left on earth, the bloodline elites hope to attain their coveted totalitarian technocratic one world government wielding absolute power and control.

Meanwhile, the polarizing pathway now in process has the South American nation Colombia taking the lead after South Africa in recent months presented its evidence of Israel genocide to the International Court of Justice, which largely deferred the case.

But On Wednesday May 1st, this ongoing, near 7-month Gaza genocide compelled Colombian President Gustavo Petro to announce that his country is severing its diplomatic ties with Israel. Hopefully many more nations will follow suit. President Petro declared:

Here, in front of you… as the president of the republic, I announce that tomorrow, on May 2, we will break off diplomatic relations with Israel for having a genocidal government. A time of genocide, of an extermination of an entire nation before our eyes, cannot return… If Palestine dies, humanity dies.


Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate, former Army officer and author of “Don’t Let the Bastards Getcha Down” exposing a faulty US military leadership system based on ticket punching up the seniority ladder, invariably weeding out the best and brightest, leaving mediocrity and order followers rising to the top as politician-bureaucrat generals designated to lose every modern US war by elite design.

After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In Los Angeles he found himself battling the largest county child protective services in the nation within America’s thoroughly broken and corrupt child welfare system.

The experience in both the military and child welfare system prepared him well as a researcher and independent journalist, exposing the evils of Big Pharma and how the Rockefeller controlled medical and psychiatric system inflict more harm than good, case in point, the pandemic hoax and kill shot genocide.

As an independent journalist for the last decade, Joachim has written hundreds of articles for many news sites, including Global and currently https// and

As a published author of a 5-book volume series entitled Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State, Joachim’s books and chapters are Amazon bestsellers in child advocacy and human rights categories. His A-Z sourcebook series fully document and expose the global pedophilia scourge and remain available free at contents/. Joachim also hosts the weekly Revolution Radio broadcast “Cabal Empire Exposed” on Friday morning at 7AM EST (ID: revradio, password: rocks!).

The head of the Melchite Greek Catholic Church in the USA declared:

“This is clear to us; the concept of the Promised Land cannot be used as the base for justifications of the return of the Jews to Israel and displacement and expulsion of 4 million Palestinians of their land where they lived for 1600 years.

It is a political question, but the justification of Israel’s occupation of the land of Palestine. cannot be based on sacred scripture directed to Palestine for justification of the return of the Jews to Israel.”

I received an email, without reference to any sources, the following:

The Vatican called for a synod of the heads of the clergies for a special two-week session.

The synod called for the cessation of Israel occupation of Palestinian land and decaled that Israel has no basis to return to Palestine.

The session demanded Not to use the Ancient Testament in this political cause.

I conjecture that these declarations are meant for internal distribution and Not for public attention.

Actually, the Catholic Church in the USA has been making a drastic retour to its old conservative theology, practices in mass, communion, speeches, songs, liturgy and “traditional values”…

Those clergy that adopted “progressive” positions and practices for 40 years have died, dying or gone into retirement. The new clergy is clearly moving toward adopting the old conservative trends.

Apparently, the Vatican take serious notice for the trends in the USA and act accordingly.

Note 1: There are No religions: just political sects with tacit material purposes. In the ancient world, there was a Unified religion, based on observing nature and the environment, devoid of abstract concepts. A traveler could select a temple of the demi-god of his interest, pray with no string attached.

Many City-States and empires changed names of demi-god to match their main “identity”, but they all had the same story and concept.

Note 2:

In 1940, leader Antoun Saadi published an article in Argentina lambasting the Vatican for being taken hostage by the Zionist movement and being pressured by the USA for refraining to support the upheavals in Latin America for the onslaught of USA capitalist multinationals in that continent.

During Pope Pius 12 in WW2, the Vatican proclaimed the absolution of the Jews in crucifying Jesus Christ and looking positively to the “return” of the Jews to Palestine…and was forced to relax most of its conservative theological precepts and to loosen its positions so that the image converts into a so-called “progressive” attitude.

Anaïs Nin

You live sheltered, in a
delicate world, and you believe
you are living.

You read a book; you take a trip…
and you discover that you are not living,
that you were hibernating.

The symptoms of hibernating are
easily detectable
first, restlessness.

The second symptom is absence of pleasure.
(This hibernating condition
becomes dangerous and might
degenerate into death)

That is all.

It appears like an innocuous illness.
Monotony, boredom, death.

Millions live like this (or die like this)
without knowing it.

They work in offices.
They drive a car.
They picnic with their families.
They raise children.

And then some shock treatment
takes place, a person, a book, a song,
and it awakens them and saves them
from death.

Some never awaken.

Every time the tree works the leaves dream

By: Frank Stanford

Do not look sadly at days gone by
days below days like a river running under the stars
Do not listen to the blues
or speak often with priests
Do not think the rich women enrolled in the college of nightfall
will always smell the same way

Every time the tree works the leaves dream

Every time I carve the dead wing my name
in the dark lamp of the outhouse
I said everytime I cut my name
in the old wood rotten as a tugboat
I know I am always with you

Every time the schoolboy’s bad moon
dowses blood from the virgin’s stone thighs
I know I am handsome and young and drunk
eternal as a weed

It will not smell the same.

Every time I open a bottle of wine
and see a snake doctor under my bed
I know there is something coming and eternal
like taking off a white coat over the body of the dead

Poets have done this before
Poets have made love and gathered at the cheap joints
they’ve cut their fingers toasting one another’s death

Poets have made love
and remained thick
they’ve gotten cold feet at the crucial moments
when left alone with the students with sad eyes

Do not die in the wintertime
for there is no okra or sailboats

It will not smell the same
that twig of blood or the chiffonier

Do not listen to hunting dogs in autumn
or tie yellow flies for the small lips of desperate friends

Poets have done this before
and they’ve wandered off alone and unheard of
to bury the caul of their own stillborn

Like a voice the odor has changed

Dust under the hooves of a horse
running side by side with the fog
a book in the hands of a fool

Cheese and fish and spinsters
are the body of the poet
for the poet does not eat black bread
he gives it to the poor

Everytime a mare throws a foal in an exile’s country
I know I am with you
a gun in the hand of a fool

The poet forgets in remembrance of you
he is the lunatic’s left hand man
on Sundays the acolyte of the moon
he is night following other nights

the eyes of the blind
the stranger your wife leaves with
when you’re still talking with your youth
stowed away on the ship of death
and it will not smell the same

Everytime I see a young man
tuck his knife back in his vest
I want to say forget it and drink.

Note: He was a “swamp rat Rimbaud,” “one of the great voices of death,” and “sensitive, death-haunted, surreal, carnal, dirt-flecked and deeply Southern.”
He shot himself in 1978, just shy of his 30th birthday.

Engineering fields called Human Factors, Ergonomics, bio-mechanical modeling, safety engineer, forensic, interface designer, computer programing designer....

In many instances, you read in resume’ the term “engineering” for people who did Not earn this degree.

The term is becoming pervasive and a misnomer in the public language. For example, a janitor calls himself a cleaning engineer since he was trained to polish hardwood floors and he might be using machines and has to maintain them by cleaning and oiling the parts. Worst, he is using chemicals that are very toxic to interior environment, a location supposed to be cleaned.

A garbage collector is a sanitary engineer though on which ground he earned that prestigious degree is flimsy. At least, he should transport the garbage to a recycling industry and Not to dumps.

Any technician is an engineer since he can read drawings and execute the plan.  Actually, an engineer first course is to be able to draw plans for objects and projects and be include all the details for execution.

Mainly, the new public relation trend in the competitive job market encourage affixing “engineer” to our skills because it sounds better in society’s circles and on our resume since, logically, part of an engineer’s job description is to repair or maintain the proper functioning of machines, equipment, and systems.

Maybe the title is deceiving and might leave the impression that I am attempting to compare the technical differences among traditionally well-established engineering disciplines such as electrical, mechanical, civil, and aeronautic engineering, and the relatively new engineering disciplines such as computer, telecommunication, industrial, and human factors engineering.  

This article is actually a reminder of the purpose of an engineer, what designing should mean, and for whom products/systems are designed for.

How superior is a freshly graduating engineer compared to a trained technician in the corresponding field?  How qualified is an engineer who spent two years doing cost estimation compared to a trained technician who is still better at reading drawings, estimating the cost of his job, knowing the competing products, their specifications, and can put them together for a functioning system?  

If companies perceive the competence of a graduate engineer as incomplete or unsatisfactory for the market demands and that the best position for him in the first three years on the job is to cost estimate the material expenses for bids, then why the university does not train the engineer to cost estimate real life projects during his four-year stint within its compound?

How long a qualified engineer should be working for a company in order for management to evaluate him as eligible to be assigned a design job which should be the purpose of his university curriculum?  

I know graphic designers taking on design jobs right after graduation. So what’s the problem with the engineering curriculums?  

My contention is that engineers are not being properly trained to be designers, or the students are not getting that impression from the messages of their instructors, or the structure of the courses are not effective in conveying a behavior’s change in the engineer’s mind.

Traditional engineering disciplines have a solid, well established knowledge base through centuries of experiments, trial and error, design guidelines, and practice.  

My impression is that the fact of an existing and complete knowledge base has diverted the needs of forming scientific and experimental minds and has reduced the students to kind of a learning robots of primarily rule based knowledge and equations of inanimate phenomena. 

The computer and telecommunication engineering disciplines are still young and offer more job opportunities with training oriented to creative designs towards end users.  Moreover, the competition in advanced technology for products in the latter fields encourages the designers to build up on the “common sense” acquired from experiments and prior designs in the behavior of end users.

Although the knowledge base of human capabilities/limitations, physically and cognitively, is not an intrinsic part of the curriculum, it seems that most of the current research in psychology, marketing and human factors/ergonomics are oriented toward providing design guidelines for the computer and telecommunication engineering disciplines.   

It appears that supplementing design guidelines from non-engineering disciplines is giving a false sense of confidence in the computer’s engineering designs and thus, failing to impact with scientific and experimental minds in the complexity of human behavior for the graduate computer related engineers.

Industrial engineering should be geared toward engineering management of industries and systems. However, the curriculums emphasize on the material and inanimate phenomena in the optimization of the processes.  

Learning about inventory, layout of manufacturing facilities, material handling, production processes, and optimization models for increasing performance and minimizing costs or unwarranted parameters is fine and necessary.  

If we recognize that managing the human element of workers, operators, secretaries, and managers is the main problem in running any system, then why not face this problem upfront?  

Squeezing single lame courses in human factors and, from time to a time a course in organization or management, will not cut it and will not lead to a behavioral change in designing for people or managing workers’ problems in industries.  

Does a graduating Industrial engineer have to rely on the archaic method of trial an error for many years of training on the job before he begins to appreciate the human factors essentials? 

Is it not within the industrial engineering job description to be familiar with the difficulties facing the workers in matters like shift work, inspection, training, overtime, and turnover, or the capabilities and limitations of the workers in physical and mental abilities according to age and gender, or the safety regulations and health regulations in the workplace, or the current legal doctrine in consumer product liabilities?  

Claiming that many of these problems are the realm of other social disciplines will not prepare an industrial engineer to his job or achieve the purported goal of graduating capable engineers.

Human Factors/Ergonomic discipline realized that every artificial system or human made system that governs and organizes our modern life is fraught with errors and potential health and safety accidents that diminish the efficiency, validity, and reliability of these systems.

If a sound comprehension of the capabilities and limitations of the designers, operators, workers, and end users are not accounted for in the implementation of a system or a machine, then frequent accidents will be encoutered.

The proclaimed purpose of Human Factors engineering is to designing interfaces among the various sections of a complete system so that the targeted user may perform efficiently his task without the need to comprehend the inner technical functioning of the system.

However, the scope of designing interfaces is vast, all encompassing, and cannot rely on general design guidelines: every system has its peculiarity, its target users, and its knowledge base.  

Interfaces are varied from all kinds of displays, controls, instructions manuals, training programs, and performance aids.

Even designing formats for screens are not the same for computers, televisions, or specialized audio-visual complexes because each task or industry is different and the outcomes are changing as requirements change.

It appears that Human Factors discipline extended its reach and scope in every form of modern technological breakthroughs that it failed to catch up or specialize in well-defined systems.  

Many disciplines are offshoot of the Human Factors trends.

For examples, biomechanical theories generated many branches in the bio technology fields and drivers simulation design modeling; display, illustration, formatting, warnings…

Facilitators design guidelines generated the graphic design discipline without any theoretical foundations in perception or controlled experimentation training in its curriculum.

Concerns for the safety and health in the workplace generated safety engineering and industrial inspectors.

Human-computer interface and interactions guidelines generated computer friendly software programmers.

The fundamental concerns of Human Factors are the people within a system have generated disciplines that are focusing more on the well-being of the target users without these disciplines taking the pain of offering the requisite courses intended to familiarize and initiate the graduates to the complexity and scope of understanding the end users.

Note: I posted a version of this article in 2006. Article #46, (April 30, 2006)

Select any one of these ancient empires: Akkadian, Babylonian, Assyrian, Hittite, Persian, Egyptian… and the more recent Greek and Roman empires.

You can also select the empires since the turn of the first millennia such as Seljuk, Mogol, Tattar, Crusader campaigns, Fatimid, Ayyubid, Mameluke, and lately the Ottoman…

Compare the causes and consequences of these invasion, incursion, domination of these empires with the western colonial empires in their colonies such as the British, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Netherland, German, Belgium and the arch racist and apartheid USA.

Imagine a large community in the ancient world that experienced expansion of its population through increased breeding, where the families are unable to feed and care for the numerous children.

One of the alternatives is for the “King/Queen” of the large tribe is to constitute a “standing army” that adopt children in its midst to feed and train and use as implicit slaves when need be.

In periods of tacit “peace”, when the military forces in the adjacent empires are about equal, then the question “What to do with this expensive and useless standing army?” surge and hit the face of the oligarchy. It is useless to venture in a military campaign and end up more expensive than staying “home”.

You have several valid alternatives:

First, cut the expenses in the budget and disband parts of the army to return to their original towns. This is always a tricky decision: the disbanded commanders and their soldiers and emirs of provinces constitute “mafia” organizations to gain more autonomy in the provinces. A dangerous internal imbalance threatens to destabilize the central administration.

Second, envisage to pinpoint a weaker community close to the border and far away from the Capital of the designated “enemy empire” and send the troops to loot, pillage, take young girls as captive and young kids as potential slaves… and return with necessary funding if the province is “richer” in trade and industries.

Third, getting rid of turbulent commanders and emirs by sending them to battle “enemies” that cannot bring any riches to the invading army. If the commanders are not killed in battles, the famished army with diminished expectation in the loot will revolt and terminate their officers.

The recent colonial powers expanded the razzia tradition by settling their “overcrowding citizens” in the occupied territories.

With poor “citizens” recruited to be sent in the colonies, a racial and apartheid ideology were needed to boost their self-esteem and obey the rules and apartheid “laws” imposed on the indigenous people.

It is good enough for now, for later expansion on that article.

While the Palestinians in Gaza are ready to eat plastic, and the Zionists are throwing the dead to the dogs before digging mass graves for 300 and 700 assassinated Palestinians in Rafah with hands tied behind their back.

عرب الطناجر…

By Nabih Bourji. 2024 30 نيسان

عض أهل السلطة في بلد عربي عاتبون عليّ، لأنني لا أكتب بلغة عبدة الأوثان، ولا بلغة بببغاءات الشاشات،

وهم يرون في الضفدعة الثور، ولا بلغة الأواني الفارغة، دون أن يعني ذلك الدعوة الى جمهورية أفلاطون التي قد لا نراها حتى في العالم الآخر، وحيث “جمهورية الله”. ما من دولة في العالم أو في التاريخ، قامت على العدالة التي مثل الأفعى لا تلدغ سوى الحفاة.

حتى بعدما ظهرت

“الماغناكارتا”، أي “الشرعة الكبرى”، في أنكلترا بقرون، رأى الروائي الشهير تشارلز ديكنز أنها “كانت خطوتنا الأولى نحو الانسان”، ولم تلبث أن تعثرت. وحين كتب صديقنا دومينيك شوفاليه عن العدالة في العالم العربي، سأل اذا كان التخلف والقهر جزءاً من طقوسنا المقدسة. لا دور لنا حتى دور الذبابة، ان في البيت الأبيض أو في الكرملين، ناهيك عن أي حاضرة سياسية أخرى.

هكذا يفترض بالكاتب أو بالصحافي أن يكون في عداد نافخي القرب في حضرة البلاط، دون القول بتغيير أي نظام، لأن ذلك كمن يقول باعادة آدم الى الجنة على ظهر ناقة. ولكن على الأقل التعامل مع الرعايا كمواطنين لا كخردة بشرية،

مع اعترافنا بأن زمن الثورات قد انقضى، حتى اذا رأينا أصحاب الصرخات العارية في الشوارع، كان لحملة السواطير أن يخرجوا من الكهوف باسم الدين،  لتلقف تلك الصرخات والانتقال بها الى الزنزانة.

لو حدثت مجازر غزة في أي منطقة أخرى في العالم لاهتزت هذه المنطقة. لا شيء من ذلك هنا سوى الاحصاء اليومي للشهداء ، وسوى البكاء على القبور. الجوعى هناك يأكلون أكياس البلاستيك. في دنيا العرب، شهر رمضان الذي هو شهر الزهد والتقشف، تحوّل الى مهرجان للبطون. الطباخون جنرالات الشاشات. كان ثمة من يصفنا على المواقع “الاسرائيلية” بـ”عرب الطناجر”.

لاحظوا ذلك النوع من الخبراء الاستراتيجيين، بثقافتهم الاستراتيجية التي لا تتعدى ثقافة الماعز، وبتحليلاتهم الدونكيشوتية، كما لو أن الأنقاض لا تكفي لتتكلم،

وكما لو أن القبور لا تكفي لتتكلم. أيها السادة الخبراء، غزة تحولت الى جحيم. بأيدينا أهلنا التراب على تلك الأسطورة، التي لو ظهرت في أي مكان آخر لغيّرت مسار الأزمنة.

هنا لا ثقافة العقل ولا ثقافة القلب، ثقافة الألواح الخشبية. أين قادتنا من تلك الظاهرة البربرية حين تتواجد نووياً تحت ثيابنا؟

غريب أننا لم ندرك ما تلك “الاسرائيل”، منذ أن كانت جنازير الدبابات تسحق الجنود المصريين وهم أحياء في شبه جزيرة سيناء، وحتى القاء جثث الأطفال للكلاب في غزة.

تصوروا أن الغربان تهيّبت المشهد. لم تقترب من الجثث، وان كنا قد وصفنا بعض أركان الأوركسترا السياسية بالغربان بالياقات البيضاء.

نعلم كيف يصل أباطرة العرب الى عروشهم، وكيف يبقون على عروشهم. عادة، يحدث ذلك في الظل أو في الظلام. في لبنان، وحيث الكثير من الساسة يحترفون الللعبة البهلوانية، وبالدرجة الأولى اللعبة التلفزيونية، يسندون ظهورهم ورؤوسهم الى “اللجنة الخماسية” علّها تصنع لهم رئيساً، حتى ولو كان على شاكلة “شاهد ما شافش حاجة”.

هذا بعدما كان السفير الفرنسي الأسبق رينيه آلا قد قال “ان لبنان ينتج اللبنانيين”، كدلالة على التميّز والتألق والابداع. أي لبنانيين حين تتم تعبئتهم سياسياً وطائفياً، ليستظلوا عباءات وسراويل القناصل؟

الجانب الأكثر اثارة للسخرية في هذا السياق، البحث في المواصفات، كأن الذي يتربع سعيداً في قصر بعبدا يوليوس قيصر، وليس برتبة باشكاتب ابان العهد العثماني.

مثل العديد من أهل السلطة في غالبية الدول العربية، العاتبون أو الغاضبون، على كل من لا يجثو خشوعاً أمام تماثيل الشمع، ساستنا الأجلاّء لا يخجلون من الدوران حول “اللجنة الخماسية” التي تدور حول نفسها.

التعقيدات الدولية والاقليمية لا تتيح اجراء الاستحقاق الدستوري الآن. بالرغم من ذلك كل من الديكة يصرخ في الجموع أنا هنا. هل أنت أكثر من… دجاجة؟

ثمة عدوى غريبة أو غرائبية تضرب غالبية القادة اللبنانيين، مثلما تضرب غالبية القادة العرب. ذات يوم قال فينا وليم كريستول، وهو أحد منظّري المحافظين الجدد، “سيّان قامت “اسرائيل” أم لم تقم، لستم سوى قبائل كانت تأكل بعضها، وستبقى تأكل بعضها البعض”.

Before the Gaza “Tawafan of Aksa” was launched on October 7, the USA had detailed plans to occupy Gaza, indirectly if possible, and directly if need be.

Gaza is considered the most strategic land mass that connect Egypt (Africa) and the Middle-East, securing naval transport, and the sea has a vast potential for oil reserves.

The neighboring States, Egypt of Sisi and the pseudo-monarchy of Jordan signed on this occupation because they imagined it will resolve much of the uncertainties.

Obviously, the Gulf states were ready to fund this incursion into Gaza and the displacement of a few thousand Palestinians.

This is how a month before the Gaza Uprising, Netanyahu boasted publicly that the entire region is in the Bag, from Iraq, Saudi kingdom, Egypt, Sudan and Libya...

From the start, the USA was pressuring Israel to invade Gaza, and the upheaval decided this right-wing Zionist government to get the cruelest of revenge for the capture of a few hundred soldiers as prisoners.

Currently, USA is pressuring Israel to be ready to enter Rafah, and poured in massive weapons by the $ billions, but Israel is deadly scared of this exacting operation: It will fail with more Israeli casualties.

And the critical question for Israel will be: What now after this failed operation?

Let it be clear: the USA demand for freeing Israeli hostages with Hamas is to calm down the demands of the Israeli families, before undertaking the massive invasion of Rafah.

The port that USA is installing in Gaza is Not basically meant to hasten the food shipments to the rate of 150 trucks, but essentially for shipping well-paid mercenaries to do the dirty job in Rafah.

Mind you that already 700 Palestinians in Rafah were mass buried with their hands tied behind their back.

The massacres in Shifa hospital (over 400 buried in open fields) cannot be done but by mercenaries, like the extremists who disintegrated Syria for 10 years.

For Palestinian resistance forces to accept the restitution of all the Israeli prisoners it will need an iron-clad guarantee that the USA will Not eventually invade Rafah.

The only venue is for China to step in as a full “guarantee” partner.

Nothing less.

Jordan and Egypt are the most concerned of any operation on Rafah: both regimes will be overthrown.




May 2024

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