Adonis Diaries

Archive for March 19th, 2024

by Jonas E. Alexis, VT Editor

The New Republic published a stunning article on Gilbert Bigio, Haiti’s only billionaire oligarch, in 2022.

According to the article, he is the man who enabled “Haiti’s murderous gangs.

What the article never even remotely stated was that Bigio is Jewish, and that his son, Reuven, is “an honorary consul of Israel in Haiti,” along with other relatives.”[1] 

Bigio himself is a former consul of Israel in Haiti. The Miami Herald tells us that the Bigio “purchase of Jeffrey Epstein’s $132,000 Mercedes Maybach was buried at the end of a 418-page document accounting for the estate’s finances in the third quarter of 2020.”[2]

The New Republic stated in December 2022:

“In a stunning new development amid the smoldering crisis in Haiti, Canada has imposed stiff economic sanctions on Gilbert Bigio, who is often described as the richest man in Haiti.

The Canadian foreign ministry accused Bigio, along with two other super wealthy Haitians, of using their economic power ‘to protect and enable the illegal activities of the armed criminal gangs’ that are tearing the country apart.

For years, Haitians have said Bigio and other oligarchs are complicit in the violence strangling the nation: This year 1,448 people have been killed, with another 1,005 kidnapped for ransom.

Until now, the international community has stayed mostly silent about Haiti’s corrupt elite.

“Canada’s bold move should end the mistaken view in the outside world that the gang violence, which has brought 60% of the capital, Port-au-Prince, to a virtual standstill, is nothing but savagery contained in poor neighborhoods.

As one local online publication—the respected Ayibo Post—explained, the Bigio family’s broad economic holdings include its own recently constructed private port of Lafito, just north of the capital.

AyiboPost speculates that Canada may have information indicating that the gangs have been able to use the port to import some of the heavy weapons that are outgunning the beleaguered Haitian police.”[3]

Given all of that, you would think that The New Republic would mention something about Bigio’s Jewish background. However, it’s quite amusing to see how they wrote about it:

“The Bigio family is part of what is often called the ‘Syro-Lebanese elite’—the descendants of people who immigrated in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries from various parts of the Middle East. There are estimates that Gilbert Bigio, the 86-year-old patriarch, is worth $1 billion, although no one knows for sure.

It is a matter of public record that in 2020 he bought a Mercedes Maybach luxury auto for $132,000, quite a statement in a nation where an estimated 4.7 million people—nearly half the population—are experiencing “acute food insecurity.”

Bigio is part of the Syro-Lebanese elite, yet there is no mention of the fact that he is Jewish, or that the Mercedes he purchased was recorded in an accounting document from the estate of Jeffrey Epstein. The Miami Herald continued to say:

“Until recently, the younger Bigio appeared to be supporting a presidential comeback by Martelly.

But following the announcement of sanctions, Reuven Bigio and others in Haiti’s private sector have been meeting to come to a new accord, even agreeing to sit down with longtime business rivals over dinner to discuss Haiti’s future.”[4]

To discuss Haiti’s future?

It seems these people believe they own the country and can do whatever they want!

Again, from the Miami Herald:

“The Bigio family, like others in Haiti’s powerful economic class with a major foothold in the economy, prefers to operate behind the scenes.” (Like all elite classes)

Just like the civil rights movement, they operate behind the scenes so that the average man or woman doesn’t know that they are the ones playing with political remote control.

“But increasingly their business dealings are coming under scrutiny by an international community desperate to bring the country’s gang violence and rampant kidnappings under control, and in the process clean up Haiti’s destabilizing political arena.”[5]

In an article by the Haitian Times, we are told:

“When Haitians talk about families that run the country, the Bigios invariably come up. A new and massive global leak of secret offshore shell company documents shows just how far-reaching his empire stretches — and how the Caribbean’s wealthy elite have for decades masked their fortunes and protected their assets through offshore shell companies that point to Swiss bank accounts.

Dubbed the Pandora Papers, the leak involves more than 11.9 million documents from 14 global offshore service providers — companies or law firms that create offshore entities, often with obscure and complex ownership structures. (Mind you that many Lebanese mafia political leaders were mentioned in the Pandora Papers.)

“Collectively, the Pandora Papers show how the wealthy elite across the globe shield, even hide their fortunes. There are legitimate reasons for seeking the anonymity a shell company provides.

Secrecy can prevent a seller from jacking up the price if the buyer is a celebrity, smooth the process of a merger in the works or enable an individual to legally minimize their tax obligations. But offshore entities also can wall off revenue entirely from taxing authorities, hide stolen money and obscure illicit drug profits that can be funneled into corrupting government officials and law enforcement.”[6]

The New Republic elaborated on this issue:

“The gangs today are largely paramilitary allies of the PHTK, the political party that has dominated Haiti for the past decade with a combination of election fraud and violence. These oligarchs have a vested interest in maintaining this alliance.

A large-shop owner explained that Haiti’s elite profits from monopolizing certain strategic imports—the Bigios control steel—and so they cooperate with the ruling party to maintain that economic power.

“Haiti’s rich evade their taxes, especially import duties. What’s more, Canada directly accused Gilbert Bigio and the two others of “money-laundering and other acts of corruption.”

And one former government official told me that way back in the 1950s, the Bigios had imported Uzi submachine guns from Israel for the François ‘Papa Doc’ Duvalier dictatorship; the weapons trade may thus have already been a component of the family business model.”[7]


$280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic

Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct “aid” and $ 130B in “Offense” contracts
Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.




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