Adonis Diaries

Archive for June 14th, 2024

I read a funny story when Obama and Michelle were dinning out. The guard whispered to Michelle that the owner wants to talk to her. The owner told her that he was in love with her in the past… When Michelle was asked what would have happened if she had married him, she replied: He would have been President.

Well, funny but that is a heap of crap.

In her memoir “The Light we Carry“, she wrote that it was Obama who ventured to tell her that he is thinking of being a candidate. For weeks on, Michelle refused to give an answer of yes or no.

Although they both had to confront newness in life and changed many situations out of their comfort zones, and were competent in managing decisions, this was a dramatic change in all aspect of life.

That move would carry a lot of judgement on both of them, the family and the kids. Getting to know wider range of people, of politicians, of environment, of limiting conditions for safety reasons…

She carried this preposterous and intimidating idea around for weeks, to her office, her workouts, when tucking her 2 daughters, in every activity she had to do…

She recalled how her grandparents, from the mother side and father side, limited their lives within a few blocks, in familiar surroundings, and carried the fear of being Black from venturing outside the box.

You learn competence at an early age. When Michelle was 5-year-old, her mother (she passed away a month ago at 87), would not take her to the kindergarten a few blocks away. The mother would wait in the front lawn to catch Michelle rounding the corner. Her face would light up in relief watching Michelle make a dash to home.

Fear is physiologically potent: You can run or stand still petrified. Anxiety is more powerful in agitating your nerves, imagining how events might have gone wrong, afraid of “what could be”.

If you rationalize and believe there is no real safety danger, then go ahead and go forward: go and meet the person you admire, walk the room and make conversation…

I recall when I was 26 at the university, a group of 4 came from the city meaning to hurt a buddy of mine. He ran and locked himself in a room. I did not run: I hate to run. They relieved their frustration on me. I fought back against all of them. As I recover some of my breath, I would take the initiative to lunge at them, kicking and boxing.

I was bruised physically and emotionally: No one came to the rescue. But the 4 ran away from this crazy little man.

Note: Both candidates to the USA presidency are Not viable alternatives for many reasons that the citizens have materialized deep in their consciousness. Humanity might have a chance if they are replaced before any vote.




June 2024

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