Adonis Diaries

Archive for May 11th, 2024

dans Bioéthique, Santé et Science — par Pierre-Alain Depauw — 4 mai 2024

Le Premier ministre slovaque Robert Fico et le parlement slovaque parlent ouvertement de la « conspiration von der Leyen-Pfizer », le contrat controversé entre la Commission européenne et le géant pharmaceutique.

L’accord oblige la Slovaquie – comme tous les autres pays de l’UE – à transférer des millions d’euros à Pfizer d’ici 2026.

Il n’y a, a priori, pas d’échappatoire. Mais en raison du changement de gouvernement dans le pays, l’accord est au moins discuté et la nouvelle majorité gouvernementale essaie de trouver un moyen d’en sortir.

Des doses de “vaccin” inutiles, des millions d’euros perdus et des victimes par milliers

C’est peut-être la première fois qu’un chef de gouvernement s’exprime aussi ouvertement sur ce sujet. Devant le parlement slovaque, il est fait état de plus de 20, 000 victimes de la vaccination contre le Covid.

Et bien que, même dans le discours dominant, plus rien ne justifie que les États-nations aient encore besoin de doses de vaccin, ils sont obligés de continuer à acheter d’énormes quantités de fioles de Pfizer.

Robert Fico a déclaré :

« Bien que la Slovaquie n’ait pas eu besoin d’une seule dose de ce vaccin pour 2022, elle a reçu 6 millions de doses supplémentaires pour 151 millions d’euros. »

« En août 2023, 3,8 millions de vaccins stockés en Slovaquie auraient expiré.

Mais le fabricant (c’est-à-dire Pfizer, ndlr) a ensuite prolongé la date de péremption sans autre forme de procès – (une pratique qui a déjà été vue à de nombreuses reprises, ndlr) – jusqu’au printemps 2024. »

Le ministère slovaque des Finances reconnaît aujourd’hui que le pays a subi des dommages financiers considérables, ce qui aurait été impensable sous le précédent gouvernement gouvernement.

Reprenant les termes du Centre d’audit, le ministre a été clair : « Nous avons souligné le danger que d’importants fonds publics soient utilisés pour acheter des vaccins contre le Covid-19, dont la Slovaquie n’a en fait pas besoin. »

Le Premier ministre slovaque a parlé non seulement des enquêtes contre Ursula von der Leyen et la Commission européenne – un fait trop souvent dissimulé dans les grands médias – mais aussi des victimes de la vaccination et du traitement du Covid :

« Quelqu’un a gagné beaucoup d’argent. Et comme si cela ne suffisait pas, 20 000 personnes ont également été tuées. »

Pierre-Alain Depauw

China is hoarding the gold market with accumulated trillions of $. As the USA hysterically print $, China buys gold. As the USA adopt restrictions in printing $, China buy $.

Russia is currently the major producer of gold. When Russia needs liquidity, it sells gold to China in Yuan and $. The Yuan is meant to pay the millions of Chinese working in Russia provinces.

Russia also sells gold to India, but it does Not care for Rupees.

The USA invaded Iraq to get hold of its huge gold reserve when Saddam refused the deal as Saudi Kingdom agreed with the USA in order to secure the monarchy successions, kind of refusing to sell oil but in $.

USA de-throned Qhadafi to grab Libya huge gold reserve.

Algeria civil unrest by the extremist Islamists was stopped by Bouteflika relinquishing part of its gold reserve.

The USA had an eye on Syria gold reserve, but Syria refused the deal since the USA had no basis to launch another military campaign against Syria.

The USA launched a civil unrest in Syria by sending in extremist Daesh and Al Nusra. Syria responded by relinquishing part of its gold reserve so that Russia installs a maritime base in Syria and help the Syrian army recover key cities, such as Aleppo and Hama, in order for the regime to preserve a semblance of a State.

Once the gold reserve in Syria dwindled, Russia desisted from any material support and “investment”.

The cheaper Iranians had to fill the gap where the Syrian army was unable to keep.

There is a change in venue with the Syrian regime:

Since Russia is unable to invest and turn around the western sanctions on its economy and finance;

And since Iran is in a worse condition to remedy to the economic instability in Syria;

And since the USA realized that Israel is a major liability, becoming a total liability after the genocide in Gaza, with no economic return whatsoever since USA has many military bases in all the Middle-East;

And since Israel does Not weigh much compared to Syria in rich minerals and skilled hard-working forcethen a “rapprochement” with Syria is badly needed at this junction.

When Russia media start proclaiming that Syria is leaning more toward the western world…it is expressing its resentment for its incapacity to compete.

Iran also had taken notice that the regime in Syria is Not viewing its presence as an alternative to the western economic “might”. The successive and frequent Israeli/USA jet attacks on Syria and the ease with which is targeting Iranian and Hezbollah high officials is meaningful.

France robbed Mali of its gold production (France has the 4th largest gold reserve) and amassed huge gold reserve and uranium extraction for nothing significant in return.

Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger …decided to replace France and USA with Russia Vagner group that basically are for the gold production.

I would Not be surprised if Trump is re-elected President to put the squeeze on Macron to part with some gold reserve, given that France is a chaotic condition at many levels and lost its autonomy by re-joining NATO alliance.

Note 1: Lebanon President Elias Sarkis accumulated gold in the Central Bank as the civil war had started in 1975. During President Amine Gemayel, the USA put the squeeze to part from major part of gold reserve in return to keep him President and a few scraps of tanks and helicopters (Puna) that the army did Not need or could maintain. The $ that was worth 3 LP shot to a $ for 3,000LP overnight. And Lebanese citizens stared to face the worst currency hardship since then.

Note 2: The Euro has been much overvalued for decades and the citizens of the EU are paying a tax for that overvalued currency. Germany is the sole winner because it “prints” the Euro and it is undervalued compared to the previous Mark.

Note 3: Lebanon Hezbollah knows the predicament of the Syrian regime, but it prefers to deal with a known entity than with a chaotic alternative. The USA knows that Hezbollah is a key player in the region and needs and wants to negotiate with this organization. The cooperation of Hezbollah can resolve many corny issues at this junction and ending this genocide in progress on Palestinians is related to satisfying Hezbollah.




May 2024

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