Adonis Diaries

Archive for May 20th, 2024

Are you keeping up on how the USA artificial port in Gaza is unfolding? The pier and the vast highway that link it to the settlement of Netzarim were built on the rubble where thousands of Palestinians were buried under, and no attempts were made to unearth them.

This port is meant to avoid any land and airspace with Egypt and Jordan: added secrecy is required. The port is to bring USA and Allied western colonial troops to occupy north Gaza in the first stage.

Obviously, the Israeli settlers will Not dare return unless Hamas and resistance forces are asked to maintain the internal administration in all of Gaza.

The most urgent issue at this junction is to study and research “What ignite the process of genocide in history”?

Designing experiments and the process and procedure to conduct experiments are within scientific philosophy.

While the statistical packages (equations and statistics algorithms behind them) are within philosophy of science.

And yet the two are meshed to give the impression the analysis of the data is “scientific”.

As the number of murdered Palestinians grow to 35,000, we fail to see the numbers after the commas.

As the number of badly injured Palestinians grow to 80,000, we fail to see the numbers after the commas.

These commas are merciful.

Each time, Israel has disregarded the agreements while Hamas has lived up to them (as Israel concedes).

And then Israeli escalation elicits a Hamas response, which gives Israel another opportunity to “mow the lawn,” in its elegant phrase.

The interim periods of “quiet” (meaning one-way quiet) allow Israel to carry forward its policies of taking over whatever it values in the West Bank, leaving Palestinians in dismembered cantons.

All these frequent aggressions with crucial US support: military, economic, diplomatic and ideological, in framing the issues in accord with Israel’s basic perspective.

No barbarity or genocidal undertaking could ever surpass the Zionist apartheid colonial occupation. Especially, those white Not Jewish Zionists who committed genocide on American Indian tribes.

The worst French political leader is Napoleon. He sold the Louisiana Territory with the facilitation of the Rothchild family in London. Without that purchase, American Indian tribes would still be living in nature and with nature.

After 7 months of genocide, most governments behaved as bears:

Hibernating in their caves.

The climate is warm now. Time for a few worthy bears to show their true colors. Basta

China has its plans ready to fill the gap in Syria. It is waiting for the war in Ukraine to settles down in order Not to antagonize Russia at this junction.

The USA wants to pre-empt the entrance of China into Syria.

For that, the USA wants this genocide in Gaza to end and Israel troops to withdraw from Gaza entirely.

USA and China are willing to share what Syria has to offer: legally.

Iran Ibrahim Raissy PM and foreign minister Amir Hussein Abdel Lahyaan were flying in the so-called a “buzzer from Hell”, a USA helicopter Bell 212 made in 1968, manufactured in Italy with Canadian twin engines.

Ibrahim was very active lately, after the massive salvo of missiles on Israel, in meeting face to face on official visits many leaders who were Not very close to Iranian positions such as Pakistan, India, Azerbaijan, Saudi Kingdom, Turkey….basically countries neighboring Iran, in addition to Russia and deep pocket China

This change in diplomacy, away from the reclusive and isolated political policies of Iran, was a potent and very dangerous variation.

I conjecture that it is the foreign minister who was the main target because he initiated this variation into active diplomacy.

Someone in the helicopter was taking pictures. If a mobile was used, there is enough “intelligence” to hone on it.

This article was extracted from a Quartz issue. Written by Nathan Sanders and Bruce Schneier

Applying historian Frederick Jackson Turner’s thesis to all 250 years of American history. “The existence of an area of free land, its continuous recession, and the advance of American settlement westward, explain American development.” —“The Significance of the Frontier in American History
All the way back in 1893, at a conference in Chicago, the historian Frederick Jackson Turner introduced what’s become one of the single most influential theories of U.S. history.
Reading from a paper he’d only just finished that morning — as rumor has it — Turner argued that American history had always taken shape around an expanding “western wilderness.
Our fledgling east-coast democracy never governed this frontier, he said.

Instead, the frontier governed us, molding key institutions and our overall culture in its image. Think of a man-bites-dog joke, only with Stetsons and stallions. Turner called this his “Frontier Thesis.” Nowadays, it’s also called “frontierism” and “frontier theory.”
Turner himself disavowed monocausal thinking, while critics have decried his Eurocentric bias. Still, Turner’s thesis remains a compelling narrative of our nation’s past and a useful framework for understanding the present day.

Once you begin to conceive of U.S. history in terms of an ever-shifting frontier — be it physical, sociological, or technological — then you’ve got a framework for understanding some very complex realities.
The U.S. has always had a problem with boundaries. From the arrival of European settlers in the 17th century to the 19th-century concept of Manifest Destiny, the push westward represented an opportunity for exploration and fortune-seeking.

But this colonization came at a grave cost to indigenous peoples, erasing native territories and cultures. The Indian Removal Act of 1830, for instance, forcibly relocated thousands of Native Americans from their ancestral lands to make way for white settlement.

As the physical frontier of the American West began to close in the late 19th century with the completion of the transcontinental railroad, new frontiers emerged.

The turn of the 20th century saw the rise of industrialization and urbanization, with cities — ironically or not —representing both civilization and frontiers because they offered new opportunities and possibilities for individuals and society.

Later, the exploration of space became a new frontier of American endeavor, culminating in the Apollo 11 Moon landing in 1969. The advent of the internet in the 1990s introduced yet another frontier, revolutionizing communication and commerce.

This digital frontier continues to emerge with the rise of artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and altered reality, where deep fakes and disinformation allow for what the Stanford-based researcher Renée Di Resta calls an “Information World War.”

Today, Americans stand at the threshold of fresh frontiers, navigating the complexities of climate change and the potential of biotechnology. Like ye olde pioneers, or Captain Kirk more recently, we must confront these uncharted spaces with courage, curiosity, and a pinch of skepticism about what exactly constitutes progress.
By the digits
60%: Number of U.S college history departments teaching frontier theory by the time of Frederick Jackson Turner’s death in 1932
160: Acres of land awarded to individual homesteaders under the Homestead Act of 1862
300,000: Approximate number of people who journeyed to California to take part in the Gold Rush of 1849
$15 million: Amount the U.S. spent on the Louisiana Purchase, which doubled the size of the country
270 million: Total acres of land distributed to homesteaders as a whole under the Homestead Act
Note 1: In year 1830 “The Indian Removal Act” authorizes the forced relocation of Native American tribes from their ancestral lands in the southeastern U.S. to territories west of the Mississippi River, leading to the Trail of Tears. Native American tribes lived in these territories for more than 20,000 years.
Note 2: The worst political leader of France was Napoleon: He sold the Louisiana Territory. Worst: this purchase was facilitated by the financing of the Rothchild family in London. Without this purchase, the American Indian tribes would still exist in Nature.




May 2024

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