Adonis Diaries

Posts Tagged ‘ants

So many authors went to great length describing the life of insects (ants, bees, beavers…) and how they built perfect residences and how they sacrificed (from mankind notion) for the sake of continuation of their breed.  Invariably, these authors end up glorifying mankind and his “unique fluid of energy: Capacity for thinking!”

What is sacrificing once life for the survival of the community?  You think that there are pre-conditions to classifying a murder by “sacrifice”; first, the person must be fully conscious of his decision and with sane brain and reflecting power; and second, the person must have reached the decision voluntarily without undue pressures from his community, family, or his buddies.

Now, how could these authors and researchers communicate with insects to figure out that sacrifice was the purpose instead of brute massacres for some kind of survival?  How could these researchers figure out that there are no trained architects among the insects?  Just stating “instinct” of survival or gene structure does not cut it:  “Black boxes” in sciences are proof of total ignorance on the subject matters.

Governments would like you to believe that the millions of soldiers who died in senseless battles were sacrificing their blood and life for the other “citizens”.  Soldiers who were horded by force under law gimmicks were not martyrs.  Soldiers who volunteered under community pressures in order to saving the “honor and dignity” of the community are indeed “sacrificial” lambs.  Do you know of any voluntary soldier who was convinced that he will die?  Most probably, it is his co-arm companions who will die:  Statistics stupid!  When the turn of the volunteered soldier’s shit is to hit the ceiling in a battle then, it is too late to backtrack; he is pressed by his co-arm companions and captains to advance .  Otherwise, this volunteered conscript is to face a firing squad with all kinds of unjustified character deficiencies heaped upon him.

The high command is not that interested in the number of death: it is concerned with the number of injured soldiers.  High command needs to investigate how many soldiers committed self-inflicted injuries to avoiding front lines engagements.  Statistics of rate of injuries recommend serious investigations when higher than “normal”.

Thinking should be a constant exercise; most important before deciding on preemptive wars.  Unfortunately, thinking is not on the table; just maps, PowerPoint graphs, and the rate of return of multinationals for the razzias.

I was never been paid to communicate with insects; they are so tiny and thus, when they invade my comfort zone then I kill them.  All that I ask of insects is not to show up where they shouldn’t.  (That is exactly what superpowers do to redundant States.)  I blame those soft-hearted and cowered people who demand to save the blood sucking mosquitoes on the ground that they must have been created for the benefit of mankind; a benefit not yet discovered.  Consequently, we have to sacrifice our blood and comfort for the survival of mosquitos.

I am a mental for killing mosquitoes; I wet a short towel and then, fine tune and adjust my snapping maneuvers to guaranteeing a kill.  Yes, I get up from my couch just to go after tranquil mosquitoes.  I would love to be remembered in Guinness Books as the meanest mosquitos hand terminator.




June 2024

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