Adonis Diaries

Posts Tagged ‘Black boxes

A few of my posts on Facebook related to current Lebanon Youth Movements

Since August 22, 2015 over 11 youth are detained and tortured in the security services. 5 of them are under age juvenile.

The youth movements has acquired the name Movement of Aug 29, following the monster gathering of over 75,000 citizens who converged from all corners of Lebanon to Downtown Beirut. They were all raising the Lebanese flags. No political parties flags were present in this joyful and chanting gathering.

In context:

The garbage crisis has been dragging on for a month and the waste accumulated in mountain of trash, and the stench was suffocating the citizens in every district and street in Lebanon.

The Youth movement #YouStink (referring to the politicians and political system) gathered in front of the government Serai in Riad Solh Square on August 22, 2015 demanding a quick resolution to the garbage.

The security forces (internal, the guards of the Parliament and the army supporting the parliament guards) opened fire (live and rubber bullets) as well as gas canisters on the peaceful demonstration. The activities were shown live on local media and Lebanese started to flock from everywhere to join the marches and express their horrors.

The Internal forces retreated and the youth advanced back to the Square and set up their tents for a sleep over.

The movement gathered winds and more youth movements joined in with new slogans and goals. They occupied the ministry of the environment and a dozen started a hunger strike in front of the ministry.

The gathering on Aug 29 was a monster mass popular demonstration for the determination to weight on significant change in this rotten political system.

The Godfather of the militia leaders during the civil war and who has been Chairman of the Parliament in the last 30 years convened the party leaders in the Parliament to meet on Sept. 9 around the Table of Conversation (Tawelat 7ewar) in order to figure out a way out of this unpredicted dilemma and retain their standing power.

The youth movements, including #badnaN7asseb (We want to judge you), gathered en mass (over 75,000) around the Martyr Square and Riad Sol7. They expressed their total lack of confidence in the political system and highway robberies and felonies of the politicians.

And the movements got stronger and scheduled activities almost every day to recapture state lands that were illegally confiscated by the Real Estates Developers on the seashore of Beirut.

Note 1: Many posts are written in Arabic/Lebanese slang using Latin alphabet. Particular numbers are used by internet users to correspond to Arabic vocals not existing in Latin languages.

Note 2: You have to start from the bottom of this article in order to read chronologically this timeline

Today, Sept.15, the movement gathered in front of the ministry of finance demanding that no pay-checks be sent to the deputies for Job Not done. The employees had to be evacuated through the roof top to an adjacent building. Thus this post.

The President of Uruguay transfer all his pay-checks to the needy families in his home town and agreed to let 200 Syrian refugees to stay in his home.
In Lebanon, we have a Parliament of 128 deputies who extended their tenure for 4 more years.
Worse, they voted to increase their stipend to over $20,000. For doing absolutely nothing. They never met in the last 2 years and failed to perform on their promises: Mainly to reform the election law.
Do you know that any deputy who was elected twice will be paid for life? And his wife and children after his death?

80% of the deputies didn’t win with their own popular forces, but supported by the militia leaders.
About 20 deputies didn’t vote for the extension of their tenure, but they are still in the parliament.
How come it never occurred to those honest deputies to transfer their pay-check to the poorer families in their district, those who voted them in?
On August 22, after the internal forces shot at the youth movements with live and rubber bullets, deputy Nabil Ncoulas was so furious that he stated live to the medias that he resigns from the Parliament.
We didn’t hear any follow up on that statement and his pay-check is still being pocketed by the deputy who did graduate studies +++ years as he likes to say.
Only 4 of the 24 ministers still are functional. The remaining minister barely pay a visit to their ministries. Once there, they lock their door to play with their balls at leisure.

Not a single jobless minister volunteered to give his money to the needed people or caritative institutions.
The minister of the environment (Mu7ammad The Hanged One) has no responsibilities any more: He relinquished the garbage crisis to the minister of agriculture.
A dozen youth have been on hunger strike for 10 days in front of the ministry of the environment, and the Hanged One is unperturbed.
The media showed the miserable dwelling of the parents of these hunger strikers, but the minister would not think of improving the life-style of these people.
What kind of people are we?
Shi bi farre7 al 2alb: (it sooth my heart) a new hero allowed al 7erak (movement) to use his truck to transport the waste that obstructed the entrance of Jisr al moushat to the entrance of Sukleen: A citizen was run over because he couldn’t use the bridge that was totally obstructed by garbage bags.
Shi bi farre7 al 2alb: the media have started showing all the factories for farz al nifayat all over Lebanon. And Sukleen 3ala tiza wa ma shaghalet ma3mal al farz
Shi bi farre7 al 2alb: Al 7erak al shababi 3am tnaddef al nifayat fi madkhal Trablos. Baladiyat Jounieh kabbetton 3indon
Shi bi kharreh: (It sucks) Michel Suleiman wa 7arb ba3don bye3zmo 7alon le kel mnasabeh bil Yarzeh
Shi bi kharreh: ehl behl bi hanno ba3don wa moush daryeen enno al 7erak bye3tebrouhon 3ala tizon
Wa bokra shou? 7arb bado yenteze3 (recapture) haybet al dawleh wa yotabbek kararat al 7oukoumet. Fi karar wa7ed tanfizi, wa albakiya khalt bi khalt
ra7 tedroj akel al nifa. ‪#‎NifaForHangedOne‬ The two of them shaklon bi 7ebbo batnon
to open a new matmar (top in line in specifications), the Sandou2 al 2e3mar bi7ajeh la at least one month. So when the 7 days is over ( and not a single day over) in Na3emeh, where the garbage will be dispatched? To nahr Beirut one more time?
wa meen ra7 yenoub 3an wazir al zira3a? (The minister of agriculture Shohayyeb was appointed to handle the garbage crisis)
In addition to pressing for full transparency in the garbage crisis and any other project that the government is attempting to pass surreptitiously, the youth movements should try a democratic election of the President.
The process is as follow:
1. The youth movements agree on a unified electronic site to conduct the election (as done in many countries) and they have the means and skills to conduct it.
2. All the candidates have to agree on a transitory period (one year) until an election  with a reformed law is done.
3.The candidate must submit his CV with full disclosure of his financial status
4. The candidate who obtains 40% of the votes of those who participated in the election will be selected unanimously as the candidate of the youth movements and submitted to this defunct parliament to vote him in.
All the current candidates who refuse to take the youth movements seriously (refuse to submit their candidacy) will be dropped from the list of potential candidates.
The various Black Boxes in which that militia leaders hoarded the public funds
Sondou2 Al E3mar wa Al Tanmiyat: Black Box for Hariri clan, Seniora, Mikati and funds Moustakbal candidates
Sondou2 Al Janoub: Black Box of Nabih Berry and AMAL candidates
Sondou2 Al Mohajjareen: Black Box for Walid Jumblat and funds his candidates
Sondou2 Majless Nouwab for its maintenance and security: Black Box for Nabih Berry
Sondou2 wizart al 3amal: Black Box for Kataeb, 2azzi and 7arb
Sondou2 al Kahraba2 (electricity): every leader in a district gets his share from the private providers
Sondou2 al zeft: Black Box for the deputies to asphalt their roads
Sondou2 al Autostrad al 3arabi
Sondou2 mashrou3 al Litany
Solidair: Black Box for the Hariri clan and Senior to invest for The Gulf Emirs in prime Beirut Real Estates
Sukleen: Garbage collection Black Box for the Hariri, Fouad Seniora (former PM) and Jumblat
Every cultural event is headed by the wives of the militia leaders
Keep adding to this list
Sontou2 Al Inma2 wa Al 2e3mar (Al Moustakbal Black Box) is supposedly out of the picture in selecting al matamers or getting involved with the environment.
Lejnat al bi2at fi al wizarat tajtame3 wa tou7awer (negotiate) al 7erak al sha3bi for the short term and sustainable resolution of the garbage crisis.
Apparently, the government is keeping Sondou2 al e3mar as the prime contractor for the preparation of the matamers. A move that is illegal since it is the municipality that is responsible for contracting out these public works.
The strategy of the various youth movements is developing and starting to take form:
1. The Garbage crisis is the first and primary demand. Because the waste touches the 5 senses and does not require abstract concepts to make sense. And because the garbage is the primary item that the government is unable to find a sustainable resolution.
2. Each movement adds another demands to the list of urgent deficiencies in this militia highway robber system.
3. The details of the alternative proportional election law is being fine-tuned and will be presented as the youth alternative in any official discussions
4. The youth of districts outside Beirut are earnestly getting involved to present their own specific worries and problems, such as lack of public hospital, public schools, public universities, public institutions to facilitate the daily life of the remote areas.
Shou bek Shehayyeb, enta wa khoubara2ak? Ba3dak n3annad tostolha 3aleina?
Elnelak ma fi fate7 lel matamer, wala le nhar wa7ed
Ma badna matamer. La bi 3akkar, la bi Nabatiyeh, la Bil Masna3, la bil jabal…
Shou bek Shehayyeb, enta wa khoubara2ak ma 2abideen al 7erak?
Leish moush 3am tetssamma3ou 3ala mataleb al 7erak?
Al 7erak has started expressing his alternative election law: Charbel Nahas (former minister) is handling the political education process, and the people are catching up fast and steadily
It is feasible. If Tawelat 7ewar agreed on:
1. Electing a President for a single year in order to care for the “smooth” application of the procedures and protocols for running legitimately this rotten system
2. Agreeing on a proportional election law and voting on one of the alternatives that have been discussed at length for over 3 years
3. Agreeing during the Hewar on a reduced government and the potential ministers to get to work right after the President is chosen. It is all ter2e3 bi ter2e3.
Wa al 7erak moustamer
Yesterday I learned the name of another hunger striker: Hassan Kotaich? We get to know them as they are carried away to hospital. La men 2edon wa la men ejron
I think my mother will support me for hunger strike, if I include quitting smoking. Till death…
The militia leaders are Not afraid of the new heros: They dread the young masses who will defy them at election time.
Now that the militia leaders stuffed enough money in their bank accounts, Berry is contemplating contracting out a larger Table (tawelat). Not to feed the famished Lebanese.
Other minor players, like the Hanged One of the Interior, are erecting taller fences and in iron.
I already sent the message: Occupy the ministry of public work. Just for reminding the minister of the incoming catastrophe
The dignity of an entire generation will be trampled if the youth failed to gather on Sept.9 (date of the meeting of militia leaders).
Tawelat al Hewar is to gain more time in order to disband the youth movements.
Most probably, the meeting of the militia leaders with their Godfather Berry might decide to designate a President for One year with the job of preparing for an election of the deputies.
A major new reformed election law is Not contemplated by this clan of militia leaders.
Like in Guatemala and Thailand
Waref Suleiman. Al Jurdi. And what are the name of the other 10 hunger strikers? Already 100 hours without eating.
The Red Cross was ordered not to visit and care for the hunger strikers.
The Hanged Environmental never stopped to say “Good morning” to the strikers.
How come not many paid a visit to these strikers in this weekend?
Just waiting for Sept. 9 for them to come down?
Note: Waref Suleiman was hit on his head by the security forces and detained this Sept 16, during the second Tawelat al 7ewar.
7amlat al tahweel fi al makalat wa intakadateha al laze3at dod tel3et ri7etkom wa kitabet 2ijabiyat akthar li badna ni7asebkom mouhematoha, ta7ta zaherat al mawdou3iyat, mouhematouha er3ab al sha3b liky la yanzal fi Sept 9.
Innaha wakfat hasemat.
al woukouf dod al toghmat al jabbara wa militiatouha lan tarba7 kol marrat, laken soumoud ta7adi la bodda menha wa mouwasalat al ta7addi mefta7 al 3ezzat lel shabab al makhour

So many authors went to great length describing the life of insects (ants, bees, beavers…) and how they built perfect residences and how they sacrificed (from mankind notion) for the sake of continuation of their breed.  Invariably, these authors end up glorifying mankind and his “unique fluid of energy: Capacity for thinking!”

What is sacrificing once life for the survival of the community?  You think that there are pre-conditions to classifying a murder by “sacrifice”; first, the person must be fully conscious of his decision and with sane brain and reflecting power; and second, the person must have reached the decision voluntarily without undue pressures from his community, family, or his buddies.

Now, how could these authors and researchers communicate with insects to figure out that sacrifice was the purpose instead of brute massacres for some kind of survival?  How could these researchers figure out that there are no trained architects among the insects?  Just stating “instinct” of survival or gene structure does not cut it:  “Black boxes” in sciences are proof of total ignorance on the subject matters.

Governments would like you to believe that the millions of soldiers who died in senseless battles were sacrificing their blood and life for the other “citizens”.  Soldiers who were horded by force under law gimmicks were not martyrs.  Soldiers who volunteered under community pressures in order to saving the “honor and dignity” of the community are indeed “sacrificial” lambs.  Do you know of any voluntary soldier who was convinced that he will die?  Most probably, it is his co-arm companions who will die:  Statistics stupid!  When the turn of the volunteered soldier’s shit is to hit the ceiling in a battle then, it is too late to backtrack; he is pressed by his co-arm companions and captains to advance .  Otherwise, this volunteered conscript is to face a firing squad with all kinds of unjustified character deficiencies heaped upon him.

The high command is not that interested in the number of death: it is concerned with the number of injured soldiers.  High command needs to investigate how many soldiers committed self-inflicted injuries to avoiding front lines engagements.  Statistics of rate of injuries recommend serious investigations when higher than “normal”.

Thinking should be a constant exercise; most important before deciding on preemptive wars.  Unfortunately, thinking is not on the table; just maps, PowerPoint graphs, and the rate of return of multinationals for the razzias.

I was never been paid to communicate with insects; they are so tiny and thus, when they invade my comfort zone then I kill them.  All that I ask of insects is not to show up where they shouldn’t.  (That is exactly what superpowers do to redundant States.)  I blame those soft-hearted and cowered people who demand to save the blood sucking mosquitoes on the ground that they must have been created for the benefit of mankind; a benefit not yet discovered.  Consequently, we have to sacrifice our blood and comfort for the survival of mosquitos.

I am a mental for killing mosquitoes; I wet a short towel and then, fine tune and adjust my snapping maneuvers to guaranteeing a kill.  Yes, I get up from my couch just to go after tranquil mosquitoes.  I would love to be remembered in Guinness Books as the meanest mosquitos hand terminator.




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