Adonis Diaries

Posts Tagged ‘corporate roguing

Angry, raging about, raging bull, corporate rogue, Dysthymia…

Dysthymia is a chronic mood disorder characterized by loss of appetite, low-energy level, excessive pent-up anger, social withdrawal, trouble in concentration, tendency to feeling immensely guilty, and obviously daydream suicidal scheming projects…

The enumeration of the characteristics of Dysthymia fails to differentiate among the main factors or causes and the effects or consequences of the sources of disorder…and you are left to reflect according to your proper common sense mechanism, if you are in the mood for despairing analysis…

For example, dentists have one of the highest prevalence for Dysthymia...Who do you think are prone to catch on Dysthymia by middle age?

Dentists say what they don’t mean, as most corporate do.  Dentists really mean: “Don’t let me know if it hurts under any circumstance. Play stoic when I hit a nerve. I am suffering enough of Dysthymia and I don’t care to be exacerbated one more time too often. I have heavily anesthetized your mouth, lips… while your are here. And When you go home, don’t call me for any reason or for complaining of acute pains, which might last only a couple of days…”

My brother is a dentist, and I can vouch of his “gentle hand and fingers” using the drill…as many of his clients/patients testify.

My brother looks inordinately calm, excessively polite when he doesn’t speak, but when he decides to talk…his conversation is utterly angry and venomous. My brother is trying hard to keep the peace by not engaging in any conversation…and I don’t know how he managed to survive with all the pent-up anger bottled up…

I used to thank bus drivers as I stepped down, simply to frustrate the passengers who consider the driver a hidden computer or an invisible mechanical robot…Occasionally, I would turn to face the angry looks of the passengers…With habit, I just thank without any hinder thought.

I get angry in rainy pouring days when drivers accelerate to unduly splash and drench this stupid walker. I took the habit of slowly waving my hand up and down, meaning “Do slow down”. A few slow down and give me a sheepish smile, and accelerate madly: I think the guilt feeling plays catalyst to their dormant anger…

I tend to stay clear from people exploding in hysteric rage, starting verbally and ending physical.  It is very safe not to come close in these circumstances: You might become the physical target of the angry person who was feeling totally powerless of communicating and acting sensibly on an environment refusing to consider that he has any kinds of entitlement…

I stay clear since I am at a physical disadvantage and don’t want to give the aggressor new easy targets to vent out his blinding anger…I know that in such circumstances I fail to hear or see properly what I am told or what I am looking at…

You are the wisest if you can sense when a demonstration is turning crazy toward a” mob syndrome”:  You are a stupid pion washed away by the pressing hurricane.

The new generations in developed States have the highest incident of violent rage occurrences, like shooting spree in schools, in supermarket, blowing buildings…

The violent acts are mostly done by person of well-to-do classes because their “rights for entitlements” are baffled and the “system or procedures” were devised so that no civil servant can claim that he is responsible for his decisions…

The procedures, which civil servants, security personnel, soldiers, judges, professors…are bound to follow, are not leaving much rooms to navigate amid sensible judgement, or to pinpoint a definable public figure to target and question:  They are all, like corporations, just “moral entities“; no body own, nobody is responsible directly for any decision, and citizens feel they have got no authority figure to directly express their minor frustrations.

Citizens feel powerless and helpless and they express their anger in the ample of bad behavior, randomly it seems…

Feeling angry is culminating with the sense of not locating the obvious or legal nemesis in corporations and in government services: A machine answering your requests is programmed to upset you even further.  We are told that we have choices:  Have you tried lately the various 32 ice-cream flavors?

Not a chance!




June 2024

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