Adonis Diaries

The same cycle of attacks on Gaza: Recalling the ground invasion on Gaza in 2009, and again in 2014.

Posted on: May 17, 2024

Bush Junior is not even remorseful of his countless genocides! (January 4, 2009)

Note:  The death toll in Gaza in 2009 in Gaza has reached 550 martyrs (half of them women and babies) and over 3500 serious injured Palestinian civilians and increasing by the minutes.

“One more time: I am a Christian of Gaza and I’m not persecuted by Hamas, I am not suffering under the rule of Hamas!

I am suffering under Zionist blockade, Zionist rule, siege is killing me, not Hamas!

Ehud Barak, the minister of Israel “defense” forces that has never been on the defensive since the creation of this Zionist State in 1948, said in a televised announcement that the grounds offensive will last as long as it takes for a new political climate to be established in Gaza.  (Does this statement remind you of current goal of the far-right government?) 

What this short and nitwit of Barak means is “We want Hamas to agree to all the principals that Israel and Egypt of Moubarak are happy with; mainly that the spineless “President” Abbass be re-appointed President to the still inexistent State of Palestine, that Hamas agrees to be another “agent” to Egypt’s policies in the Middle East and consequently, the sending of handmade missiles on the neighboring Israeli colonies be controlled by Egypt.

Moubarak of Egypt coordinated with Israel, the Bush Junior Administration, and Saudi Kingdom for over 3 months on a military solution to weaken the “extremist” military wing of Hamas.  

The first day of Israel air attacks was supposed to have clipped the military wing of Hamas by destroying all the Palestinian police stations in Gaza.  

Then, Israel changed its strategy by destroying all State institutions in Gaza from ministries, schools, mosques, hospitals and infrastructures.  (Any difference from current mass devastation?)

Moubarak was no longer pleased by this turn of events: he is rightly viewed as a traitor and a puppet to Israel and not an Arab leader of the most populous Arab State.

The theocratic and oligarchic Saudi regime is fundamentally the mastermind and financial funder for the destruction of Gaza.  

Saudi Kingdom wanted that Hamas adopt the Wahhabi sect brand of Islam, (as it has been pushing for it in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Lebanon) and not an extension to the Egyptian “Moslem Brotherhood” movement that (Turkey and Qatar support)

Bush Junior (who never traveled out of the USA and barely read) do not care for the Arabs’ endemic tradition of being “A tissue of small jealous principalities incapable of cohesion” as long green lights for their genocide plans are camouflaged under short-term political Arab’s exigencies.  

That is what this Zionist State has been taking advantage of since its creation.

Why is this follow up stage of grounds attack in Gaza?  

Has Israel changed its mind and wants to re-conquer and manage Gaza after Sharon evacuated this Strip of Land in 2005?  

If Saudi Kingdom is willing to fund Israel’s administration of Gaza then it might be very tempting for a while.  Most probably, Israel has realized, once for all, that Hamas is an institution, a State, an ideology, and a democratically elected movement that along with Abass denied considering the results..

And that the most that this campaign can achieve is to offer Israel a reprieve from missiles for satisfactory election of the Labor and Kadima parties.  

Consequently, Israel wants to occupy the relatively empty space in north Gaza in order to have closer and more effective control and monitoring of the missile launchers in Gaza.  

Israel wants the UN to agree on a clause that allows Israel to resume the destruction of missile launchers whenever one is fired or not.

Hamas begs to differ; it has acquired worldwide recognition and sympathy; the populations in the Arab and Islamic States are supporting its objectives of clipping Israel’s habits of using the US supplied arms mindlessly and with utmost hate and apartheid behavior toward the Palestinians and Arab resistance forces against its expansionist policies and dominion.  

Hamas wants to be recognized legitimately by the UN as a democratically elected movement.

Hamas wants to be independent of allegiance to these so-called “moderate Arab States” of Saudi Arabia (the least moderate in spreading its brand of terrorist Wahhabi sect), Egypt, and Jordan.

One thing is certain, as the UN starts negotiating directly with Hamas, the extremist members in Hamas will have to listen and participate in a State program of reconciliation among the Palestinian factions.

Note: In 2014, I posted another article on Gaza attack

It is HAMAS protecting me…” A Christian woman in Gaza Naomi Wolf posted on FB:

Maryam Raniyah wrote: Zionists are bombing my country, not Hamas! I’m suffering under the Zionist occupation.

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