Adonis Diaries

Archive for June 16th, 2024

The Background

Note:  This essay is of two parts.  The first part lay down the background story and issues; the second part will explain in details the positions of the various Syrian political parties and intelligentsia of the period during and after the First World War. 

At the time, Syrian was the name of the populations comprising the current Syrian State, Lebanon, Palestine and monarchic Jordan.

The year 1919 was critical for the Near East and the entire Arab World. After almost a century we are still reaping the consequences of the resolutions of the League of Nations that met in Paris for many months to divide the spoils of the First World War.

  Jean Dayeh is an author and a veteran journalist investigative reporter; he published recently “Jubran Tueny Sr. and the Century of Renaissance” in the Near East. 

The manuscript contains two great chapters on the case of the Syrian dilemma and the Palestinian/Zionism problems. 

From old, published articles and replies by different daily journalists, thinkers, and politicians Dayeh explained the premises for the confusion and disunity in the Syrian societies of Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, and the current Syrian State.

The ideological and political divergences that prevented an alternative resolution for populations that were just getting out of the hegemony of the Ottoman Empire that lasted over 5 centuries.

During the war, the British encouraged the Shereef of Mecca Hussein al Hashemi to join the allies for fighting against the Ottoman Empire.  The British promised Hussein of Mecca mandate over Syria and Iraq. 

At the same time, Britain and France had a more real politics plan for the Near East.  The diplomats of the two nations Sykes and Pico agreed in 1916 to divide the region so that France would have mandate over Syria and Lebanon and Britain mandate over Iraq, Palestine and Jordan. 

Britain Foreign Affairs Balfour had promised the Zionist movement a State in Palestine the next year at the urgent pressure of the USA Wilson in order to join in the WW1.

 The sons of Hussein were appointed Kings, Faisal on Syria and Abdullah King on the newly created State of Jordan by Britain to become a buffer zone for the potential creation of the Zionist State of Israel. 

“King” Faisal entered Damascus as the Turkish army withdrew.  A nucleus of a new Syrian army was formed; the soldiers had to swear allegiance to the King of Mecca and agree to fight in the Arabic Peninsula if duty called. 

The flag of Mecca was raised in Damascus and the postal stamps and coins left no doubt as to the plans of the King of Mecca to joining Syria in an Arab Nation. 

The worst part is that Faisal had promised the Zionist movement during the meetings of the League of Nations in Paris that if the Jews become majority in Palestine, then they could form a confederate State with the Arab Nation.

 It is to be noted that the concept of waging war, then and now, in the premises of the League of Nations of the winning nations that only those parties or nations that effectively participated in the war were eligible to divide the spoil. 

The Syrian population did not have an army to fight, and they were suffering famine and calamities due to locust invasion and the perpetual requisitions of the Turkish army in foodstuff and coerced soldiers.

 The President Woodrow Wilson of the USA was suffering of critical health problems during the Paris Convention and died shortly after.

Thus, France and England decided on the Middle East spoil.  Nevertheless, the USA sent a fact-finding commission King-Crane to comprehend the wishes and desires of the Syrian populations.  England and France declined to join the commission because they had already decided on the spoil and their armies were on the ground in the Near East and pressured the populations to be biased. 

With all the political pressures of France and England, a few Christians in Mount Lebanon preferred a French mandate, a few Palestinians opted for a British mandate, many were in favor of a USA mandate, but the vast majority of Moslems and Christians wanted an independent State with Faisal as King in Damascus.

The Christian Maronite Patriarch Howayek and a few selected “personalities” in favor with France were shipped in a destroyer to Paris. They were hurried to Paris for the convention at the order of Clemenceau to decide on a Greater Lebanon by adjoining many parts to Mount Lebanon in return for a French mandate.

Clemenceau dispatched an army in 1920 under the one-handed general Gourot and defeated the small Syrian army with no weapons in Mayssaloun (Syria) against tanks and Senegalese soldiers.  The Minister of Defense Youssef al Azmat was killed during the battle. King Faisal was sent packing to reign as King in Iraq.

By 1920, the Zionist movement managed to lure a few Jews to establish agricultural colonies for the Rothchild, mainly vignards as “slaves” immigrating from Polish ghettos.  Tel Aviv was the main coastal colony. 

The Jewish Diaspora had felt the impossibility of establishing a Jewish state and money was trickling, especially during the USA great crash. 

The Jews in Tel Aviv went on a rampage and confiscate the Zionist money in order to buy food; and the Rothschild delegate in Palestine was ordered to stop payment on land purchased for new colonies. 

Nevertheless, the Zionist movement refused hopeless Jews visa exit out of Palestine.  The Palestinian government, under British mandate, had permitted to add Hebrew names to the English and Arabic administrative institutions. Things have changed since then.

Note: this is a reedit of (Part 1, May 16, 2009)

Yemen is Center Stage Again


Below are details of the spies whose arrest was announced by the Yemeni Security Forces today, in a major and unprecedented blow to USA-Zionist schemes in the region.

(The successive air strikes on bases and military installations of the USA and UK on Yemen in the last 3 months must have triggered a search for insiders)

Records of employment by US intelligence, and US embassy documents about the spies are featured, and the handlers of each spy were identified.

Spy: Amer Abdul Majeed Al-Aghbari

Recruited to the CIA in 1987. The spy targeted education and agriculture sectors, strengthened American influence over the National Dialogue Conference, worked on projects to destroy soil, promote American products, break barriers, reduce agricultural production, spread highly toxic pesticides, and transmit animal diseases.

Spy: Mohamed Salah Al-Kharashi

Recruited to the FBI in 2011. The spy provided the FBI with databases and maps of camps, weapon depots, security centers, hospitals, roads, and routes. He managed informant cells in civilian, economic, security, and military institutions, handing them over to the FBI.

Spy Abdelkader Ali Al-Saqqaf

Recruited to the CIA in 1994. The spy collected various information and data on the country’s political and judicial situation and supplied American intelligence with sensitive information about security and military operations. He was key in obtaining information for the CIA.

Spy Jamil Abdu Mohamed Al-Faqih

Recruited to the CIA in 2009. The spy collected important information in various economic sectors and provided American officers with all related details. He helped the Americans control the Swift code operating the Yemeni Central Bank and transmitted information that contributed to shaping the American siege policy against Yemen.

Spy: Bassam Ahmed Hamad Al-Mardhi

Recruited to the FBI in 2012. The spy recruited several individuals within the security establishment and judiciary, managed informant cells that conducted espionage activities, and prepared reports and analyses on crimes, risks, and the security environment in Yemen.

Spy: Shaif Hefdhallah Al-Hamdani

Recruited to the CIA in 1997. The spy shared information with American intelligence, monitored ballistic missile launch sites, drone operations, and military and economic targets, and participated in implementing hostile American activities in the education, health, agriculture, livestock, and fishery sectors. He also transmitted the Central Bank’s code to Aden.

Spy: Hesham Ahmed Ali Al-Wazir

Recruited to the CIA in 2009. The spy connected Yemeni commercial houses with the American embassy, recruited senior leaders, traders, and prominent figures in various fields to the embassy, and implemented agendas to divide Yemen at the National Dialogue Conference. He monitored activities aimed at dismantling national armament under the guise of USAID projects and provided Americans with political, economic, and military information. He has received numerous awards from the US embassy.

Spy: Mohamed Ali Ahmed Al-Waziza

Recruited to the CIA in 2007. The spy worked with FBI officers in hostile missions, extracted sovereign information from the Immigration and Passports Authority servers for the FBI, and operated under the cover of international and local organizations to undermine social values, including the Raneen Foundation.

Spy: Jamal Mahmoud Sultan Al-Sharabi

Recruited to the CIA in 2014. The spy conducted several intelligence operations for the CIA, including delivering political, economic, and security reports to American officers and providing reports on military developments in Yemen. He worked as a “political assistant” for the US embassy.

Spy: Abdelmaeen Hussein Ali Azzan

Recruited to the CIA in 2006. The spy also provided “Israeli” Mossad and American intelligence with information on Ansarullah, spied on Yemeni military manufacturing and strategic capabilities. He recruited and attracted local institutions, organizations, and prominent figures for American intelligence.

He provided Mossad officers with information, contacting them through the economic attaché at the US embassy. He worked for the CIA shell company LAPIS, where information was transferred until 2018.




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