Adonis Diaries

“I’m King of baby-nose aesthetic surgery”: Baby-nose specie?

Posted on: August 4, 2011

“I’m King of baby-nose aesthetic surgery”: Baby-nose specie?

I am investigating the rumors that a French First Lady underwent aesthetic surgery and paid a visit to the most famous surgeon in Paris and that since the 80’s.

The aesthetic surgeon is in his sixties, and was a star in his profession. You had to get an appointment two weeks in advance, and bring a picture of your face, black in white, no smiling please and no cosmetics, from a designated photographer by the clinic.

The clinic floor is in marble and antique statues and Persian rugs give the tone of what to expect.

Piles for selected women magazines and published articles on the surgeon are displayed for your perusal. The surgeon finally receives me in his luxurious office.

He is all smile and the skin of his face is smooth (must give an example of the value of plastic surgery?)  The surgeon is direct and says: “I am the king of the baby-face. Baby nose is my specialty. The secret of a perfect nose is the one of babies, tiny, straight, round...”  He went on: “Plato said the first in priority is health, the second is beauty. I wish you health.  As for beauty, I hope I earned your confidence…”

It cost 2,000 Euro for a nose job.

I asked the surgeon on the nose of Carla Bruni, current wife of French President Nicholas Sarkozy. He said: “She is a friend for more than 20 years”.

Before 1998, the French media never approached the topic of Carla plastic surgeries.  After her wedding with the French President, the Anglo-Saxon media covered it extensively.

In 2009, the German daily Bild asked the opinions of plastic surgeons who reported that “The high cheeks of Carla are not natural: She made use of Botox aplenty and had surely a lifting.

In March 2010, the British Daily Mail exposed an ancient picture of Carla for comparison sake: The nose, the cheeks, the upper lip the jaw have been transformed.  The strong and long nose of Carla’s sister Valeria is representative of the Bruni-Tedeschi family trademark

Photographer Thierry Le Goues recalls the strong and long nose of Carla when she was 16 years old:  He spent many week ends taking picture of Carla in 1983. He said: “Carla had a nose resembling the nose of Gisele Bundchen, the current top Brazilian model.  The previous boss of Vogue, Irene Silvagni, recalls that the most beautiful and exquisite Carla hated her nose. “She had her nose done when pretty young. And it was no secret in the modeling profession” said Irene.

Photographer Max Vadukul confirms that the face of Carla was changed.  Jean-Jacques Picart said: “When Carla had breast lifting in 1990, everyone talked about it: It was still not a common operation in France.  Carla was “avant-guard” in plastic surgery in the 80’s.”

At the beginning of her modeling career, the 20 year-old Carla  was upfront in telling jokes on how she performed plastic surgery “They roll-over your eyeballs before operating on your cheeks”. Carla revealed to a journalist: “When I was 13, I looked like a lobster (crevette).  I discovered that seduction is not related to beauty. All you had to do is work on your seduction techniques.

As Carla set her mind, at the age of 30, on her second career as a singer and in the music industry, she kept denying having any aesthetic surgeries.

To a Paris Match journalist she responded: “I had not changed anything in my facial look. Plastic surgery is not a taboo to me, but I am not that attracted to these kinds of operations.  You don’t see me throwing stones at women who opt of plastic transformations. I find that the end results are not conclusive and you don’t look any younger.  I don’t feel taking these risks…”

Note: I retrieved this article from a chapter in the French book “Carla: A secret life” by Besma Lahouri

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