Adonis Diaries

Archive for May 27th, 2024

You have this desolate second largest city in north Lebanon: Tripoli means the Three Cities where three separate quarters were governed by the kings of Byblos (Jubail), Saida (Sidon) and Tyr (sour) in antiquity. Tripoli is currently ignored by the government and has been for many decades.

The inhabitants of Tripoli are practically living in the Mamluk empire period, when the Near-East was ruled from Egypt, 7 centuries ago, and they wear the white “Arabic” jellabiya, as if they were part of the “Arab” Gulf Emirates, or an extension of Saudi Arabia, without the these head gears igal, just carrying long beards and stuff…

The adjacent district is the Akkar on the borders with Syria, an agricultural area and lacking all kinds of facilities. Akkar is another part of Lebanon totally ignored by the successive governments of this pseudo-State. Most of the soldiers and lower files and ranks are from Akkar.

The US, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar are pouring in war money and weapons into the northern districts by Syria borders in order to support the armed Syrian insurgents against the Assad regime.  The weapons are shipped to the port of Tripoli and sent from Libya (after Qhadafi was assassinated by the colonial powers)

And the UN German ships controlling the arrival of ships loaded with weapons, a task assigned by the UN resolution to tighten the embargo on Gaza, has failed in its mission…The latest demonstration of force showed the emergence of heavy weapons in the streets of Tripoli…

The Lebanese  army is doing its best to counter this volatile situation and to control the influx of armed Syrian infiltrators into Lebanon and the exit of armed people from Lebanon into Syria.

Mind you the government has been queasy of extending a forceful and a resolute order to the army to do its jobs.

While fighting was raging in Tripoli, a couple hundred of social platforms connected people gathered in silence on Martyr Square in Downtown Beirut

It looks as a rerun of the conditions of 1968, which resulted in the civil war of 1975.

After Israel occupied all of the West Bank, Gaza, and Jerusalem in the preemptive war of 1967, thousands of Palestinians experienced another wave of refugees into Lebanon, Jordan and Syria.

In 1968, Lebanon allowed the military wing of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) to set bases in the Arcoub region (south-east of Lebanon) and as a self-autonomous area where the Lebanese army would not venture to enter and control.

In 1970, late King Hussein of Jordan crushed the PLO and the armed Palestinians flocked to the Arcoub Safe Zone, and gradually controlled most of South Lebanon. 

A year later, the Capital Beirut became the main headquarter for all Palestinian factions. Lebanon was reduced politically to a de-facto Palestinian dictate.

In 1982, Israel invaded Lebanon and entered Beirut and forced the military wings of the PLO to vacate Lebanon.

And you have the same elements who supported the armed Palestinians supporting the armed Syrian insurgents…

And you have the same kind of confused and perturbed weak government proclaiming that its policy is Not to intervene in troubled Syria or to strictly control the influx of armed Syrian insurgents…

Interchange armed Palestinian movements with Syrian armed insurgents, and north Lebanon will become another “Arcoub” of Safe Zone for launching military attacks on Syria instead of Israel…and another civil war will befall Lebanon…

You read on social platforms this slogan:

Implicitly, what the youth are saying:

1. We don’t care what the radical Islamists wants to impose on us: We want them to stay clear from our safe zone neighborhoods in part of Lebanon…

2. We don’t care of the government motto of “staying clear from the troubles in the neighboring States, such as Syria: All that we want is potable water, electricity, and not meddling in our lifestyle…

3. We don’t care what regime in Syria will replace the Assad clan…

4. We are so totally apolitical…We are frankly too ignorant in world affairs…we are the vegetarian kind, the doing good for the environment and climate, the youth not meddling in our own internal political affairs, we are the worldwide connected zombies

And that is the problem: they don’t give a fuck and leave the fuckers decide for them…as if the war will never reach them…

They prefer to wait for the calamity to struck, but they won’t wake up…They are apolitical…and so is war?

Note 2: You may read the next post or Part 3:

Note 3: You may read details on Tripoli and how it fared during the 17-year civil war,

Note 4: This is a re-edit of a 2012 version

“I am a folk musician who gazed into the gray mist with tear-blinded eyes and made-up songs that floated in a luminous haze.” Bob Dylan

In the lyrical words of Joan Baez:

Well, you burst on the scene (Greenwich Village in 1961)
Already a legend
The unwashed phenomenon
The original vagabond
You strayed into my arms
And there you stayed
Temporarily lost at sea
The Madonna was yours for free
Yes, the girl on the half-shell
Could keep you unharmed




May 2024

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