Adonis Diaries

A few opinions and comments posted last week

Posted on: June 11, 2024

US “Revolution” was meant to keep slavery alive in their colonies for future expansion. This is the fundamental cause for revolting against Britain who had banned “importing” slaves.

Good Ole Boys.”? Black employees of multinational food company General Mills say a Georgia plant is run by white supremacists. Cult organizations keep reinventing themselves.

BlackRock is backing a Texas Stock Exchange to compete with New York. My conjecture is that BlackRock is working on a separate Texas State after the Presidential election.

All politicians that Zionist support financially is considered as Slaves, to be disposed of them when the Mossad decides to invest in their assassination. Many Lebanese agents to Israel have been assassinated by Mossad in order to disintegrate the social fabric.

Two updates on the Nuseirat camp (Gaza) casualties: 275 killed and 700 injured.

USA special force in that attack on Nuseirat objective was to liberate “USA Zionist hostages: One of them 3 hostages died in that operation and only 4 were “freed”.

Over 18,000 enemy soldiers fighting for Zionism were killed by the Palestinian resistance forces in Gaza. Those soldiers are mostly mercenaries. Not only they are paid to fight, but when killed, their family get compensation for Not being listed as killed. Who are funding all these mercenaries?

All families that receive compensation agree Not to add their soldiers in the list of “casualties”.

This USA pier in northern Gaza that already cost $400 million was meant to whisk special troops by circumventing Egypt and Jordan permission and knowledge. It was used on the Nuseirat operation, along with Aid Trucks hiding assassination teams.

People in power can’t live with is sustained pressure that keeps building. Keep the university upheavals strong and sustained throughout the world.

Children who once dreamed of competing at the Olympics are buried under the rubble of their homes in Gaza – And people everywhere are calling on the Olympic committee to ban Israel from the Paris Games next month if its assault on Palestinian civilians continues

Lebanon conditions are very predictable because of the decisions of sectarian political mafia. The Lebanese do Not seem to have this urge to change this political system: mostly, laziness in the mind and monthly stipends from their sectarian parties.

Out of the 813 billionaires in the U.S., nearly a fifth of them (128) went to just a handful of colleges.

Tech giants have been on an artificial intelligence spending spree, doling out billions of dollars to invest in, poach from, and gobble up smaller companies developing the world’s AI technology.

AI chips use 10 times as much electricity to respond to queries through an algorithmic Google search. Now imagine how much AI needs to drive our cars and create new drugs. Or sorting among the thousands of viable alternative antibiotic potentials.

The rapid rise of artificial intelligence has been led by a few key players in the tech world: Microsoft, OpenAI, and chipmaker Nvidia. Now, they’re all coming under federal scrutiny for their outsized dominance of the market. But these multinationals are basically the “creations” of the Pentagon and the CIA (Basic research funded by the Federal administration). And investigations are kind of slap on the wrist if ever.

The world will be much better instructed with repeated singing of a great anthem. I wish all national Anthem would cover basic rights of humanity and kindness.

Discriminating against race, genders and ethnic minorities are crimes, Not a point of view

More is missed by not looking than not knowing. If you are in an apathetic period, you miss almost everything around.

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