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Posts Tagged ‘Hydroxychloroquine

Why western colonial powers tried to devalue Prof. Raoult therapy for Covid-19?

Note: You may read the complete research paper on

Pourquoi la thérapie du coronavirus du professeur Raoult est-elle combattue ?

Trois raisons fondamentales interreliées sont à citer:

1) L ‘establishment médical : ceux qui rêvent du prix Nobel, ceux qui sont jaloux, ceux qui ont un égo surdimensionné et qui sentent que Raoult les a pris de vitesse et les dévalue en proposant une thérapie à portée de main, ceux qui sont aux services de grandes firmes pharmaceutiques, ceux qui sont liés au pouvoir, ceux qui ont une approche scientiste prétendument rigoureuse de la recherche,…

2) l’establishment du business (dans ce cas les grandes firmes pharmaceutiques) qui investissent des millions et qui cherchent à faire des milliards.

3) l’establishment politique qui est soit lié à l’establishment pharmaceutique, soit qu’il donne le prime à son image et à sa lutte pour le pouvoir.

Many developed States governments have started to re-evaluate the effective treatments pronounced by Pr. Raoult, but No news so far from these experiments. Nevertheless, they are being administered in catimini.

This is parts of the research paper:

Clinical and microbiological effect of a combination of hydroxychloroquine and
azithromycin in 80 COVID-19 patients with at least a six-day follow up: an observational study
Running title: Hydroxychloroquine-Azithromycin and COVID-19

We need an effective treatment to cure COVID-19 patients and to decrease the virus carriage duration.

In 80 in-patients receiving a combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin we noted a clinical improvement in all but one 86 year-old patient who died, and one 74 year-old patient still in intensive care unit.

A rapid fall of nasopharyngeal viral load tested by qPCR was noted, with 83% negative at Day 7, and 93% at Day8. Virus cultures from patient respiratory samples were negative in 97.5% patients at Day 5.

This allowed patients to rapidly be discharged from highly contagious wards with a mean length of stay of five days. We believe other teams should urgently evaluate this cost-effective therapeutic strategy, to both
avoid the spread of the disease and treat patients as soon as possible before severe respiratory irreversible complications take hold.


The primary endpoints were

i) an aggressive clinical course requiring oxygen therapy or transfer to the ICU after at least three days of treatment, ii) contagiousness as assessed by PCR and culture, and

iii) length of stay in the ID ward.

Variation of culture positivity rate was assessed statistically as the proportion of variance explained by Ct value and considered adequately fitted if the coefficient of determination [R2 statistic] was >50%.

Ethics Statement
The protocol was approved by the ethical committee of the University Hospital Institute Méditerranée Infection (N°: 2020-01). The study was performed according to the good clinical practices recommended by the Declaration of Helsinki and its amendments.

Demographics and patient status at admission (Tables 1 and 2)
A total of 80 patients with confirmed COVID-19 were hospitalised at the Méditerranée Infection University Hospital Institute (N=77) and at a temporary COVID-19 unit (N=3) with dates of entry from 3–21 March 2020.

All patients who received treatment with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin (16) for at least three days and who were followed-up for at least six days were included in this analysis.

The median age of patients was 52 years (ranging from 18 to 88 years) with a M/F sex ratio of 1.1. 57.5% of these patients had at least one chronic condition known to be a risk factor for the severe form of COVID-19 with
hypertension, diabetes and chronic respiratory disease being the most frequent.

The time between the onset of symptoms and hospitalisation was on average five days, with the longest
time being 17 days. 53.8% of patients presented with LRTI symptoms and 41.2% with URTI

Only 15% of patients were febrile.

Four patients were asymptomatic carriers.

The majority of patients had a low NEWS score (92%) and 53.8% of patients had LDCT
compatible with pneumonia.

The mean PCR Ct value was 23.4.




May 2024

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