Adonis Diaries

Posts Tagged ‘Thomas Edison

Nikola Tesla: a rare genius

Meet the William Shakespeare of science.

Nikola Tesla was a rare genius who never received the recognition he deserved while alive.|By Big Think Editors

Nikola Tesla was a rare genius who never received the recognition he deserved while alive. (He was overshadowed by his former boss and rival Thomas Edison).

Tesla gave us neon and fluorescent lighting, electric motors, and robotics–just to name a few of his Promethean contributions to humanity.

A prolific inventor, one can even call him the William Shakespeare of science.

To learn from this remarkable mind, take a moment to watch this fascinating video about Tesla’s life and work. As we have written before on Big Think, one can never learn enough from Tesla.

Image credit: Javier Moreno Vilaplana/Flickr

Note: I already posted an article on the many inventions of Tesla

This addled child: Thomas Edison

What’s the name of the mother of Thomas Alva Edison? Before her marriage to Alva?

Steve Smothermon‘s photo.

Steve Smothermon's photo.

I suspected that individual spirituality is different from morality and ethical conducts, which are social consensus practised and emulated by the proper application of laws.  I have been thinking: “Do I have spiritual qualities that guide my behavior?”  The first question I had to resolve is: “What define spirituality and how do we know we have spiritual qualities?”

I am leaning to a subjective definition of feeling that you do lack artistic talents, practices, or appreciation.  Suppose you were not exposed to artistic initiation in the schooling system and your family had no artistic inclinations and didn’t care for art.  Suppose that you had no innate artistic talent or potentials to revolve around artistic environment and stun your family to investing in your discovered capabilities.

Your right brain will continue to capture artistic sensation from your sense organs, but the quality of the data transferred to the left brain for processing will not generate the emotional attributes that artistically inclined people capture.  Thus, you feel that you have no musical ears, no eyes for appreciating paintings, and no valuable senses for anything related to art.  In my case, I cannot understand the lyrics, even in my mother tongue; I was never able to memorize any song.  I am amazed to listen to kids who memorize and sing songs in languages they don’t know; yes, they don’t have to know a language to replicate it in words and tune, even if they are not capable of memorizing anything not recited in musical fashion.

For example, if a theocratic political system prohibits music, pictures, and theater pieces to be exhibited in public places (while not interfering in the privacy of homes) then, if you are not artistically inclined, would you be emotionally disturbed with the public prohibition?  If you don’t feel emotionally affected, not on rational grounds for rights of expression and political system, then you know that you are spiritually deficient. Lacking individual spiritual qualities are no barriers to actively defending and supporting freedom of expression, all kinds of expressions, you reaction is simply delayed for joining mass movements for the establishment of an open society and the diversity of culture and ways of expressing individuality. Your rational disposition might go the extra miles in opposing artistic prohibition, but this attitude has nothing to do with the emotional trauma that afflict the artistic people.

What lacking spiritual quality means?  I know people who can meditate and get out of their body and navigate around the world in their spirit; they tell me they feel attached to the body and this life by a simple thin cord.  I know they are not the lying sort of people.  I tried many times to meditate hoping that I might, at least, once experience the feat of what many people achieved and I failed miserably.   I wonder if I am successful once to getting out of my body that I might have the will to return.  It is not a matter of applying just the proper practice methods or techniques for meditation, it is an atrophy of the artistic hemisphere of the brain that was not trained properly when young and fresh.

History accounts for many eminent scholars in all scientific and rational fields who hated music and didn’t personally care for art, but this deficiency was no barrier to excel in their fields.  For example, Thomas Edison hated music (he was partially deaf at a young age) but most of his practical inventions were related to acoustics, films, and communications. These scholars were not conservative by any long shot and deranged the status-quo cultures of their period.  Yet, it is my feeling that they were of the categorical types of people:  Once they reached a position, it is difficult to make them change or reconsider.

My contention is that it is worthwhile investing in your kids artistic inclination before it is too late: sciences and rational thinking follow nicely. I tried so hard after my thirties to get into art and purchased many musical instruments and tried many of them; all my endeavors turned nil. For example, I catch the rhythms and dance accordingly but the deepest emotions are lacking.In my case, I feel, on the personal level, “what a wasteful life I had”:  rich artistic and emotional life passed me by without my volition.




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