Adonis Diaries

Posts Tagged ‘Disturbing comfort zone

Comfort Zone: Nemesis to mankind’s peace of mind…

Comfort Zone is what people are ready to commit anything to retain it, a while longer…

People kill people

People hurt people, humiliate people, antagonize people… to hang on to their comfort zone, a while longer…

And people have experienced many times that comfort zone never lasts: Economic conditions change, you get fired, transferred, calamities hit your comfort zone, destroy your cozy home, disturb your daily habits...

Comfort zone is synonymous with refusing to change daily habits, seasonal habits…

People oppose nomadic life-style to settled people in comfortable zones. Wrong!

A nomad also has his comfort zones, and live according to a set of daily habits, eating certain food…

Imagine a nomadic tribe moving to the well-worn summer location and discovering this sign “Do not trespass“.

Maybe the State has decided that the summer location for the tribe is better used for target range shooting, digging oil wells, a power plant or establishing a new urban center…

Do you think that the first reaction of the nomad is “Oh well, I’ll move to the adjacent district… the grass is greener and it is more isolated for my women and kids…”

No!. The nomad will reclaim is entitled right that years of habits and customs made it unreasonable to change his summer location…

This particular summer location is his comfort zone that his pre-programmed brain expected

It is this pre-programmed brain on daily habits that physically ache and turn someone into an angry person, ready to “snatch” his right, any which way he can…

People oppose comfort zone with homelessness. Wrong!

Even a homeless person has his comfort zone, his daily habits, his corner in a street, his “clients”, the places he goes to piss, wash his face, restaurant he patronizes…

Do you think when the policeman chases a homeless out from his location, the reaction will be “Oh well. No sweat. I’ll just move to the adjacent street…”

This homeless, depending on how long has remained in this particular location, will commit a lot of mischief and demonstrate plenty of determination and stubbornness to retain and return to his “favorite” comfort zone.

In the mind of many, comfort zone is associated with a cozy home, contented family surrounding... That’s not necessarily the case.

Many people consider home a place to run away from: Their comfort zone is out of home.

Actually, many mid-age people find the shed the ideal location for peace of mind.

Many persons are constantly traveling: Their comfort zones are particular franchise hotels, restaurants, selected airlines

You have a person who got finally bored of his urban setting and feels that he has to make a change and move on. If he goes to the suburb, his brain initial reaction is to find similar facilities that the mental system was used to. The person will be driving around selecting the right supermarket, the covered swimming pool, the running track… all the facilities that matched his previous comfort zone.

The person might decide to move to a more natural setting, like in a forest, on the assumption of living like a natural savage. Do you think that he starts cutting his own fire wood, gathering what the land produces…? Most probably, the person will get behind the wheel and drive for miles in search of facilities his mental model ached to find what matched the previous comfort zone.

People will not return and settle in “nature” voluntarily.

If many people are forced to be transferred to an isolated land, you see shacks sprouting as shops in order to satisfy the habits of urban facilities.

Comfort zone precedes mankind urbanization.

Comfort zone is a mechanism that the brain seeks in order to facilitate the navigation of mankind in a new environment, to getting used to a new setting, and allowing the unconscious to decide after the daily habits are nailed down.

Disturbing comfort zone is the root of mankind aggressive behavior.

We don’t consciously seek a comfort zone: this tendency comes naturally, a pre-programmed behavior that the brain requires in order to function smoothly and automatically. Our system wants to rearrange a zone to match what it was used to evolve within.

Training and practice to shed this comfort zone behavior is not feasible.

As your senses get used to an environment and you move around without consciously noticing location and the crowd… that means you have already settled in a comfort zone. Basically, a couple of days is generally good enough to get in automatic motion around the new environment…

The best remedy is to begin enjoying doing the daily maintenance tasks in your home: sweeping, mopping, doing dishes, cooking...

As you move to a new location, get on the daily house chores since your system was trained to perform on a daily basis. This habit might fool the brain for a period, until it gets used to the new environment…

Colonial powers systematically disturbed the comfort zone of the indigenous people around the world.

In the name of their people, the colonial powers abused the indigenous people so that the elite classes amass more wealth and accumulate more power.

In the name of their people who didn’t ask for that kinds of higher standards of living… millions of indigenous people were humiliated and enslaved for centuries




May 2024

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