Adonis Diaries

Archive for June 27th, 2011

Most plausible resolution to the revolt in Libya

Libya is 1,700,000 vast, the third largest State in Africa after Algeria and Sudan (before the referendum for partition).  Barely 6 million citizens inhabit this large State, and most of them are urban dweller along the 1,700 km coastal line in Tripoli, Bengazi, Misrata, Al-Bayda, Sert… The over 3 million foreign workers have vacated or are located in refugee camps in Tunisia…

The date February 15 for the start of the revolt in Libya was no coincidence.  Qadhafi orchestrated vast demonstrations throughout Libya to commemorate the cartoons published in Danmark “satanizing” the Prophet Mohammad.  It turned out that demonstrators in the second largest city in Libya changed the purpose of the march to lambasting the regime.  The police forces fired live munitions on the demonstrators, civilians were killed, and the fire spread.

Is it my imagination or I am not following very closely what’s going on in Libya?  I sense that the media have shifted their attention to Syria.  I used to watch streams of videos showing Libyan insurgents “cleaning” a town one day, and the Qadhafi “brigades” launching counter-offensives and re-cleaning the captured town the next day.  It was sort of regular vacuuming operations: Not of dust and dirt, but of “traitors and unwanted civilians”…

It makes sense to lay down the historical and cultural background of what constitute the eastern region (called Cyrene, or Shark or sun up) and the western region called Tripoli (or Gharb or sun down).  The Phoenician merchants established several trading posts in the western region more than 35 centuries ago, and then Carthage became the dominant power in the 5th century BC.  Greece started establishing trading posts in the eastern region around the 6th century BC.

Greece and Carthage could not resolve the partition militarily and they decided on a dividing line that is 50 kilometers east of actual Sert.  The Roman Empire conquered all of Libya but the Hellenistic culture (and later Byzantium) weighted heavily in the easter region, and remained based in Alexandria (Egypt), while the Tripoli region was more impressed by the latin culture, and remained polarized toward Carthage.

In 643 AC, the Islamic/Arabic empire started its expansion and occupied Egypt, Libya, and all of the Maghreb, before crossing into Spain and establishing the Andalusia Empire in Europe. In 1050, the Fatimid dynasty in Egypt (leaning toward the Shiaa Moslem sect) in order to punish the Sunni Moslems in Libya dispatched two Arabic tribes in the Arabic Peninsula (current Saudi Arabia) to relocate in Libya.  The Banu Hillal tribe settled in the Tripoli region and the Salami tribe in the Benghazi region.  The Ottoman Empire with Capital Istambul dominated Libya since 1550: The western governor or Pasha relied on the Maghreb people to secure self-autonomy, while the easter governor was more allied to the Pasha of Egypt.

Itali decided in 1911 to secure a colony, since France and England had their colonies in Africa. France occupied all of western Africa (Francophone States) and England occupied western Africa and south Africa.  During the fascist Mussoli regime, Itali managed to occupy all of Libya, after two decades of military operations, installing detention camps, and forcing most of the people in the desert towns toward relocating in the urban centers on the sea for efficient control.

After WWII, England encouraged the monarch Senusi to becoming the monarch of Libya:  The constitution was of a federal-type model with two self-autonomous States, with Benghazi the central Capital.  As oil was discovered, the Constitution was changed for a unified State till 1969, as Qadhafi succeeded in his military coup d’ etat and shifted the capital to Tripoli and neglected the easter region that was still pro-monarchic. 

France was responsible, for a short duration after the WWII and before the Independence of Libya in 1953, of the South-Western desert of Sebha and controlled the South-North axe route that most African immigrants used to reaching the Mediterranean Sea and which was used as the preferred land route for trading among the Sahara States and tribes. 

Consequently, there is a high homogeneity of the population in Libya: 90% are “Arabic” and speak the same slangs, while 5% are of Berber origin (Algeria and Morocco), and another 5% related to African tribes from Niger and Chad.

The most plausible resolution, after satisfying the pre-requisite of ceasing the power of Qadhafi and his bloody sons, is the following:

First, Libya would be federated into two States:  The eastern State based in the Capital Benghazi, and the western State based in the Capital Tripoli.  The Federal government would be relocated to the city of Sert, in the middle of the long coast line of 1,700 kilometers, the historical dividing line between the two concentration of people and tribes (and where Qadhafi was born).

Second, the oil revenue (constituting 90% of the GNP) will be split into three parts: 40% to each State and 20% for maintaining the central government and its key federal institutions such as army, foreign affairs, currency…

Third, federal revenues will be proportionally budgeted and allocated to the people living in the deep desert oasis such as Kufra and Sebha.

Note: I might add more details to that article, or decide to publish it in several parts.

To all subscribers to my blog: A thank you note

Two weeks ago, I was not aware that I had a bunch of subscribers to my blog. I was confused that there are three kinds of subscribers: Site, comment subscribers, and comment subscriptions. I know now that site subscribers receive automatically every post that I publish, though I don’t know how this is done yet (I hear there is a “like button” that you click on).  For example, if you click on “like” do you become a site subscriber or the article is save in your file as comment subscription? 

I am the type who has to ask to comprehend internet and social platform complex ideas and designs:  I don’t understand the “help” jargon section or their description.  Someone has to be patient and show me the steps in details how to go about learning a new facility, facilities that you are being charged to use.  Luckily, how can I pay for a facility since I don’t generate a dime from publishing for free, while the platform is making plenty of profit from my contribution?  Hopefully wordpress will not start charging for publishing, or starting to discriminate among types of posts, and what post is to be taxed… For example, if you fail to add a picture then you have to pay for your failure to promoting modern media ideals…You may refer to note #1.

The irony is that I learned to program in FORTRAN in the early 70’s:  I discovered that “programming logic” doesn’t match my logic.  I am under the impression that logic has transformed and new generations can juggle amid the different and varied logical processes, as “fish in sea”?

This is a paradox:  Anything outside internet-related technologies, I exclusively comprehend by reading hard copies.  I cannot fathom how anyone can comprehend a serious article if he has not printed a  hard copy, reflected slowly on the topic, and then wrote how he understood the topic on paper, before typing his article for publishing.   The thought process must be transacted through the hand, and on paper first…This is a thank you note?  How this idea of posting a thank you note to subscribers came about?

I asked my nephew: “I discovered that I have a bunch of subscribers, and I don’t know how to send a thank you note to every subscriber”  William replied: “You cannot. It is designed not to interfere with your subscribers. The best you can do is post a thank you note”

Then, two days ago, I received on my email a “congratulation notification” that someone was added to my list of subscribers.  There was this rectangle for “reply” and it dawned on me that this is my opportunity to thank the new fan.  Recklessly, I thought that it would be a wise idea to ask the new subscriber what are his prefered categories and the particular article that enticed clicking on “like”.  After I dispatched the reply by clicking on the send button, I told myself: “this demand is redundant: the article of interest is obvious”.  But my intention was: “Did this particular article clinched the decision to becoming a site subscriber?” Or something to that effect.

After over 2,250 articles published in the last four years, I am still your basic blogger: I don’t post pictures or videos, simply because I don’t have the equipments and the “easy and straightforward” know-how for these complicated editing formats…

I recall that three years ago, a famous actress was very interested with my “book review” category and told me that she is starting a literary blog and wanted me to contribute.  I foolishly replied: “I would love to, but I have no idea what you mean by URL and how to go about contributing…” I never heard from her again.

Fact is, only six months ago, I discovered how to go about “linking”, which is basic to blogging, of what I am hearing, and it made sense to me.  Since then, I adopted the opportunistic tactics of re-editing all my ancient articles that are being read, attaching links, tags, and marking the new categories that I had added since then, and that may correspond to the articles.  Mind you that my 42 categories are not necessarily of the exclusive-type logic: It would be counter-productive and illogical for disseminating your “production”.

To all subscribers to my blog (site and comment): Thank you.

Note 1: I figured that it is better to dispatch all links to the notes section:  The reader might open a link, get sidetracked, and fail to finish reading the main article:

Note 2:




June 2011

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