Adonis Diaries

Scare Tactics: The Austin case

Posted on: April 24, 2009

Scare Tactics: The Austin case

Power: Modifying the order ranking of natural passions (April 22, 2009)


            A reader commented on one of my posts and informed me that the US government and police force have invented a “machine” that can modify human behavior, invade individual privacy, and control our daily habits without having to bring citizens to interrogation.  He went on to say that everyone in Austin TX know about this machine.

            Any individual or institutional power such as executive, legislative, legal, press, media, religion, financial, or economic multinational enterprise has ultimately one purpose: modifying human behavior to coincide with a set priority of natural passions for a period of time that suit the environmental and social conditions.

            Strong institutions who hold real power are not necessarily that impressed of your “free” opinions or how informed are the public.  Their goal is to keep the people in a passive state and waiting for directives and guidelines through thousands of subtle means that they have total control over. 


What worry most the power-to-be are people on the move.  They don’t care if this movement is within the right direction of their wishes and desires; they are simply scared of active citizens marching on because the end result cannot be controlled or forecasted. 

That is why in critical periods of unrest, because of financial or economical difficulties, the government and its various branches rely on rumors that insinuate that the government is in complete power of control over the behavior of their citizens. 

This fear technique works most of the time to cow the public into passive status. Karl Jasper wrote in his book “The German Culpability”:  “The one who remained passive knows that he is morally guilty every time he failed to respond to an action for protecting the threatened citizens, for reducing injustice, and for resisting infamy”


            I think the reader is confusing predictive models of human behavior with models for evaluating the performance of behavior modifications.  Institutions of power know how to modify behavior for a period, which is their main power.  Institutions sublet research institutions of “scientists” in statistical design, survey, poll taking, quantitative psychologists, social scientists, political “analysts”, and so forth to present models that would corroborate the desires of the fund givers. 

The “professional” scientists with many grants under their belt know how to tamper and adjust models to be biased toward the wishes of the power fund granters. Generally, the power institutions are more astute and foul the scientists more often than not, but it is a game that the scientist learn to grasp and play in due time.

            I doubt that any model for predicting human behavior can outperform the odds of a coin flipping mechanism.  What the models are predicting are the behavior of a restricted sample of people who were subjected with modification treatments, by subtle means unknown to them, but obviously known by the authorities. 

No, the Austin TX “machine” is a scare tactics disseminated by people worked upon.  This is the time to get on the move and be vocal and active.

            If this terrible machine is invading individual privacy then an investigative panel with wide power should be constituted to deliver weekly reports on its findings and progress.  The government policies are to present the image of omnipresence and omnipotent.

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April 2009

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