Adonis Diaries

Bi-Weekly Report on Lebanon and the Middle East

Posted on: May 10, 2021

Report (#17). (April 25, 2009)

Every now and then you read optimistic editorials that an agreement between Israel and the Palestinians is very close because the US wants it, again, this time around. 

I heard these optimistic reflection 15 years ago by the Egyptian Ambassador to the USA who later was appointed Foreign Minister. 

You are led to believe that a Syrian-Israel accord is already completed and just waiting for a suitable political climate; and we all wonder and worry what “suitable political climate” entails as it has never been, but more wars and massacres to Lebanese and Palestinians.

 In the weekly “Jeune Afrique” (Young Africa) the editorial of Bechir ben Yahmed would like you to sit tight and see a wonderful movie of peace achievement unfold in the region , No later than two years from now.  Why? 

Because the new US Administration has set its mind that the establishment of a Palestinian State is the cornerstone for its long range policies in the Middle East, and that the European community badly wants this resolution on ground that it can No longer afford to pay for frequent reconstructions in Palestine and Gaza.

And Why the US has finally set its mind? 

Simply because a panel of 10 illustrious men in US politics has proposed this resolution. They are Brent Scowcroft, Paul Volcker, Zbigniew Brzeziński, James Wolfensohn, Henry Siegman, and others.

What is the ready plan of the US Administration?

First, the return of Israel to its 1967 border with “concessions on several parcels of lands” Yes, right.

Second, dividing Jerusalem as Capital for the two States;

Third, the return of Palestinian refugees to the Palestinian State. And why Israel is still transferring Palestinians to Gaza?

Forth, the admission of Israel of its responsibility and financial compensation by the “World Community”; and

Finally, the stationing of International Peace Force on the borders.

Nothing more and nothing less; see you all how simple and straightforward has this plan boiled down too! 

In the mean time:

First, the Palestinians and the “Arab” States have to recognize a purely Jewish State in their midst;

Second, the US has to recognize Hamas as a democratically elected party as it recognized the democratically elected ultra racists Netanyahu and Avigdor Lieberman. Not for long, before shaming Hamas as a terrorist movement.

Third, the US has to recognize that Israel has nuclear bombs and missiles that can deliver them and thus has the responsibility Not to leave decisions of mass destruction in the hands of foolish racist and “Arab hate mongers“; and

Forth, the US has to stop delivering white phosphorous bombs to Israel, as well as cluster bombs….

The German cargo transporter “Wehr Elbe” discharged 300 containers of military ammunitions in Israel and containing White Phosphorous bombs that caused the outcry of the international community for being dropped consistently on Gaza and burning thousands of Palestinians.

What else did these containers deliver? Cluster bombs, you guessed it.

Every week a child or a shepherd dies or is maimed in south Lebanon due to the millions of cluster bombs that Israel “delivered” in the last day of the 2006 July War.

That is not the end of the story.

Two other cargo shipments are in the pipelines. Why?

The previous Bush Administration has signed an accord with Israel for $25 billion dollars in free military package aids

Funny, President Obama does not want to rescind criminal decisions, as if closing Guantanamo Bay prison is of a lesser magnitude in hypocrisy.

An Iranian proverb says: “Balding men dies with a toupee of abundant curly regrets

This proverb squarely applies to Israel ex Ehoud Olmer PM. 

For three years, Olmert had the opportunity to sign peace agreement with Syria and establish a Palestinian homeland but he failed to do so.  In his departure farewell he delivered a public testament urging his successor Netanyahu to boldly and courageously grab a historic initiative to that effect.

If these decisions had no other alternatives then why has Olmert failed in his responsibility?

Israel, the US, and the European Union would like the general public to consider Iran the main nemesis for world peace. 

They don’t dare say that Pakistan that owns nuclear bombs is falling to a Taliban-like extremism. 

They also don’t dare say that the over 300 million Muslims in India are mostly of Shia sect leaning, like in Iran.

In Lebanon, over 750 candidates for the Parliamentary election in June 7 deposited $6,000 each to be eligible. 

Many withdrew from the race and recovered $1,500; the remaining lost their deposit. 

The treasury would be over 3 millions dollars richer. 

The New York Times published yesterday that Saudi Kingdom is pumping hundreds of millions of dollars to support the government candidates.  Saad Hariri is the medium for receiving and distributing the Saudi dirty money. 

Saudi monarchy would like the government in Lebanon to return as majority even with one candidate.  All the main lists of candidates have been formed by both alliances.

Today is the official anniversary of the Armenian genocide; the Armenians in Lebanon are not happy that Seniora PM decided to hold a meeting for the cabinet today. 

I had posted an essay on the genesis of the Armenian genocide under the title “Cursed Cities: Kars”

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