Adonis Diaries

Archive for May 12th, 2009

Beyond why you write:  Is it to whom you write? (May 12, 2009)


            Publishing your work is the only way to learn writing: you learn to change your style, broaden your fields of interests, get atuned to human conditions, and mend to your target audience everytime you approach a topic.  Just acquiring this tendency that there are specific target audiences for particular themes is a huge step forward to leaning to write.  Then, you change your style to grab attention and individuality.  You had something to say before you started publishing and now your audiences have something to read and you have to respect their choices. 

Art for art is out of the window and you are immersed in social communication.  That is essentially how bloggers are changing and changing the meaning of communication among people.  You learn to expect curses and unintelligible comments but you learn that if you consider these curses as emanating from anxious readers then you learn to offer them ample replies; your targeted replies are no longer a form of respect for those who took time to scribble a few detached words but because you are responsible for the communication to reach a meaningful level.

            Readers are of the same category as those who starts writing for themselves: They are on an urgent introspective course to answering “Who I am”, “why I am the way I am”, “what for”, “why should I care”, “who cares for me?”.  They are all legitimate queries for intelligent and sensitive people who appreciate life and the limited time reserved to resolving existential problems.  We all want to be of some assistance and participate in helping our neighbor in the best of our capabilities and professional knowledge but we known that we are limited, incomplete, and too worried to be the quiet provider, steping forward with a smile and assurance.

            There are still people and even writers who think that only ads professional writers are interested to studying their target audience because the purpose is to selling a product or a service. Maybe the fresh writer in his first published book was confused as to his target audience (it must be appreciated either by the whole world or restricted to just acquaintances and close relative to prove that he did it) but success leads to investing more time on target audiences than focusing on manuscripts; denial to the contrary is never credible as long as editors, assiatants, promoters, and translators are lining up to have the book out and selling. 

            There are alarming statistics that are consistent in the last two decades: the age category between 16 and 24 supports wars more than any other categories and it also is the most conservative in suggesting extreme sentences on incomplete information.  This age category is supposed to be the idealist section in any population and yearning for peace, equality, and equity.  This age category is supposed to be the rebel against the parent’s conservative attitude.  If the writer is not targeting that age group then to whom is he chanting his psalms?

The essence of the urge to publish is the same whether you posts on websites or in hard copy.  The end results cannot be compared in the magnitude of financial reward and recognition.  I wish I ever got a dime for every post I published then I would be well off and not struggling to literally survive by borrowing just a little for a box of cigarette or have my car move for the day.  The fundamental differences are: first, posting should have the advantage of unbridled censorship, representing the writer’s sole judjement and common sense, and economical in wording because it is exhorbitantly expensive to printing posts on papers that are more than two pages long for casual reading; and second, a published book generates two extreme attitudes of either hate out of jealousy or high honor as role model; the blogger almost always goes unoticed and most of the time he is chastised for wasting his time without due recognition.

I feel that the worst persecution anyone can submit to is when his written opinions are censured.  I can empathize with the hundreds of authors who preferred to suffer death and be burned alive rather than desist in publishing what they deamed to be right.

Writing without feeling, conviction, and personal reflection after due reseach should be a blemish to any writer.  The intelligent and sensitive reader’s responsibility is to comment harshly and expose rationally how his visceral reaction to the article was. That is the best way to tame “covert apartheid” positions in communication; which is respecting both parties by stating true feelings directly, boldly, and clearly.

When someone comment “Ose, ose” (daring, daring) then I understand that I did my job right.  For me daring is the highiest of compliments and appreciations.  I realized that I crossed the Rubicon River when I published my introspection: I am free to reflect at liberty.  Your comments are the most welcomed.

 IQ test schemes grafted on overbearing Genes (May 10, 2009)

“Name three kinds of cereals that are served for breakfast” is one typical IQ question.

As if people around the world eat cereals at breakfast or can afford more than one kind of cereals during their wretched life.

I watched the movie Slumdog: the questions of the program for wining 20 millions rupees are essentially relevant to India’s traditions, customs, sport activities, and famous personalities. The hardest questions can be answered by those who attended middle school.

Thus, if you had a free, active, versatile adventure in your life, and you enjoy a huge and unfailing memory then you have the potential for success in this program and you don’t need to be tortured by the police to investigate cheating alternatives schemes.

The contestant has three support alternatives for help: he may ask to eliminate two of the four multiple choices, he may ask the opinion of the audience, and he may call a friend. I suggest that the contestant be eligible to skip a question.

There is a growing tendency for people to literally boast that their faulty characters and unacceptable habits are due to their genes. And they broadcast their deficiencies with a broad defying smile and a booming voice.

These tendencies are not the sole domain of the hooligans in sports events, exhibiting their protruding cheap beer guzzling stomach and nasty tatooes defaming their bodies.

These tendencies are not just categorized as bored adolescents, applying urbain civil war techniques of conquering the streets and making a mockery of the police force.

The overbearing genes are not restricted to benign statements such as:

I am always late: I take it from my mother“; or

I keep breaking objects any which way I move: I take it from my uncoordinated uncle”.

The worst part is people seem very forgiving and understanding when someone utter such lame excuses. As if they want to prove that they agree totally with the “scientific” findings that genes control all our behavior and all our decisions.

There are various types of IQ (Intelligence Quotient?) tests.

I recall that during my PhD set of experiments, I had to confuse the subjects as to the real purpose of my experiment and they sat for a sort of IQ test that the French had devised a century ago to select aviators.

The IQ test was a series of visual patterns and a correct answer for the 8 options in each slide. With training, you might get quite proficient; the only handicap is the time constraint.

Mind you that the French consider proficiency in math as the measure of intelligence, and the students who are great in math do not have to worry about the scores in other subject matters on the ground that the other subjects can be learned, but math is a fundamental measure of innate intelligence.

Wrong! Math is basically an attitude in perseverance

IQ tests do not prove intelligence in any of the scientific or logical disciplines.

The high scorers in IQ tests are the motivated individuals who take trouble to train and exercise on various samples because they want to succeed.

IQ tests sort out the erasable minds that have the flexibility and astuteness for assimilating the rules, regulations, and biased tendencies of their specific society governed by the establishment of the period.

Those with high IQ scores are very in demand by the establishment because they consider life as a set of games with rules and regulations and the winner is the one who assimilate well those restrictions and constraints and play the game wholeheartedly.

The high scorers in the IQ test are capable of erasing entire sets of rules and regulations from their mind and focus on new set of games for the requisite period.

IQ test is not interested in reflective minds that examine his conscious before considering an answer.

IQ test has Time as a fundamental variable in order to avoid sound versatile thinking;

IQ test wants to select the robotic human minds plainly and simply.

Those verbal complicated sentences with an amalgam of negation and affirmative adverbs are not testing logic in any way.  Logic is a set of rules that need to be thoroughly explained, and once comprehended then the best test is using mathematical symbols that are precise and do not rely on reading ability of convoluted nonsense sentences that no one is supposed to be using in writing.

You might feel that I am exaggerating.

Exaggeration is good because it has the best potential to set you free from pernicious “covert apartheid” education, appreciation, and selection.

Exaggeration is one aspect of healthy sense of humor. Intelligent readers can discriminate an exaggeration from limited minded opinions that refuse to study and analyze a topic from various perspectives and angles.

Refuse to pay for IQ testing and save your soul and sound spirit.

In any case, review a complete sample of IQ test by applying your critical thinking with the understanding of what kind of people an establishment prefers to hire.

Good reading.




May 2009

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