Adonis Diaries

Archive for January 10th, 2021

Tidbits #89

I conjecture that all the facts, observations, experiments., philosophy… will Not tell us anything “sustainable” of what is life and the universe. We need to know: How the majority, in any ethnic group, likes to conceive the nature of Life and the Universe? This knowledge is fundamental to evaluate the evolution of human “Emotional Intelligence

US usually does threaten The rest of the world for “peaceful transfer of power“. The rest of the world Leaders and officials expressed shock and disappointment as the US Capitol was invaded and congressmen locked up in their chambers.

Everything radiates: Trees and even stones, rocks, and our body radiates. Basement of homes radiates noxious chemical gases. The skin, our first defensive line against nocife radiations, will eventually degrade. And we gets older and the radiations will reach our organs and kill their cells and disturb their functioning.

As oceans will invade large swath of lands in the coming decades, generally urban regions, temperature in cities will also increase twice that of rural regions. A double calamity.

Identical twins don’t have identical genes. New research found an average of 5.2 genetic mutations per set.

Is there any actual difference between the Moderna and Pfizer versions? I know they are built on the same principle, but what about efficacy, side effects, etc.? None. Both of which are based on a novel application of mRNA. The question remains: which of the varieties of vaccines needs “normal” low cold environment to suit countries that lacks very cold facilities to transfer the vaccine?

I love Voltaire: his sarcasm transcend centuries and ages. I believe sarcasm is a potent means to provide behaviorals alternatives to customs and tradition.

Le plus habile des trésoriers n’a rien avoir avec le plus integre.

Les services rendus restent dans l’antichambre. Les soupçons entrent dans le cabinet des ministres.

La joie d’une personne heureuse serait une insulte. Mais deux malheureux ensemble sont deux arbrisseaux faibles qui s’appuient pour se fortifier contre l’orage.

Le roi de Serendib savait qu’on le pillait: Il n’avait pu changer le mode établie de partager les revenus. La petite moitié “inégale” revenait a lui/le peuple. Rien ne faisait de changer le tresorier: l’administration ne changait guere.

A lady professor of piano accompanied home one of her little young girl. She counselled her at the door: “Don’t forget to press harder your 4th finger“. I know the 4th is a weak finger, and that is why women opt for the third one.




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