Adonis Diaries

Posts Tagged ‘(Carrington eruption

It is a fact: Major devastating solar winds in 2012; (Jan. 1st, 2010)

A nasty solar eruption (winds) is predicted on September 22, 2012 at midnight. Scientists at NASA published a report warning of high volume sun flare up.  This flare up is not your run of the mill gorgeous aurora borealis in the Arctic. The sun will eject one billion tons of plasma of particles (ions and electrons) that will grill all electrical infrastructure and electrical machines in the northern hemisphere, if no precautions are programmed.

When solar winds come in contact with earth magnetic field, a major catastrophe sets in.  This solar eruption will be witnessed around the equinoxes (periods when the center of the sun faces directly the equator). Mind you that the sun is far hotter and much more active than it was a million years ago.

At the onset of the solar wind, State governments will enjoy a window of opportunity to shut down all electrical power sources and facilities.  The main decision is to prepare for the worst case scenario: the winds might last for over two weeks and potable water should be available for the duration of the eruption.  People living in high-rise buildings should be accommodated in makeshift camps for the period of the cataclysm, because potable water cannot be pumped up electrically.

In case no emergency policies are planned then, what are the effects after electrical power goes dead? Potable water is the major immediate problem, since most potable water is purified electrically and distributed electrically in urban centers. Citizens will have to survive for at least a year, before electrical infrastructure and electrical equipments are renewed and fabricated.  Urban people will try to relocate to regions enjoying clean potable water sources (which are becoming rare almost anywhere, even in Africa).

This “Sun winds” phenomenon occurred in 1859 (Carrington eruption) and lasted for 8 days; telegraph services were disrupted.  Luckily, potable water and clean water sources were intact at the time.  Thus, no transport relying on electricity in any part of it will function.  Hospital will have to replace their generators after the solar wind episode; unless tight enclosures that are magnetic field proof are constructed.  Mostly, modern health providing facilities will be at an end.  Pharmaceutical industry will stop producing vital medicines for an entire year or as generators and infrastructure are renewed.

The most worrisome problem is nuclear power plants that are cooled by water.  If cooling water is not flowing adequately by other mechanisms than electricity then what could happen? A chain meltdown around the world.

Another problem is that the main decision makers might not be credible or considered legitimate enough; thus, waiting till the onset of the flare up may cause serious political difficulties in addition to technical difficulties that may prevent many States and private providers from shutting down in a timely manner. It would be much preferable to shut down power ahead of prediction and consider the order as an emergency exercise.

What do you think technology can offer to resolve the consequences of this solar wind hazard? In the meantime, diseases will spread; rats and roaches will invade urban centers in broad day light. Time to get used to eating rats, but how to finding potable water?

Best to be prepared for worst case scenarios since sun winds can be predicted ahead of time and start thinking of alternative technologies for pumping and purifying water.

2012: Not on apocalypses; (Dec. 29, 2009)

Scientists at NASA published a report that is predicting sun flare up on September 22, 2012 at midnight.  The sun is far hotter and more active than it was a million years ago. This flare up is not your run of the mill gorgeous aurora borealis in the Arctic. The sun will eject particles (ions and electrons) that will grill all electrical infrastructure and electrical machines in the northern hemisphere.

What are the effects after electrical power going dead? Potable water is the major immediate problem since most potable water is purified electrically and distributed electrically to high rises.  Citizens will have to survive for at least a year before electrical infrastructure and electrical equipments are renewed and fabricated.  Urban people will try to relocate to regions enjoying clean potable water sources (which are becoming rare almost anywhere, even in Africa).

“Sun winds” carry one billion tons of plasma and when solar winds come in contact with earth magnetic field then a major catastrophe sets in.  This phenomenon occurred in 1859 (Carrington eruption) and lasted for 8 days; telegraph services were disrupted.  Luckily, potable water and clean water sources were intact at the time.

Thus, no transport relying on electricity in any part will function.  Hospital will have to replace their generators after the solar wind episode.  Mostly, modern health providing facilities will be at an end.  Pharmaceutical industry will stop producing vital medicines.

Solar eruptions are witnessed around the equinoxes (periods when the center of the sun faces directly the equator).  What do you think technology can offer to resolve the consequences of this solar wind hazard? In the meantime, diseases will spread; rats and roaches will invade urban centers in broad day light. Time to get used to eating rats but how to finding potable water?

Note: It is January 4, 2012: The date has elapsed for the apocalypse, and the doomsday promoter, Jose Arguelles, has passed away last March. Jose was an art historian, and passionate of the Maya cosmology.  Don’t rely on exact date: The year is not over?




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