Adonis Diaries

Posts Tagged ‘Rage

Angry, raging about, mood disorder, Dysthymia…

Posted on April 13, 2012

Dysthymia is a chronic mood disorder characterized by loss of appetite, low-energy level, excessive pent-up anger, social withdrawal, trouble in concentration, tendency to feeling immensely guilty, and obviously daydream suicidal scheming projects…

The enumeration of the characteristics of Dysthymia fails to differentiate among the main factors/ causes and the effects or consequences of the sources of disorder…and you are left to reflect according to your proper common sense mechanism, if you are in the mood for despairing analysis…

For example, dentists have one of the highest prevalence for Dysthymia...

Who do you think are prone to catch on Dysthymia by middle age?

Dentists say what they don’t mean, as most corporate do.  

Dentists really mean: “Don’t let me know if it hurts under any circumstance. Play stoic when I hit a nerve. I am suffering enough of Dysthymia and I don’t care to be exacerbated one more time too often. I have heavily anesthetized your mouth, lips… while you’re here. And When you go home, don’t call me for any reason or for complaining of acute pains, which might last only a couple of days…”

My brother is a dentist, and I can vouch of his “gentle hand and fingers” using the drill…as many of his clients/patients testify.

My brother looks inordinately calm, excessively polite when he doesn’t speak, but when he decides to talk…his conversation is utterly angry and venomous.

My brother is trying hard to keep the peace by not engaging in any conversation…and I don’t know how he managed to survive with all the pent-up, bottled up anger …

I used to thank bus drivers as I stepped down, simply to frustrate the passengers who consider the driver a hidden computer or an invisible mechanical robot…

Occasionally, I would turn to face the angry looks of the passengers…With habit, I just thank without any hinder thought.

I get angry in rainy pouring days when car drivers accelerate to unduly splash and drench this stupid walker. I took the habit of slowly waving my hand up and down, meaning “Do slow down”.

A few slow down and give me a sheepish smile, and accelerate madly: I think the guilt feeling plays the catalyst to their dormant anger…

I tend to stay clear from people exploding in hysteric rage, starting verbally and ending physical.  

It is very safe not to come close in these circumstances: You might become the physical target of the angry person who was feeling totally powerless of communicating, and acting sensibly on an environment refusing to consider that he has any kinds of entitlement…

I stay clear since I am at a physical disadvantage and don’t want to give the aggressor new easy targets to vent out his blinding anger…

I know that in such circumstances, when I get my ultimate in anger, once in a decade, I fail to hear or see properly what I am told or what I am looking at…

You are the wisest if you can sense when a demonstration is turning crazy toward a” mob syndrome”:  You are a stupid pion washed away by the pressing hurricane.

The new generations in developed States have the highest incident of violent rage occurrences, like shooting spree in schools, in supermarket, blowing buildings…

The violent acts are mostly done by person of well-to-do classes because their “rights for entitlements” are baffled and the “system or procedures” were devised so that No civil servant can claim that he is responsible for his decisions…

The procedures, which civil servants, security personnel, soldiers, judges, professors…are bound to follow, are designed Not to leave much rooms for interpretations or to navigate amid sensible judgement, or to pinpoint a definable public figure to target and question:  They are all, like corporations, just “moral entities“.

Moral entity are defined as Nobody own, nobody is responsible directly for any decision, and citizens feel they have got no authority figure to directly express their minor frustrations.

Citizens feel powerless and helpless and they express their anger in the ample of bad behavior, randomly it seems…

Feeling angry is culminating with the sense of not locating the obvious or legal nemesis in corporations and in government services: A machine answering your requests is programmed to upset you even further.  

We are told that we have choices:  Have you tried lately the various 32 ice-cream flavors?

Not a chance!

Note: I am glad that this insurrection of the US Capitol might have provided a level of “common sense” of how people feeling entitled act when cornered and baffled.

All the Lebanese militia/mafia leaders gathered in the Presidential Palace: What’s the deal?

Rage is mounting in Lebanon. Exponential increase in prices and drastic devalue of the currency is driving the citizens to the wall. This lockdown is degenerating into a total pocket bankruptcy for over 60% of the citizens

Tiny Lebanon is Not a productive State and import most of its goods, and the main Syrian border for importing non expensive agricultural products is Not wide open to tame the greed of producers.

And the “reforms” are snail moving and prosecutions of the non law abiding of the government decrees are barely noticed or considered serious by the 50% hungry citizens.

Slowly but surely, most Lebanese are ready to admit that every one who was and is in power share in this total bankruptcy of the state at all levels. Thus this article by Nasri Sayegh.

كتب نصري الصايغ:

ـ هل تعرفون أسماء الفاسدين والمرتكبين؟

ـ طبعاً. كلن يعني كلن.

ـ هل تجرؤون على التسمية؟

ـ قليلاً. فسادهم شرس ومصان. فسادهم محروس “شعبياً”. أزلامهم كلاب صيد. يركضون خلف الطريدة، ويعيدونها أمانة لصاحبها.

ثم انهم سلطة دائمة، اكانوا في الحكم ام في المعارضة. انهم يسرقون في كل الفصول والشهور والسنوات… ثم انهم محميون. القضاء، لم يهتدِ بعد إلى مرتكب واحد. ولن. هو يشبه اسياده. ومعروف أن الدولة التي يفسد قضاؤها ذاهبة إلى الخراب.

ـ اذ كان ذلك كذلك، فلماذا دعا رئيس الجمهورية هذه العصابات إلى القصر الجمهوري؟ هل يعرف انهم فاسدون؟ طبعاً. هل يعرف انهم شركاء مزمنون؟ طبعاً يعرف. هل يعرف أن مقربين له فاسدون ايضاً وايضاً. طبعاً. وإذا كان لا يعرف، فمعنى ذلك انه ليس رئيساً عن جد. يكون بدلاً عن حاضر إلى جانبه. صهره، او مستشاره او أحد تجار الهيكل.

ـ بالفعل. هناك مفارقة تصل إلى حد الفضيحة المجلجلة. الخطة المالية والاقتصادية، على علاتها، وبرغم امتثالها لشروط صندوق النقد، لا يمكن أن توضع بين ايدي مرتكبي السبعة وذمتها، منذ أكثر من ثلاثين عاماً.

لبنان يعوم على بحر الفساد من زمان. من ايام السلطان سليم الخوري، شقيق رئيس الجمهورية آنذاك. السرقات، هي السياسات اللبنانية الحقيقية. لذا، لم نشهد محاكمة لفاسد من تأسيس الكيان.

ـ اذا، لماذا دعا الرئيس ميشال عون هذه الطغمة التي يعرفها عن جد؟

هذا يدفعنا إلى الشك به وبمن حوله وحواليه. اضافة إلى اننا سنتحول إلى خبثاء، لا جبناء، فنسميهم عندها، كلن يعني كلن، ولا أحد بريء من دماء واموال اللبنانيين.

ـ عن جد إني لا افهم. إذا سلمت نواياي فإن السؤال التالي، يجعلني في موضع الشك بالرئاسة. اذ، هو يعرف، كما نحن نعرف، أن هؤلاء الذين دعاهم إلى القصر الجمهوري، هم مرتكبو تفليسة لبنان، وضياع امواله، وسرقة ودائع الناس، وافقار الاكثرية، وسرقة الدولة، كل الدولة، اذ لا مؤسسة الا ولها نسب مع “الست ماريكا”، حاكمة “سوق المتنبي” يوم كان الجنس مرخصا به برخص شعبي واخلاقي.

ـ عن جد. هل هؤلاء هم الذين سيتولون تنفيذ ما سمي خطأ، خطة الانقاذ؟ عجيب. قليل من الاحتشام. قليل من الخجل. هؤلاء الحراميي هم الصورة الحقيقية للمرحلة المقبلة. حسان دياب يقول قولاً جميلاً احياناً، جريئاً احياناً.

لكن الدعوة إلى القصر الجمهوري تمحو ما يقول حسان دياب. يظهر رئيس الحكومة بخطابه، مراراً، انه مختلف. ونريد أن نصدق ذلك. ولكننا لا نستطيع ابداً، ابداً، ابداً أن نصدق ما يحدث في كواليس القصر.

ـ الا إذا كان هناك ضرب من الجنون. يا ليت. ان يكون اللقاء مناسبة لإلقاء القبض عليهم بتهمة إنهاك وافلاس وسرقة البلد.

ـ لا تخرف. هذا حصرم رأيته في حلب. هل تعرف الشيخ زنكي؟ هؤلاء جميعهم كانوا في دفنه. انهم عصبة وربما عصابة، ومستعدون لحضور مراسم الدفن والبكاء على أطلال، خلفوها اعمدة ذليلة ومنكسرة.

ـ إذا ما هذا الذي يجري؟

ـ لا تتوقع خيراً ابداً. الذين دمروا لبنان مراراً، عُهِدَ إليهم اعادة بنائه فنهبوه. وهذه المرة، سيكون النهب اسوأ وأشمل. إذا لم يسرقوا “طقوا وماتوا”.

ـ والناس؟

ـ لا تسأل. باستثناء شعب “17 تشرين”، هناك اتباع ورعاع وخدم وعبيد وجلاوزة وجواسيس.

ـ يعني أن اللبنانيين سيجوعون.

ـ طبعاً. لقد جاعوا وسيجوعون أكثر.

وليس بعيداً أن تندلع ثورة الجياع، بعد اقدام ثلاثة على السرقة الموصوفة: أولهم: الطبقة السياسية الحاكمة والمتحكمة والمستحكمة، وثانياً، شركاؤهم في المصارف، وثالثاً، شريكم الادنى، حاكم المصرف المركزي… اياك أن تبرئ احداً.

ـ ما العمل؟

ـ دع العواء السياسي جانباً. وانتظر ثورة الجياع. وان لم يفعلوا ويحملوا في قبضاتهم قوتهم، فقل، لا حول ولا قوة… أن شعبا بهذا الذل، يستحق هذا الاذلال.

ـ مستحيل. اللبنانيون سيثورون.

ـ اذا. إلى اللقاء. عنواني بعد اليوم: الساحات من الشمال إلى الجنوب. سنكون عابرين للطوائف والمناطق وال..

ـ والحل…

ـ …

ـ لماذا تصمت الآن؟

ـ لم يعد يجدي الكلام. السيف اصدق انباء من الكتب.

ـ انه لأمر مخيف. اليس كذلك.

ـ من العار أن تموت جباناً. وان تحيا جبانا.

ـ والذين في القصر الجمهوري؟

ـ لا نسأل. إما هم وإما نحن. انهم لا يشبهوننا ولا نشبههم. ولكنهم اقوياء جداً… انما إلى حين اندلاع الجوع.

ـ ثم ماذا؟

Superpowers and western nations will tremble from the rage of the third world masses

What Jean Paul Sartre was convinced of was that the western societies will tremble from the mass uprising of the third world for all the damages and plunders they effected upon these people.

The Western nations will have to pay dearly for repairing the indignities they committed. At the end the reparation will be in blood.

After these pseudo-independent States recognized by the UN didn’t stop the former colonial powers to desist in their onslaught of the natural wealth of the third world countries and treating them as vassals and chattels in governing their nations.

The western and modern superpowers (politically or economically), even those ruling by relying on their shadow power for centuries, assumed that the real danger is the unity of the third world States.

For that aim, they did their best to dismantle whatever unity could be formed and re-applied the colonial strategy  of “Divide to rule“.

They split the new independent States into religious sects, ethnic identities, former allegiances…

Currently, civil wars are raging in the 5 continents of the world and nothing can stop the wildfire spreading from every corner.

It is becoming a guerrilla warfare. Mostly within the states.

Angry, raging about, raging bull, corporate rogue, Dysthymia…

Dysthymia is a chronic mood disorder characterized by loss of appetite, low-energy level, excessive pent-up anger, social withdrawal, trouble in concentration, tendency to feeling immensely guilty, and obviously daydream suicidal scheming projects…

The enumeration of the characteristics of Dysthymia fails to differentiate among the main factors or causes and the effects or consequences of the sources of disorder…and you are left to reflect according to your proper common sense mechanism, if you are in the mood for despairing analysis…

For example, dentists have one of the highest prevalence for Dysthymia...Who do you think are prone to catch on Dysthymia by middle age?

Dentists say what they don’t mean, as most corporate do.  Dentists really mean: “Don’t let me know if it hurts under any circumstance. Play stoic when I hit a nerve. I am suffering enough of Dysthymia and I don’t care to be exacerbated one more time too often. I have heavily anesthetized your mouth, lips… while your are here. And When you go home, don’t call me for any reason or for complaining of acute pains, which might last only a couple of days…”

My brother is a dentist, and I can vouch of his “gentle hand and fingers” using the drill…as many of his clients/patients testify.

My brother looks inordinately calm, excessively polite when he doesn’t speak, but when he decides to talk…his conversation is utterly angry and venomous. My brother is trying hard to keep the peace by not engaging in any conversation…and I don’t know how he managed to survive with all the pent-up anger bottled up…

I used to thank bus drivers as I stepped down, simply to frustrate the passengers who consider the driver a hidden computer or an invisible mechanical robot…Occasionally, I would turn to face the angry looks of the passengers…With habit, I just thank without any hinder thought.

I get angry in rainy pouring days when drivers accelerate to unduly splash and drench this stupid walker. I took the habit of slowly waving my hand up and down, meaning “Do slow down”. A few slow down and give me a sheepish smile, and accelerate madly: I think the guilt feeling plays catalyst to their dormant anger…

I tend to stay clear from people exploding in hysteric rage, starting verbally and ending physical.  It is very safe not to come close in these circumstances: You might become the physical target of the angry person who was feeling totally powerless of communicating and acting sensibly on an environment refusing to consider that he has any kinds of entitlement…

I stay clear since I am at a physical disadvantage and don’t want to give the aggressor new easy targets to vent out his blinding anger…I know that in such circumstances I fail to hear or see properly what I am told or what I am looking at…

You are the wisest if you can sense when a demonstration is turning crazy toward a” mob syndrome”:  You are a stupid pion washed away by the pressing hurricane.

The new generations in developed States have the highest incident of violent rage occurrences, like shooting spree in schools, in supermarket, blowing buildings…

The violent acts are mostly done by person of well-to-do classes because their “rights for entitlements” are baffled and the “system or procedures” were devised so that no civil servant can claim that he is responsible for his decisions…

The procedures, which civil servants, security personnel, soldiers, judges, professors…are bound to follow, are not leaving much rooms to navigate amid sensible judgement, or to pinpoint a definable public figure to target and question:  They are all, like corporations, just “moral entities“; no body own, nobody is responsible directly for any decision, and citizens feel they have got no authority figure to directly express their minor frustrations.

Citizens feel powerless and helpless and they express their anger in the ample of bad behavior, randomly it seems…

Feeling angry is culminating with the sense of not locating the obvious or legal nemesis in corporations and in government services: A machine answering your requests is programmed to upset you even further.  We are told that we have choices:  Have you tried lately the various 32 ice-cream flavors?

Not a chance!




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