Adonis Diaries

Posts Tagged ‘Twitter

Notes and comments on FB and twitter. Part 24

During 6 years of international war on Syria, the Syrian army never split, the institutions functioned and no diplomat ever defected. It is Not a matter of a dictator. It is the most unified people against foreign interventions.

The leaders of developing States get depressed and highly frustrated: They intended to do the right thing, but were failed by the colonial empires. They revert internally to subjugate their people, tribes and clans

The leaders failed to do the thing right: the US empire admitted for allies but slave States and slave dictators.

All those leaders who passed away in this century wanted to do the right thing. They had bright ideas, and comprehended perfectly the situation, conditions and limitations facing the enslaving colonial powers.

His mother “would stand for no nonsense”: le succées doit arriver de votre vivant. Les gloires posthume sont bannis de la collection 

Le naufrage de Paul et Virginie. Virginie préfére se noyer plutot que d’enlever sa robe. Je Croix que Paul n’avait pas su s’y prendre

Pour une femme sans education, offre lui comme cadeau un beau livre

Pour une femme modeste, offer lui comme cadeau un objet de luxe.

Les echarpes, manteaux, robes… comme cadeaux a une femme doivent etre assortis a la couleur de ses cheveux. Comme si les hommes regardent les Racines des cheveux.

Les bagues, broches, boucles d’oreilles… comme cadeaux doivent etre assotis a la couleur des yeux. Comme si les hommes distinguent les lens de couleur

Entend moi mon garcon: Tu peux accepter des cadeaux des femmes, meme les Rolls-Royce, mais jamais de l’argent

En chant, en musique, en domaine artistique… il y a un malentendu avec moi. Je suis un enfant prodige. Pas seulement je ne fut jamais initier en bas age, mais je n’ai pas d’ oreille, pas de voix, pas de dexterité

Les femmes et les hommes sont 2 univers distincts des déesses et des mortels. On adore ecouter la femme. Si seulement elle ne pose pas des questions saugrenues.

On pleure á chaude larmes après un instant Magique. C’est pour ca que les glandes lacrimogenes ont evoluées: Pour retenir l’ illusion du Bonheur éternal.

La tendresse est un continent joyeux, juste après la passion furieuse. Sans quoi, comment rétablir la balance et l’ appreciation?

Les putes font de bon travail et doivent etre legaliser et legitimiser, comme le 7ashish. Pourtant, payer une femme pour la baiser est minable, un truc de malade. Justement, on doit guérire.

Chaque fois que je me retrouve aux bords de la mer, je devient un noyé heureux: je me debarrasse de mes obligations.

On a beau gagner de batailles, on ne peut pas gagner la guerre sur soi. Ce qui compte est de faire de son mieux.

People in good health who commit suicide have given up on discovering a face, a content, or a contour to their quest for the Absolute.

Tu fus declaré perdu a plusieur reprises dans ta vie: Tu peut réscussiter cette fois encore.

You have been declared lost many times in your life. You can resuscitate this time again.

C’est toute une vie de labeur, le gout du chef-d’ oeuvre qui tantot révele le visage, le contenu, ou le contour de notre desir d’Absolue.

Truth dies young. We keep re-learning what we forgot in our youth.

The good-hearted Devil vacated the place to mankind: He was no match. And monitoring social media platforms turned out too complicated.

The other supposedly tolerant and compassionate God bowed down to Mighty Capital.

A taxi driver told me: The main cause that Lebanon has gone downhill is when women started to drive en mass. Sure, women don’t stop or slow down. They don’t receive traffic tickets when moving (officers save the curses).

Notes and comments on FB and Twitter. Part 15

We are all cowards, in more than one way, and we know it. Please, desist from reminding us of that.

Né intelligent and paria, Riabinine n’a cure des prejudices des nobles: il aime manipuler et detrousser poliment ces seigneurs et leur system imbecile.

Les efforts de la volonté (decision et intention): if faut beaucoup de pratiques pour que la routine réduit effectivement et suffisamment ces efforts

Je n’aurais jamais credité les pauvres de grandeur d’ame pour les plus aisés sous pretexte des injustices de la vie.

Poor people mostly hate the other poors: They sense that they match their deficiencies et remind them of their lamentable conditions.

The minor poetes generated the greater ones. Invest in the research of the minor poetes as a catalyst for a fresh new wave of great poetes.

Ce farouche ennemi qu’ offensait le respect, qu’importunait la plainte… est dompté et apprivoisé par son amour d’Aricie

Cet orgueil, nourri dans les forets, il en a la rudesse. Endurci par de sauvages lois, Hippolyte entend parler d’amour pour la premiere fois.

Who is the poete of all time? Again, in which language? I can read in the original French, English and Arabic. I may say: Racine in French, Shakespeare in English, Al Motanabi in Arabic. I would have picked Abu Nawwass if he invested any time in editing and publishing his abundant and versatile poems.

The spread of knowledge and sciences didn’t make a dent on the ratio of the suckered people every day. That is why pro-active laws must be enacted to keep the money in the pocket of the bamboozled by institutions and associations.

The tribe that owned the monopoly over the idol of the greatest Abstract God Allah was constantly broke. The well-off tribes owned the practical demi-God idols.

Nothing has changed: It is the Saints who are generating the wealth of the churches and other religions.

Human kind will be better off if he adored the good people after their death, instead of an abstract God whose deeds are malignant to the living.

I listened to the speech of Thomas Moore last night in Wisconsin. He was demanding Not to use the voting booth as an “anger management” right. You will feel good for a day, and be hurt for 4 years. (The problem is that Hillary has already nasty plans for the Middle-East)

Vivons-nous dans l’angoisse du manqué? Apres une féte, un bouillant nous rend heureux de l’instant present: On a moins, mais on en profit plus.

On ne gout un plaisir que parce qu’ on le sait éphemere et unique. Il ne suit pas que ce qui est ephemere doit generer du plaisir: Il faut de la pratique et perseverance pour découvrir comment rendre l’ ephemere essential a une vie satisfaisante.

Persevere at you most cherished hobby: keep working the details for perfection to flow.

Modern Lebanon and Syria: No sciences or a valid national anthem. Traditions of the land that refused any King, a people without civic rights, a soul Not confined within a Temple. A land surviving on ancient spirit, myths with roots as deep and sprawling as antiquity. The original chaos left intact, surrounded by symbols and illusional hopes. A hotbed for civilizations that spread and re-arranged this peaceful chaos into national codes and organizations, elsewhere

Through my diaries, I got convinced that falling in love must be a story: You don’t accede to passionate love until you tasted the burning of hell (May Mennassa)

Notes and comments on FB and Twitter. Part 13

Michel Aoun, the only President to Lebanon that: 1. the people know him, 2. has the largest representative block in Parliament. 3. has actually resisted foreign occupations

Ce decalage infime qui pourrit tout ce qui est beau et la possibilite de la perfection. Faisons adieux a toutes les synchronisations forcés

Nous denoncons du crime de vanité la soif de domination qui agite tout le monde. Et la force de discours bien appris qui portent au nues les creations de l’homme? C’est pas aussi des illusions de vanité?

On m’a fait assez de reproches pour la guerre et pour la paix. Agisser pour la paix et cesser d’entendre les autres reproches

All the religious sects in Lebanon must be believing in Purgatory: Our judicial system is in permanent este2naaf

The concept of purgatory is beautiful: we can live in the hope for a possible retrial

William Lloyd Garrison? He published the daily The Liberator in Boston in 1830 for the emancipation of the slaves. 30 years later, the civil war broke out and Abraham Lincoln managed the feat for enacting this law. Lincoln and Garrison should share the honor and the award. Another century had to elapse before the technically slaves enjoy the fruit of the Law.

It is universally acknowledged that every paradigm shift must be condemned as heresy before becoming a myth. It starts by being persecuted and live to be trashed in the waste bin.

BDl Accelerate 2016? ends this Saturday at 6 pm at the Forum? Fi sa5a2, fi tonzeem, fi balash, fi standaat, fi token to eat… bass ma fi 3elm.  The talks are of the general kinds, as if the audience is Not fit or Not willing to listen to details or the speakers were Not remunerated properly to invest in preparing their talks. You won’t learn about the details of the processes, the design, the redesign and the errors that have been resolved…Ma btet3alam shi. My experience this Thursday. Check the second floor for the new upstarts in Lebanon and abroad: very useful

Tu vis, tu meurs, ce sont des consequences. Pouquoi pas? Et les evenements collateraux?  Qu’a t’on construit pour ces genres de consequences?

Une education civilisé? Maitriser la violence individuelle dans sa societé. Et répandre avec acharnement notre violence primitive contre les autres societies, celles qui non pas les moyens de se defender contre les armes a longue distance.

International Courts are impotent and useless against those rascals who committed mass crimes against humanity because their Nations allow them to enjoy judicial immunity.

One person is missing and you are lost. If you experienced that feeling once, consider you lived a full life.

Poor people dream of new venues and perspectives: They are ready to give credibility to the well-off. Those who pass them by as fathoms.

It is Not plagiarism if you can go to the original sources: thousands of years ago.

How can we “cultivate” the people in a rotten political system? We always need gradual changes in reforms that allows a mass reform of our cultural heritage.

It must be universality acknowledged that absolute justice is worse than tyranny: Written laws that cannot be applied on the ground generate chaotic informal practices in economy and all facets in the daily survival quest

Avons-nous renouncé a la rencontre? A connaitre nos voisins au moins?

Comment ne pas essayer d’oublier ces vieux prés de la mort? Comment amener un peu de repis a une existence d’ennui, d’amertume et de ressassment? Comment construire notre present avec joie, Esperance et acharnement?

Les femmes croient fermement que la plus terrible phrase qui offense leurs maris est: “Tu es un lache, un peureux inveteré”. La belle affair: si elles pouvaient laisser les maris tranquille pour tout le rest.

We are all cowards, in more than one way, and we know it. Please, desist from reminding us of that.

Notes and comments on FB and Twitter. Part 11

And the best way to get promoted is to learn something new and get good at it? In public sector, getting expert in routine procedures?

It turned out that Koran Never mentions Shari3at

Michel Aoun, the only President to Lebanon whom: 1. the people know him, 2. has the largest representative block in Parliament, 3. has actually resisted foreign occupations

Ce decalage infime qui pourrit tout ce qui est beau et la possibilite de la perfection. Faisons adieux a toutes les synchronisations forcés

Pourquoi cette insistence a la synchronisation? Faut-il que quelqu’un echoue?

On compense a toutes nos deffficiences: et celles de nos differences communautaires?

Et si la literature et l’Art, qui activent nos neurones miroires, nous montrent tout ce qu’on rate et raterons

Tout vient a son heure? Pourquoi l’heure n’est jamais au rendez-vous de la paix?

La vraie nouveauté: Ce qui ne vieillit pas, malgré le temps.

Sans les habils de l’altruism, l’acte de se reproduire est deplacé.

It turned out that Koran Never mentions Islamic State

It turned out that Koran Has no punctuations: It can be openly interpreted

It turned out that Koran Never believed in miracles

Besoin de l’Art? On aspire a renouer avec nos illusions sprirituelles.

L’Amour, le bien et le mal, la philosophie et la culture… Ces icons respectables comme la tique a son gros chien.

Japanese movie director Ozu: The Munakata sisters.

Documentary on Ozu: Tokyo-Ga, by Wim Wenders

Allah yer7ama? Wa 3a shou ma baddo yer7ama? Ma 3emlet ella al kheir

Allah yer7ama? Ma 3emlet ella al kheir. eshfa3 laha btishfa3 feek

Tawwel bi 3omrak: Ma tkaterleh al sneen

Notes and comments on FB and Twitter. Part 10

La seule excuse de Dieu est qu’il n’existe pas. On peut le tuer a volonte. Et les pauvres bougres qui meurent en son nom, les extremists inclus.

Rien n’amuse les bien nés comme ce combat qu’ils regardent chez les pauvres pour survivre

A 90%, le temps sera le méme comme la veille. Les queues de la courbe de probabilité ne s’appliquent pas aux temps normaux.

Ariane ma soeur. De quel amour blessé; Vous mourutes aux bords ou vous futes laissée.

J’ai dit ce que jamais on ne devait entendre.

Les catastrophes irremediables, l’annonce des malheurs inevitables l’assommaient.

Venise s’enfonce? La belle affaire. Pourquoi dois-je la visité?

L’enfer c’est le froid. Pas le zero absolu: on ne sent rien physiquement. Assez froid pour sentir nos emotions sur le point de se congeler

Echouer au paraitre d’etre suffisant? C’est si facile de decouvrir  le paraitre, et la dignité factice aussi.

Etre noble signifie avoir plus de devoirs que les autres? Comme le devoir de recevoir matin et soir et entendre les recommendations? C’est plutot etre un politique.

Il faut que quelqu’un reconnaisse ma force: Je m’ en vais en guerre. Pour vaincre, pour humilier ces nations cretines, comme elles viennent.

La maladie terminale entre dans un foyer. Elle s’empare du corps et tisse entre les coeurs une toile óu s’ensevelit l’espoir.

Pour les riches, les petites gens ressentent les emotions avec une intensité moindre, et une plus grande indifference a la mort

La mort des petites gens est une evidence pour les riches. La mort d’un riche doit etre une injustice et du drame.

Une vie sans faste ni artifices ne devrait eprouver qu’une demi-revolte au moment de la mort?

Certaine personne voit la vie comme une succession d’actes conjuratoires qui donnent l’illusion de la securité. Se concentrer sur l’object, a chacun son tour, L’Enfant, les plantes, le chat, la femme de ménage

The bottles of vaccines contained smallpox virus. The tribes in Amazonia, close to Gold mines, died like flies

I read the first and last 2 chapters. If interested, I start from the middle of these fillers.

White attack dog: trained by Black addicts and drunks, hired by white racists, in inflicting continual pains and suffering. When cured from this instinct to attack blacks, they attack the white obese master who supervised over the cruelty.

White attack dogs trained to search and maul Negro fugitives, from prisons or plantations.

Israel has trained attack dogs: How they discriminate among the accredited Jews from the non-Jews?

C’est un vrai mechant: une personne qui a renié le bon en lui. Elle se deteste et on subit cet inconvenient.

She is an 88 bundle of aches and pains, and she is functional. Her dreaded nightmare is to be dependent on a care.

Save these lengthy paragraphs to tell me that you are being cynical and humoristic. Perfect your biting quick style and cut to the chase.

Syria presence in Lebanon brought security, stability, law and order. The rotten Lebanese are never satisfied but in chaos.

Out of control? Online shaming spirals

In the early days of Twitter, it was like a place of radical de-shaming.

People would admit shameful secrets about themselves, and other people would say, “Oh my God, I’m exactly the same.” Voiceless people realized that they had a voice, and it was powerful and eloquent.

If a newspaper ran some racist or homophobic column, we realized we could do something about it. We could get them.

We could hit them with a weapon that we understood but they didn’t — a social media shaming.

Advertisers would withdraw their advertising. When powerful people misused their privilege, we were going to get them.

This was like the democratization of justice. Hierarchies were being leveled out. We were going to do things better.

Patsy Z and TEDxSKE shared a link.
Twitter gives a voice to the voiceless, a way to speak up and hit back at perceived injustice.
But sometimes, says Jon Ronson, things go too far.
In a jaw-dropping story of how one un-funny tweet ruined a woman’s life and career, Ronson shows…|By Jon Ronson

1:01 Soon after that, a disgraced pop science writer called Jonah Lehrer he’d been caught plagiarizing and faking quotes, and he was drenched in shame and regret, he told me. And he had the opportunity to publicly apologize at a foundation lunch.

This was going to be the most important speech of his life. Maybe it would win him some salvation. He knew before he arrived that the foundation was going to be live-streaming his event, but what he didn’t know until he turned up, was that they’d erected a giant screen Twitter feed right next to his head. (Laughter) Another one in a monitor screen in his eye line.

I don’t think the foundation did this because they were monstrous. I think they were clueless: I think this was a unique moment when the beautiful naivety of Twitter was hitting the increasingly horrific reality.

And here were some of the Tweets that were cascading into his eye line, as he was trying to apologize:

 “Jonah Lehrer, boring us into forgiving him.” (Laughter)

And, “Jonah Lehrer has not proven that he is capable of feeling shame.”

That one must have been written by the best psychiatrist ever, to know that about such a tiny figure behind a lectern.

And, “Jonah Lehrer is just a frigging sociopath.”

That last word is a very human thing to do, to dehumanize the people we hurt.

It’s because we want to destroy people but not feel bad about it.

Imagine if this was an actual court, and the accused was in the dark, begging for another chance, and the jury was yelling out, “Bored! Sociopath!”

You know, when we watch courtroom dramas, we tend to identify with the kind-hearted defense attorney, but give us the power, and we become like hanging judges.

Power shifts fast.

We were getting Jonah because he was perceived to have misused his privilege, but Jonah was on the floor then, and we were still kicking, and congratulating ourselves for punching up.

And it began to feel weird and empty when there wasn’t a powerful person who had misused their privilege that we could get. A day without a shaming began to feel like a day picking fingernails and treading water.

Let me tell you a story.

It’s about a woman called Justine Sacco.

She was a PR woman from New York with 170 Twitter followers, and she’d Tweet little acerbic jokes to them, like this one on a plane from New York to London: [Weird German Dude: You’re in first class. It’s 2014. Get some deodorant.”

-Inner monologue as inhale BO. Thank god for pharmaceuticals.]

So Justine chuckled to herself, and pressed send, and got no replies, and felt that sad feeling that we all feel when the Internet doesn’t congratulate us for being funny. (Laughter)

Black silence when the Internet doesn’t talk back. And then she got to Heathrow, and she had a little time to spare before her final leg, so she thought up another funny little acerbic joke:

[Going to Africa. Hope I don’t get AIDS. Just kidding. I’m white!]

And she chuckled to herself, pressed send, got on the plane, got no replies, turned off her phone, fell asleep, woke up 11 hours later, turned on her phone while the plane was taxiing on the runway, and straightaway there was a message from somebody that she hadn’t spoken to since high school, that said, “I am so sorry to see what’s happening to you.”

And then another message from a best friend, “You need to call me right now. You are the worldwide number one trending topic on Twitter.” (Laughter)

What had happened is that one of her 170 followers had sent the Tweet to a Gawker journalist, and he retweeted it to his 15,000 followers: [And now, a funny holiday joke from IAC’s PR boss] And then it was like a bolt of lightning.

A few weeks later, I talked to the Gawker journalist. I emailed him and asked him how it felt, and he said, “It felt delicious.” And then he said, “But I’m sure she’s fine.”

But she wasn’t fine, because while she slept, Twitter took control of her life and dismantled it piece by piece.

First there were the philanthropists: [If @JustineSacco’s unfortunate words … bother you, join me in supporting @CARE’s work in Africa.] [In light of … disgusting, racist tweet, I’m donating to @care today]

Then came the beyond horrified: [… no words for that horribly disgusting racist as fuck tweet from Justine Sacco. I am beyond horrified.]

Was anybody on Twitter that night? A few of you.

Did Justine’s joke overwhelm your Twitter feed the way it did mine? It did mine, and I thought what everybody thought that night, which was, “Wow, somebody’s screwed! Somebody’s life is about to get terrible!”

And I sat up in my bed, and I put the pillow behind my head, and then I thought, I’m not entirely sure that joke was intended to be racist.

Maybe instead of gleefully flaunting her privilege, she was mocking the gleeful flaunting of privilege. There’s a comedy tradition of this, like South Park or Colbert or Randy Newman.

Maybe Justine Sacco’s crime was not being as good at it as Randy Newman. In fact, when I met Justine a couple of weeks later in a bar, she was just crushed, and I asked her to explain the joke, and she said, “Living in America puts us in a bit of a bubble when it comes to what is going on in the Third World. I was making of fun of that bubble.”

You know, another woman on Twitter that night, a New Statesman writer Helen Lewis, she reviewed my book on public shaming and wrote that she Tweeted that night, “I’m not sure that her joke was intended to be racist,” and she said straightaway she got a fury of Tweets saying, “Well, you’re just a privileged bitch, too.” And so to her shame, she wrote, she shut up and watched as Justine’s life got torn apart.

6:56 It started to get darker: [Everyone go report this cunt @JustineSacco]

Then came the calls for her to be fired.

[Good luck with the job hunt in the new year. #GettingFired] Thousands of people around the world decided it was their duty to get her fired. [@JustineSacco last tweet of your career. #SorryNotSorry Corporations got involved, hoping to sell their products on the back of Justine’s annihilation: [Next time you plan to tweet something stupid before you take off, make sure you are getting on a @Gogo flight!] (Laughter)

A lot of companies were making good money that night. You know, Justine’s name was normally Googled 40 times a month. That month, between December the 20th and the end of December, her name was Googled 1,220,000 times.

And one Internet economist told me that that meant that Google made somewhere between 120,000 dollars and 468,000 dollars from Justine’s annihilation, whereas those of us doing the actual shaming — we got nothing. We were like unpaid shaming interns for Google. (Laughter)

And then came the trolls: [I’m actually kind of hoping Justine Sacco gets aids? lol] Somebody else on that wrote, “Somebody HIV-positive should rape this bitch and then we’ll find out if her skin color protects her from AIDS.”

And that person got a free pass. Nobody went after that person.

We were all so excited about destroying Justine, and our shaming brains are so simple-minded, that we couldn’t also handle destroying somebody who was inappropriately destroying Justine. Justine was really uniting a lot of disparate groups that night, from philanthropists to “rape the bitch.” [@JustineSacco I hope you get fired! You demented bitch… Just let the world know you’re planning to ride bare back while in Africa.]

Women always have it worse than men.

When a man gets shamed, it’s, “I’m going to get you fired.” When a woman gets shamed, it’s, “I’m going to get you fired and raped and cut out your uterus.”

9:00 And then Justine’s employers got involved: [IAC on @JustineSacco tweet: This is an outrageous, offensive comment. Employee in question currently unreachable on an intl flight.] And that’s when the anger turned to excitement: [All I want for Christmas is to see @JustineSacco’s face when her plane lands and she checks her inbox/voicemail. #fired] [Oh man, @justinesacco is going to have the most painful phone-turning-on moment ever when her plane lands.] [We are about to watch this @JustineSacco bitch get fired.

In REAL time. Before she even KNOWS she’s getting fired.] What we had was a delightful narrative arc.

We knew something that Justine didn’t. Can you think of anything less judicial than this? Justine was asleep on a plane and unable to explain herself, and her inability was a huge part of the hilarity.

On Twitter that night, we were like toddlers crawling towards a gun. Somebody worked out exactly which plane she was on, so they linked to a flight tracker website. [British Airways Flight 43 On-time – arrives in 1 hour 34 minutes] A hashtag began trending worldwide: # hasJustineLandedYet? [It is kinda wild to see someone self-destruct without them even being aware of it. #hasJustineLandedYet]

[Seriously. I just want to go home to go to bed, but everyone at the bar is SO into #HasJustineLandedYet. Can’t look away. Can’t leave.] [#HasJustineLandedYet may be the best thing to happen to my Friday night.]

[Is no one in Cape Town going to the airport to tweet her arrival? Come on, twitter! I’d like pictures] And guess what? Yes there was. [@JustineSacco HAS in fact landed at Cape Town international. And if you want to know what it looks like to discover that you’ve just been torn to shreds because of a misconstrued liberal joke, not by trolls, but by nice people like us, this is what it looks like: [… She’s decided to wear sunnies as a disguise.]

So why did we do it?

I think some people were genuinely upset, but I think for other people, it’s because Twitter is basically a mutual approval machine. We surround ourselves with people who feel the same way we do, and we approve each other, and that’s a really good feeling. And if somebody gets in the way, we screen them out.

And do you know what that’s the opposite of? It’s the opposite of democracy.

We wanted to show that we cared about people dying of AIDS in Africa. Our desire to be seen to be compassionate is what led us to commit this profoundly un-compassionate act.

As Meghan O’Gieblyn wrote in the Boston Review, “This isn’t social justice. It’s a cathartic alternative.”

For the past 3 years, I’ve been going around the world meeting people like Justine Sacco — and believe me, there’s a lot of people like Justine Sacco. There’s more every day.

And we want to think they’re fine, but they’re not fine. The people I met were mangled. They talked to me about depression, and anxiety and insomnia and suicidal thoughts.

One woman I talked to, who also told a joke that landed badly, she stayed home for a year and a half. Before that, she worked with adults with learning difficulties, and was apparently really good at her job.

Justine was fired, of course, because social media demanded it. But it was worse than that. She was losing herself. She was waking up in the middle of the night, forgetting who she was. She was got because she was perceived to have misused her privilege.

And of course, that’s a much better thing to get people for than the things we used to get people for, like having children out of wedlock. But the phrase “misuse of privilege” is becoming a free pass to tear apart pretty much anybody we choose to. It’s becoming a devalued term, and it’s making us lose our capacity for empathy and for distinguishing between serious and unserious transgressions.

Justine had 170 Twitter followers, and so to make it work, she had to be fictionalized. Word got around that she was the daughter the mining billionaire Desmond Sacco. [Let us not be fooled by #JustineSacco her father is a SA mining billionaire. She’s not sorry. And neither is her father.] I thought that was true about Justine, until I met her at a bar, and I asked her about her billionaire father, and she said, “My father sells carpets.”

12:58 And I think back on the early days of Twitter, when people would admit shameful secrets about themselves, and other people would say, “Oh my God, I’m exactly the same.”

These days, the hunt is on for people’s shameful secrets. You can lead a good, ethical life, but some bad phraseology in a Tweet can overwhelm it all, become a clue to your secret inner evil.

Maybe there’s two types of people in the world:

those people who favor humans over ideology, and those people who favor ideology over humans.

I favor humans over ideology, but right now, the ideologues are winning, and they’re creating a stage for constant artificial high dramas where everybody’s either a magnificent hero or a sickening villain, even though we know that’s not true about our fellow humans.

What’s true is that we are clever and stupid; what’s true is that we’re grey areas.

The great thing about social media was how it gave a voice to voiceless people, but we’re now creating a surveillance society, where the smartest way to survive is to go back to being voiceless.

Bruno Giussani: Don’t go away. What strikes me about Justine’s story is also the fact that if you Google her name today, this story covers the first 100 pages of Google results there is nothing else about her.

In your book, you mention another story of another victim who actually got taken on by a reputation management firm, and by creating blogs and posting nice, innocuous stories about her love for cats and holidays and stuff, managed to get the story off the first couple pages of Google results, but it didn’t last long. A couple of weeks later, they started creeping back up to the top result. Is this a totally lost battle?

Jon Ronson: You know, I think the very best thing we can do, if you see a kind of unfair or an ambiguous shaming, is to speak up, because I think the worst thing that happened to Justine was that nobody supported her — like, everyone was against her, and that is profoundly traumatizing, to be told by tens of thousands of people that you need to get out.

But if a shaming happens and there’s a babble of voices, like in a democracy, where people are discussing it, I think that’s much less damaging. So I think that’s the way forward, but it’s hard, because if you do stand up for somebody, it’s incredibly unpleasant.

BG: So let’s talk about your experience, because you stood up by writing this book. By the way, it’s mandatory reading for everybody, okay? You stood up because the book actually puts the spotlight on shamers. And I assume you didn’t only have friendly reactions on Twitter.

JR: It didn’t go down that well with some people. (Laughter) I mean, you don’t want to just concentrate — because lots of people understood, and were really nice about the book.

But yeah, for 30 years I’ve been writing stories about abuses of power, and when I say the powerful people over there in the military, or in the pharmaceutical industry, everybody applauds me. As soon as I say, “We are the powerful people abusing our power now,” I get people saying, “Well you must be a racist too.”

BG: So the other night — yesterday — we were at dinner, and there were two discussions going on. On one side you were talking with people around the table — and that was a nice, constructive discussion. On the other, every time you turned to your phone, there is this deluge of insults.

 JR: Yeah. This happened last night. We had like a TED dinner last night. We were chatting and it was lovely and nice, and I decided to check Twitter. Somebody said, “You are a white supremacist.”

And then I went back and had a nice conversation with somebody, and then I went back to Twitter, somebody said my very existence made the world a worse place.

My friend Adam Curtis says that maybe the Internet is like a John Carpenter movie from the 1980s, when eventually everyone will start screaming at each other and shooting each other, and then eventually everybody would flee to somewhere safer, and I’m starting to think of that as a really nice option.

Lebanese satirise ‘tips’ for foreigners after US embassy message

Security alert, from the US embassy in Lebanon, on avoiding Western establishments prompts criticism online.

Twitter users are poking fun at a recent security message made by the US Embassy in Lebanon telling US citizens to avoid “Western-style” establishments if they choose to remain in the country.

The release said,
“…The U.S. government strongly urges U.S. citizens in Lebanon to exercise extreme caution and to avoid hotels, western-style shopping centers, including western-style grocery chain stores, and any public or social events where U.S. citizens normally congregate, as these sites are likely targets for terrorist attacks for at least the near term”.

Lebanese soldiers stand behind razor wire in front of the US embassy in Awkar near Beirut, Lebanon, Tuesday 15 March 2005. (EPA/WAEL HAMZEH)
The US embassy frequently issues security alerts to residents of Lebanon, but the specific advice against “Western” establishments such as hotels and shopping areas was alarming to some Lebanese online.
A spokesperson at the embassy told the Daily Star Lebanon that the intention was not to create panic, but to raise awareness, especially after the recent bombings in the country.
Others were more skeptical about recommendations that seemed to advise US citizens to avoid attracting attention in “Western” areas.
Criticising the embassy’s detailed choice of words, the hashtag#USactLebanese was created to provide “advice” to foreigners on how to blend in.
Note 2: A few of the criticisms and fun poking comments:
  1. Others used the hashtag to express their frustrations with Lebanese society, from issues with sectarianism to government accountability.
  2. Thanks to Stream community member Angie Nassar for pitching us this story on Twitter. 
Note: I pasted the Twitter tips and realized that they have been effaced.

The illusion of knowing is the major obstacle to discovery; (October 4, 2009)

Even a century ago, a scientist would publish a single manuscript after a life time of research and toiling.

Transmission of opinions and suggestions among scientists were sent via long erudite letters by peers.

Translators of these remarkable books didn’t go unnoticed as today, but they were rewarded academically. Nowadays, any “respectable” scientist works for several institutions, private and public, and at various nations.

Even two centuries ago, scientists did not need to refer to Pythagoras or Archimedes.  Modern scientists have no time or need to refer to more recent scientists such as Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Laplace, Lavoisier, or Kelvin. Soon Einstein and Heisenberg will be outmoded.

The team of the geeks in “Sciences and Future” met in August for brainstorming in “pause mode” to deliberate on the unique question confronting the team:

In the last few decades, what discoveries were true breakthroughs?”  The team reached an understanding on 5 scientific fields: climatology, neuroscience, astronomy, cellular biology, and Internet.

Consequently, I will answer a few of the questions that you might think you know in these fields so that our knowledge is no longer an illusion.

The internet shifts from the virtual to the real

There are 3 generations of internet or Web.

The first generation or Web1.0 was created from 2003 to 2005 and is represented by MySpace, Facebook, and YouTube that gathers people on common interest social aspects or making “friends”.

The second generation or Web 2.0 is represented by Twitter or the microblogging platform for messages restricted to 140 characters. Thus, these micro messages can be regrouped and analyze to constitute a story contributed by many Twitter bloggers.

The third generation of Web 3.0 is ready technologically; this generation is already labeled object oriented intelligence sources.  For example, you record a message on your cell phone and then stick a yellow sticker on a wall or an object. The next visitor will pass his cell phone over the sticker and copy your message of whatever you have seen or appreciated. This generation can zip all kinds of products and gather intelligence and compare with other resources.

Personally, I think that even the Twitter is already a perfect source of information by intelligence agencies; these centers can hire thousands of Twitter users and direct them on specific topic of interests in many countries.

Cells can be rejuvenated to its embryo stage

The lab technician would take samples of your skin. The skin cells can be treated to reach its first born state.

Whatever genetic diseases that cell inherited it will take another 30 years for the disease to emerge.  All the while you are thirty years younger. Better, skin cells can be treated to isolate a specific cell for any body member like liver, heart, brain, or whatever.

The sick tissue in any part of your body can be rejuvenated within a month. This biomedical technique of treating adult cells into embryo state was made possible because many laws prohibited using fetus embryo on the ground that the cell belonged to another person.

Is man’s activity altering nature more than geophysics?

Man feared the return of the ice age; it turned out that the climate is getting hotter and the poles are melting.

The emergence of urban and industrial societies as a geophysical force is altering the environment power for rejuvenation according to human threshold for survival.

Since 1824, Joseph Fourier theorized that gases in the atmosphere have the potential to increase surface temperature.

Even in 1896, John Tyndall predicted that the concentration of CO2 will increase temperature to 5 degrees by the end of the 20th century. Now, this is a fact and each year the casualties in man and nature are increasing by the violence of climatic changes. People are waiting anxiously the international summit on the environment in Copenhagen this December.

Awareness of man effective participation in climatic changes was proven when the ozone layer of O3 in the stratosphere was depleting. Seas level is increasing 3 mm a year since 1993.  So far, only Danemark produces the fourth of its power using eoliens or wind turbines.

Ex-President Bush Junior said in 1992: “The American way of life is not negotiable.”

The philosopher Michelle Serres said in 1990: “This world that we treated as an object is returning as a subject; capable of vengeance.

The humorist Coluche said: “For an ecologist to be elected as President, trees should be allowed to vote.”

The brain is in perpetual re-structuring

There are specialized neurons that can be activated when an action is executed or when an action is also observed (mirror neurons).  These mirror neurons are the biological basis for empathy, imitation, and training; almost every decision is influenced by our emotions.

Neurons have the potential to flow or transfer from one brain to another when recycling cognitive aptitudes such as reading and writing are elevated.  Neurons and connections are modified when training tasks are memorized.

We have 8 varieties of intelligence; mainly the visual, spatial, naturalist, logic-mathematics, corporal, musical, inter-personal, and intra-personal intelligences.

The new battery of experiments for testing cognitive and movements capabilities are designed to account for our eight kinds of intelligences. It is the quantity of synapses (connections) and not the weight of the brain that differentiate among the various intelligences.

There are phases in our sleep when brain activities are most intense while muscular activities are extremely inhibited; this phase is called “paradox sleep”.  We produce new neurons at every stage of growth, especially in the hippocampus and the smell brains.

Almost 10% of our synapses are established when we are born and they increase with our activities and cognitive demands (efforts, mental and physical, mean increase in fresh synapses and neurons).

Hormones or chemical messengers for the brains

Serotonin is a chemical messenger to the brains; it is implicated in sleep, feeding and sexual habits. A decrease in its production is associated to depressive moods. Anti-depressant drugs increase the concentration of serotonin in the blood.

Dopamine is a chemical hormone that controls movements, moods, addiction, and the circuit of pleasure; its deficiency generates rigidity in the muscles which is the symptoms of Parkinson disease.

Adrenaline is a chemical hormone that is secreted at moments of stress and is attached on large numbers of receptors to re-enforce cardiac functions, accelerate the heart beats, elevate arterial pressure, inhibit digestion and increase the level of glycemy.

Cortisol is secreted in moments of stress to increase the rate of glucose in the blood stream and liberating energy to counter dangers.

Insulin enhances the stock of glucose in the tissues and thus decreases glycemy.

Acetylcholine is a neuro-transmitter that excites the targeted brain when acquiring new training and for enhancing memory; its deficiency is the origin of Alzheimer disease.

Erythropoietin stimulates the synthesis of red blood cells; its deficiency results in anemia.  The word “doping” is related to sport competitors abusing of this hormone.




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