Adonis Diaries

Archive for July 29th, 2010

Auto Stop in Mount Lebanon: Around Ain 3ar, Kornet Chehwan and Beit-Chabab…

I have been walking to the nearby private library of Fares Zoghbi (50,000 books) almost every day, rain or shine in the last 15 years.

It is no longer private, see note. It is maybe a two-mile walk and I make sure to flag every passing car in the first years when I had no internet connection: my purpose is to reach the library and to type my articles and post them on

Yes, my purpose is to enjoy a climate of quiet and focused brain work and selecting fresh acquisition of books and magazine to read at home.

The manager Rita Zoghbi always bribes me with a cup of coffee: I am the most dedicated customer, and frequently I help myself with a cup of Nescafe around noon.

I am often invited to have pieces of cakes, sandwiches, cookies so that I don’t feel hungry when I arrive home around 2:15 pm.

The library closes at 2 pm and reopens at 3 pm, but I never return in the afternoon; supposedly I have other “cats to whip”.

Recently, Rita allowed me to stay while she is on afternoon break, and I am enjoying a continuous stay till 4:15 and generating plenty of productive works…

I decided to walk to the library, rain or shine, after I sold my car and do prefer Not to drive other people’s cars: You are always blamed for previous car defects that were not repaired…

Only old cars stop to pick me up; but I don’t mind at all: any short lift saves me time and physical energy.

A few drivers extend their arms meaning they are going far; as if I am going to Beirut or asking them to tour the world.

Any short lift is fantastic service to me, but how drivers figure that out?

Drivers of new cars and women drivers never even slow down to check on this hapless guy having the guts and recklessness of flagging them.

Since I start walking by 10 am, after finishing work on my garden and using up the scarce resources on water, I noticed that most cars are driven by women.  Not that they are going to a job, but they look intent on reaching destination and they have got to be driving somewhere.

Invariably, cars driven by women are very new; mostly monstrous four-wheel drive cars, and shining: cars driven by women have got to be shining for glamour reason.

In rainy days, I keep flagging my arms to warn drivers to slow down, lest they drench me worse than the pouring rain. Most people interpret my waving arms as curses and they accelerate. A few understand the gesture and smile to me sheepishly and slow down, then accelerate furiously.

You may be asking the interesting question: “Why do you have to walk?

First, I sold my old car: I could no longer afford to repair it, much less afford the increasing cost of gas.  I figured that 50% of my “savings” went into my old car.

Second, I am very reluctant supporting the huge budget imbalance of my pseudo-government, sort of civic disobedience:  apparently, the government makes tons of money from direct and indirect taxes from the stupid people who own a car.

Third, my monkish life-style (forced hermit) is restricted to about 4 miles around my residence and I don’t need to pay extra expenses renewing my driving license or car insurance or shoulder any other emergencies tasks like giving rides to nieces and nephews.

Oh, I can find many other reasons for why I have to walk, but mainly I am out of work and not in the mood of working at minimum wages or having to commute to a stupid job and wear down my nervous energy in traffic and pollution.

I used to teach at a university and I needed two hours to drive back and forth for a one-hour class.  I figured out that staying put, doing what I love to do best (reading, writing, and publishing for free), was saving me money and useless anxieties.

Thus, the best strategy to save your mental, physical, and nervous health is to decline earning money working for other people.

The less money you have the better; unless you win the jackpot: and you are stuck with an even bigger problem of managing too much money.

You almost always lose your money to scams who are much more astute than you are in these kinds of “money distribution” business.

One more huge advantage for walking to the library and being penniless:  I developed intelligent sensitivities.

I now have figured out that my close relatives are extremely judgmental for no other reasons that they have no guts to change their lifestyle.

I once asked my niece for $20 a month (less than what most people earn in third world countries).  That request was sent by internet two months ago; I have got to receive a reply.

I know that my other nieces and nephews learned about my request but there are no volunteers.

Judgmental are people; worst than Nazi, even if they don’t care about politics or are vegetarians or veg.

I noticed that all my nieces and nephews agreed to punish me for not trying to find an “earning job“. As if spending $100 on a stupid single eating out is an “energy booster” for their stupid “middle class” mentality…

Note: The library is no longer private: Owned by the French Jesuit University and making it hard for people to enjoy reading…They started charging $30 to come in and read.

And this year 2012, the university closed the library for December, and we are waiting for the end of February for the university to decide on a new manager and other higher fees and constraints.

This month, we have been witnessing in Lebanon a resurgence in the debates relative to the International Court pertaining to the assassination of Rafiq Hariri.  Since its constitution in 2005 and funding, mainly by the Lebanese government, Lebanon gets in turmoil, every six months or less, concerning leakage of intelligence in the Court proceedings.  So far, over a dozen Court investigators and judges have resigned to “greener pastures”.  It sounds that these experts in the International Court have realized that they are working on a dud case.

In one of its many reports the International Court devulged that the USA, France, Saudi Arabia, and Israel refused to cooperate with intelligence.  In addition to Syria, Egypt, and Iran the previous four States have the most extensive intelligence networks in Lebanon. Principally, the main States such as the USA, France, Germany, Russia, and Israel have not cooperated with the necessary information in this case and the Court ended up with knowledge of the mechanism of the assassination but no proof relative to the initiators (decision makers) of the assassination and the planners.

It is well-known that Embassadors to Lebanon are the highest paid diplomats on earth:  The rational is that Lebanon is the main turnpike for intelligence gathering in the Middle East for the superpower States and the regional Arab States in addition to Iran, and lately, Turkey.

Before the assassination of Hariri, every intelligence agency knew that a serious operation on Hariri is planned and a few superpower States knew exactly the timing and they were all ready with their media coverage and detailed operational maneuvers after the assassination.  If Hezbollah was monitoring the events then, it is in his rights since Bush Jr and Israel wanted to eradicate this resistance force by all means.  The US, Israel, and the so-called “moderate” Arab States (of monarchs and dictators) have failed three times so far to weaken the military force of Hezbollah:  Once, after the assassination of Rafiq Hariri and the subsequent five years of consistent pressures by the Lebanese government of Seniora PM on Hezbollah to desist for military power then, after the failed July war 2006 by Israel that lasted 33 days, and the third time in trying to dismantling Hezbollah’s hard-wired communication and the subsequent closing down of Israeli agencies in Beirut in 2008.

The latest troubles are leaks from Israel that the International Court is about to indict members of Hezbollah by September; added to military threats by Israel of a major war on Lebanon by the begining of autumn.  This month, the Secretary general of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasr Allah has delivered three public speeches and two are in the pipelines.  Nasr Allah is claiming that the Court has been politized from its inception and the unique purpose of this Court is to put pressures on Hezbollah until it “joins” the world community as just a moderate political force in Lebanon.

Fact is, only the mechanism has been explained:  An Iraqi detonated the van containing one thousand kilo of explosive:  He was under the impression that he is assassinating Iraqi President Allawi.  The van was observed to be parked in one of Syria’s military vehicle maintenance facilities.  All the four false witnesses are from Syria and they were inducted with false information to sidetrack the Court. Only six months ago, the Court questioned six members of Hezbollah as witnesses on the ground that they were monitoring the whereabout of Hariri before the assassination.

One mean article stated that this defensive preemptive series of Nasr Allah’s speeches are aimed at Syria for not divulging secrets that only Syria has on Hezbollah’s activities.  Implicitly, there is cooperation among the superpowers to lure Syria into a vast compromise in return for the return of the Golan Heights by Israel, occupied since 1967.

The internal security of Lebanon is based on the political unity of its major factions against attempts to re-ignite another civil war.  Only the cooperation of the Lebanese army and Hezbollah can assure this security since the political system of Lebanon has proven that it is archaic since its independence in 1943.

The monarch of Saudi Arabia, the President of Syria, and the Emire of Qatar are converging this week-end on Beirut.  The indications are that the stability of Lebanon is far more advantageous than a totally uncertain gamble of weakening Hezbollah militarily with another US/Israeli premptive war on Lebanon.




July 2010

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