Adonis Diaries

Archive for January 5th, 2014

How George Washington was elected in his first Executive Functions? Part 3

By July 2, 1788, 9 States out of the 13 have ratified the Constitutional text.

On may 29, 1790, all the Stated signed on.

Between October 1787 and May 1788, Alexander Hamilton, James Mason and John Fray published 85 open letters in New York dailies to explain their conception of the executive federal function.

These letters are collected in The Federalist in the Spring of 1788 in order to interpret the Constitution of Federation.

For additional guarantees to individual freedom, 10 amendments are joined to the initial text, and by the end of 1791, the Federal Constitution goes into application.

It was George Washington that was in the mind of the delegates when they agreed on the presidential function and central power.

Born in 1732 in Virginia, Washington leads the local colony militia at the age of 22. He fought against the French during the European war of the 7 years.

The Continental Congress designate Washington as military chief as the battles with the British started.

With the aid of the French, the 13 colonies gained independence from England.

Washington was not famous as a military strategist but his competence was recognized.

At the end of the War for Independence, Washington put down the New-burgh mutiny and retired to his property in Mount Vernon.

Washington had already presided the Continental Congress and the Constitutional Convention and is highly qualified for the executive function.

The delegates had to work hard in order to convince Washington to accept to be a candidate.

The electoral process begins on the first Wednesday of January 1789. The legislature of each State designates its two candidates for the Presidency.

On the first Wednesday of the next month, the Grand Electors of each State select their choices. North Carolina, Rhode Island and New York didn’t participate in the election.

Among the 12 candidates are John Jay, John Adams and the governor of New York George Clinton.

The legislature election was done in January, but the voting on the President had to wait till April 6, 1789. Washington received 69 votes and in second place came John Adams with 34 and became the vice-president according to the Constitution.

Washington arrived to New York (the capital since 1785) on April 30, the Inauguration Day.

The ceremony of investiture is done in the Federal Hall at the angle of Wall Street and Broad street.

At noon, Robert Livingston, the chancellor of New York administers the Presidential oath.

This ceremony institutes two precedents that were not covered by the Constitution:

1. Washington swore with right hand on the Bible

2. And concludes “May God assists me

Washington’s inaugural speech was the shortest in history, and then they converge to St. Paul Church for mass.

Next post will cover how Washington transformed the executive functions and added by filling loopholes and gaps in the initial Constitution

Note 1: Read part 2 on power of Executive function

Note 2: Read “Les Presidents Americains” by Andre Kaspi and Helene Harter

“I love you, but no more talking”… Only Introverts Understand these emotions

Erin La Rosa posted on  August  5, 2013 on BuzzFeed:
27 Problems Only Introverts Will Understand

1. When you need to take breaks and recharge after socializing for too long.

I’m not antisocial, I swear! I just need to recharge my introvert juices!

2. When people mistake your thoughtful look for resting bitch face.

You like to give thoughtful answers, but sometimes people assume you’re just silently judging them.

3. When your friend wants to invite more people over, and you don’t want to sound like a dick by saying no.

You might even secretly like a little more company, even if it does give you anxiety.

4. When spending a heavenly weekend alone means that you’re missing out on time with friends.

5. And the fear that by doing so, you’re slowly turning into a hermit…

6. Who will likely die alone.

7. Having visitors stay with you is a nightmare, because it means you have to be on at ALL TIMES.

8. When people stop inviting you places because you keep canceling plans.

9. Too many social obligations + no alone time = a total grump.

10. When you’re asked to do a group project, and know that you’re going to hate every minute of it.

11. When your ride at a party doesn’t want to leave early, and no one seems to understand your distress.

12. When you hear this question, and your palms start to sweat with anxiety.

Because the answer is “no,” but you don’t want to hurt their feelings.

13. When you hear, “Are you OK?” or “Why are you so quiet?” for the umpteenth time.

Just because you prefer to listen or only speak up when there’s something important to say.

14. Trying to be extra outgoing when you flirt so your crush doesn’t think you hate them.

Seriously, I just have resting bitch face, it’s not you!

15. That feeling of dread that washes over you when the phone rings and you’re not mentally prepared to chat.

16. When you have to deal with that one friend who ALWAYS wants to hang out, and you ALWAYS have to say this:

17. When you have an awesome night out, but have to deal with feeling exhausted for days after the fact.

18. When people pressure you to be more social, whether you like it or not.

19. When you’re really excited to go out, but those good feelings don’t last long enough.

20. When you’re trying to get something done at work, but you can’t, because everyone else is talking.

21. When someone calls you out for daydreaming too much.

22. When you carry a book to a public place so no one will bug you, but other people take that as a conversation starter.

23. When people make you feel weird for wanting to do things by yourself.

24. When someone interrupts your thoughts, and you get irrationally angry.

25. When people can’t seem to grasp that being in small groups is where you excel the most.

26. And when you need to be completely alone so you can recharge and get back to being awesome.

27. Because even though introverts are misunderstood constantly, you know this to be true:

Do you really hate people? What could be the signs?

, Ramblings of a twenty-something bumping her way through life, posted this Oct.20, 2013: 

20 Signs You Really, Really Hate People

1. The idea of getting your ass out of bed, dressing up and stepping out of your front door is just

Michael scott no

2. When you take public transport, you can’t help but think:


3. You’re on your way to meet a friend and then you get a text from her saying she’s brought a tag-along.

This is your reaction:

dont need another friend

4. You find yourself praying that plans get cancelled all the time.

cancelling plans

5. When you get invited to a house party, you pray to God they’ve got a pet so you can act busy and not interact with actual human beings.

Credit: Gemma Correll

Credit: Gemma Correll

6. When people tap you on the shoulder, or try to do that cheek-kissy thing that white people love, or touch you in any way:


7. When someone whips out a camera and everyone squeals in delight, you’re just like:

Robert Downey Jr Pained Photo Taking

8. You loovvvveee the internet. And the invention of mobile phones. And anything that keeps you an active member of society without actually having to be in physical contact with anyone.

all hail internet

9. But sometimes Facebook, or any other form of social media for that matter, really pisses you off.

fuck facebook south park

10. In fact, this is you when scrolling through your Facebook newsfeed:

Grinch Hate Hate

11. And your face when you see couples posting mushy crap on each other’s timelines:

Epic eye roll

12. You’re cool with small group outings or one-on-ones, but when your friends drag you out of your house for a party, you’re just like:

Kurt Glee Raging Silence

13. And when people go up to you and ask: “Why so glum, chum?” Or anything to that effect, you fight the urge to tell them:

Aubrey Plaza hate talking


Clubbing snooki

15. And when you see people in large groups at the mall or at the park being all loud and annoying, you mentally transform into a cranky eighty-year-old lady

stop behavin so stupid

16. Even when you go for networking sessions, all that goes through your mind is:

tina fey amy poehler hate everyone

17. You have more missed calls than answered calls in your phone list. And when people ask why you missed their call you’re just like

missed your call basement of brain

18. But seriously, why do people keep insisting on calling? I mean, have they not heard of text? jesse pinkman seriously

19. When an extrovert talks about how much they hate people. You’re just:

margaery tyrell game of thrones pity “Bitch, please.”

20. And when people tell you how you should “get out more”, in your mind you’re just:





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