Adonis Diaries

Who has this deficient strategic mind in the Middle-East? Israel or the USA?

Posted on: April 21, 2020

Who has this deficient strategic mind in the Middle-East? Israel or the USA?

A couple of years after its creation in 1948 as a colonial implant, the State of Israel proved that its strategic mind, to impress upon its neighboring people to recognize its legitimacy, was failing in a consistent pattern of refusal to negotiate a peace treaty. 

The State of Israel was recognized by a majority of a single vote in the UN in 1948, when most States had not earned their independence from colonial powers. And the partition of Palestine bypassed valid political negotiation by the concerned people.

Invariably, it is the Mossad agents (hired from Israelis, Palestinians, and “Arabs”) that planned and facilitated terrorist attacks everytime foreign States pressured Israel to resume peace negotiations.

Currently, the Israeli government is very unhappy:  No “terrorist activities” are witnessed because the Palestinian government in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza are in better position to control and apprehend Israel’s Mossad agents.

Even Lebanon has dismantled over a dozen Mossad cells that initiated terrorist activities of missile launching and assassinating Palestinian leaders.

The “Wall of Shame” has been erected, supposedly to prevent external influences in this “happy ghetto”. And Israel has no excuses left to bring up terrorist scare tactics to bear on foreign States initiatives for peaceful negotiations.

Palestinians factions cannot infiltrate Israel unless aided by the Mossad and Israel’s security services.

There are no terrorist activities and yet Israel is adamantly resuming State assassinations of Palestinian leaders:  Israel is praying that armed reactions by Palestinian factions will extend stupid excuses to Israel for putting negotiation on hold.

It is the habit of Israel to refuse peace since it is only happy on terms of total capitulation and apartheid humiliation behaviors.

Ariel Sharon proved to be by far the worst strategic mind as PM and as Defense minister.

In 1982, Sharon invaded Lebanon, entered the Capital Beirut, and “liberated” Lebanon from Yasser Arafat’s military wings.

Lebanon breathed easier as the “legal occupier” in Yasser Arafat was shipped to Tunisia in French ships.

Now, instead of withdrawing from Lebanon, Sharon decided to park in Lebanon for 25 more years.

This Israeli occupation in south Lebanon encouraged the Lebanese to fine tune their resistance activities.  Israel was thus forced to vacate Lebanon in 2000 unilaterally and without any pre-conditions.

Currently, Lebanon is united against Israel: Hezbollah has captured a strategic position of military “retaliation capacities”.

Israel has to start dealing seriously with peace negotiation; it has no other options left.

Israel has no excuses left to decline negotiations with the worn out excuse “We have no reliable parties to deal with”.

Military mentality and successive military tactical “pre-emptive” victories are no basis for long-term strategic peace agreements that convince the neighboring people.

The US 6th fleet and overwhelming military and economic supports have limits.

The US can no longer convince its citizens that Israel is the best protector of its interest in the Middle East and has to shell $4bn a year to support Israel Industrial military infrastructure and vicious illegal settlements or colonies in Palestinian lands.

Israel has been encouraging “terrorist activities” through its agents in order to lay claim to its “rights” of defensive massive and disproportionate violent “reactions” and pre-emptive wars in Lebanon, Gaza, and the Palestinian camps in Palestine (West Bank and Gaza) and Lebanon.

In fact, all investigations showed that Israel undertook pre-emptive wars in periods that No “terrorist activities” were undertaken by Palestinians either in Lebanon (1982) or in Gaza (2008).

Israel behaved as if it didn’t need to delimit its borders in its Constitution and opted for an open border as pre-emptive military incursions allowed it to expand.

We are experiencing a paradox in Israel’s political and strategic decisions:

First, Israel refuses to submit to the UN an official map of its borders with the neighboring States and

Second, it built the “wall of shame”, a reminiscence of its “ghetto mentality”, under the unconvincing excuses of reducing “terrorist attacks”.  In fact, it is a tactic of “No see Palestinians, then they do Not exist”

Since its creation in the Near-East, Israel never relinquished its British “apartheid” rights and detention laws to humiliate the Palestinians youth and commit State assassinations of Palestinian and “Arabic” leaders.

Almost every year, Israel invades Palestinian camps (supposed to be protected by the UN) and lay waste to camps and kills hundreds of Palestinian refugees under various pretences that the world community stopped to believe in their legitimacy.

Israel has been winning tactical military “victories” with unlimited supports from the successive US Administrations after Eisenhower.

Israel failed so far in securing peace and recognition by the Palestinian people and the neighboring Arab people.

The peace treaties with Egypt (under emergency law and dictatorship rules since the assassination of Sadat) and the monarchy in Jordan are not convincing and basically unilateral relative to the concerned people.

Israel conquered all Sinai in 1967 and waited until Gamal Abdel Nasser declared “What has been conquered by force cannot be recaptured but by force”.  Thus, Israel was obliged to pump useless funds to defend far-flung borders until Israel was pressured to restitute conquered lands in 1973 by a victorious counter military offensive by the Egyptian and Syrian army.

The US refused to support Israel’s military expenditures in the Sinai and thus, Israel let go of desert lands after it alienated over 70 million Egyptians (currently 100 million).

In a sense, Sharon permitted Israel to rethink its strategic mind after many strategic failures against his will and Israel’s will.

In the final analysis, the US tax payers are paying the tabs twice: Once for expanding Israeli colonies and developing the Golan Height and again for Israel’s withdrawal from colonies and the Golan.

I am wondering who is the most deficient in strategic mind in the Middle East: Is it Israel or the US of America?

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