Adonis Diaries

Posts Tagged ‘CIA

Iraq, Iraqis:  How wounded are you?! (Oct. 29, 2009)

Iraqis, your government palaces and institutions are being targeted. Three days ago, two blasts in Baghdad in front of the Justice Palace and the mayor headquarter killed 160 and injured over 550 civilians.  Three weeks ago, two blasts in front of the Foreign Ministry and the Treasury in Baghdad killed 100 and injured over 200 injured. Crimes against humanity are prevalent in Iraq on a daily basis.  The enemy wants the Iraqi people to kneel and cry “Uncle”.

Iraqis, you must have realized that the periods of least casualties among you were when you focused your attacks on the occupier. Why?  Because the occupier had to invest time and energy safeguarding his soldiers instead of leisurely planning suicide terrorist attacks on your civilians in order to divide and rule.  Your best strategy to maintaining your internal security and stability is to re-focus your operations against the occupier.  The occupier does not need to wait till 2011; he will vacate much sooner with your determination to fight him; not only will the soldiers of the occupying forces get out but also every servicemen, military or civilian personnel.

Iraqis, how wounded are you?  Have you learned the latest under-estimated statistics on your state of affairs? Do you know that over one million mothers are widowed?  Do you know that over two millions are orphaned, one million are counted as disappeared, one million are dead since the pre-emptive war in 2003, and 1.5 milions have immigrated?

Iraqis, you must have realized in the last six years that occupier main objective is to spread chaos; he needs the Chiaas and Sunnis to massacre one another and create the monster of sectarianism to its zenith. The occupier wants feudal and tribal sentiments to resurface to divide your country into uncontrolled parcels of islands where Iraqis would fail to communicate and interrelate.

Iraqis, how wounded are you?  Do you know that entire regions are environmental catastrophe for dumping oil in valleys and incinerating toxic materials?  Do you know that your oil production was used for three years to re-construct fictitious infrastructures that are nowhere to be found?

Iraqis, you are told that these terrorist attacks are the work of Al Qaeda; that is a lie. Al Qaeda is no longer an independent and parallel movement: it is totally controlled by regional powers. The regional powers under the mercy of the USA receive direct orders from the CIA to activate the splintered sections of Al Qaeda.

Iraqis, you are told that terrorist attacks are the work of regional powers on your border; that is another lie.  The regional powers on your border have hundreds of other tactics to influence and pressure political outcomes; it is not in their interests to destabilize Iraq by fomenting civil unrests while the main occupier is on the field and by the tens of thousands.

Iraqis, it is about time that you realize that the Northern Middle East Block (of Turkey, Syria, and Iran) is in its latest stages of formation. Iraq is the weakest and most strategic link; this block is waiting for the US forces to vacate Iraq and the sooner the better. The Northern block is the surest guarantee for the security and stability of Iraq.  Saudi Arabia and Armenia have already realized the inevitable strategic block and are changing their policies to align with this strategic and economic block.

Iraqis, how wounded are you?  You must already know that in the first year of occupation more than one thousand Iraqi scientists and intellectuals were assassinated and counted as disappeared. You don’t want this wave of assassinating to target every educated Iraqi and to set fear and apprehension in the younger generation. The nasty and greedy occupier has to go soon, everyone of them, and this will never happen until you chase him out of your land, by any means available.

Iraqis, do not be fooled that Barak Obama is to come to your aid; he is continuing the foreign policies of Bush Junior in their integrality.  Do not be fooled that Obama is ignorant of the CIA operations for destabilizing Iraq’s society:  the CIA is fundamentally the clandestine operator of the President’s decisions. 

Turkey, Iran, and Syria have all the interests in a stable and secure Iraq.  It is up to you Iraqi to prove that you hate the occupier and you want him out today.  As long as the occupier is in your land then it is your right and honor to resume attacking him to shorten his stay; the occupier will then start respecting your independence and your determination as a free people who wants his share of dignity under the bright sun.

State highest interest: usurping Public Opinion; (October 17, 2009)


            In a previous post “The critical decade of Radical Islam” I stated as conclusion:”

As the Soviet Union was disintegrating in 1991, the US and Europe were busy with a new world order and intentionally forgot radical Islam for an entire decade.  The US was after the financial domination of the world and playing the role of International Police Force; Europe was busy re-unifying East Germany, managing the Eastern European States seeking independence of Russia, controlling the Slavic question of Yugoslavia, Croatia, Slovenia, and Serbia, and finding an appropriate resolution for expanding the European Union.

            Radical Islam got under way in organization and proliferation and performed many operational activities in Indonesia, Somalia, Tanzania, Kenya, Chechnya, Pakistan, India, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia (the Khobar bombing of the hotel where the American aviators had residence) to end up with the 9/11/ 2001 attack on the Twin Towers.  During the decade, after the dismantlement of Russia, the US Administrations toned down every terrorist’s activities to its public opinion in order to focus on world financial domination and the restructuring of Europe.”

            Many evidences from outdated archives are surfacing that shed strong lights on the many instances that US Administrations usurped its public opinion on the ground of the “Nation Highest Interests”. The cult for secrecy in the various data (intelligence) gathering services in the US is not a recent discovery after the 9/11/ 2001 attack of the Twin Towers.

            Roosevelt had set his mind in joining the war against Germany and Japan since 1940 and was frequently deliberately provoking the navies of Germany and Japan.  Truman initiated clandestine contacts with Mao Tse Tong in 1948 that Stalin disrupted by purposely starting the Korean War.  Many nuclear American scientists were secretly permitted to flee to other foreign nations in order to appease public opinion after the debacle of the execution of the innocent Rosenberg couple in 1953. The US Administrations deliberately minimized the health risks of open ground nuclear testing and later the under ground testing.  The CIA was controlling experiments on brain manipulation and biological war fare.  President Reagan buried the conclusions of the committee of the Chamber of representatives that the assassinations of the two Kennedy brothers and Martin Luther King were organized works. Irangate was the transfer of arms to Iran against the resolutions of the Parliament which also prohibited destabilizing Nicaragua.

            Two factors impress on the Executive branch to act in secrecy: Stock exchange and public polls. Two days after 9/11 the stock devalued 60%.  Greenspan injected several billion dollars in the private economy; trade level stabilized in four months. The reach this goal the tetanized public opinion was to be reassured of no further catastrophes. Thus, a quick victory in Afghanistan was urgent as well as mass disinformation on the danger of bacteriological warfare and the proliferation of the Pakistani nuclear threat. The anthrax affairs before and after 9/11 was quickly buried and toned down as related to a lunatic. Two kinds of anthrax were used; a high quality used in the US military and a rough quality. The Tcheck President Vaclav Havel confirmed publicly that the Iraqi Embassy in Prague got in contact with Al-Qaeda leader Saif Al Adl and anthrax was delivered.  The CIA promptly demanded that the Tcheck security services deny that fact. 

            Timothy Mac Veigh, one of the bombers of the Oklahoma City Federal Building in 1995, was quickly executed and 150 pages of the instruction disappeared in order not to go further in the investigation: the second suspect Terry Nichols had secret contacts in the Philippine with a girl friend who was also in close contact with Ramzi Youssef (another leader of Al Qaeda and in Manila at the time).  The downing of the TWA 800 by a small missile off the shore of Manhattan was attributed to a stray Navy missile on maneuver.  All these cover-ups were done with the close cooperation of both Republican and Democratic parties, the FBI, and the CIA. When the main superpower permits the widespread exercises of disinformation to its public opinion then this practice is capted instantly by the rest of world States.


            All these operations by Al Qaeda were backed by the triumvirate Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Iraq of Saddam Hussein.  In Saudi Arabia, the financial backer of Al Qaeda and the Pakistani nuclear program, Prince Sultan was Defense Minister and his cadet brother Nayef was the Minister of the Interior (Bandar, the Ambassador to the USA and semi-brother of Sultan, was later appointed chief of the security services). In fact, all Saudi diplomats were sneaked out in secrecy after 9/11 even when evidences piled up high of their cooperation in the attack; two princes of the “Royal Family” were high ranking in Al Qaeda: They were disposed off shortly after the attack. Saudi Arabia sovereign fund was effectively cash money for the US Administration to use when the US Senate refused funding of any programs.

            Pakistan was in charge of training (the pilots of Al Qaeda received two years of training there).  Pakistan was the real threat for arms of mass destruction, nuclear, biological, and chemical, and no longer Iraq but Pakistan vital as base for attacking Afghanistan and for supply and logistics. Saddam Hussein cooperated and delivered the biological and chemical tools.   Thus, the US targeted Iraq as next pre-emptive objective after the economic fundamentals in the US stabilized; (Read my post “Why massive occupation of Iraq”).

            When the main superpower permits the widespread exercises of disinformation to its public opinion then this practice is capted instantly by the rest of world States.


Note: I extensively used information from a chapter in “The world is a kid playing” by Alexandre Adler.

Bi-weekly report (#8) on Lebanon (January 15, 2009)


            A couple of rockets were fired yesterday from Shebaa on northern Israel and another five rockets last week on Naharia; Israel responded in kind.  No group claimed the attack, simply because no groups in Lebanon did it.  These two salves of rockets were CIA initiated because Shebaa is completely under Israeli control and last week salve was fired in areas under the total control of the UN troops.  If we know that the UN contingents are constituted of 22 States and each contingent has its own intelligence services and connected to their Embassies then it is doubtful that the UN is ignorant of who fired the rockets.  The UN peace keeping forces know who fired the rockets and they should be investigating the elements connected to the CIA.

            Why the CIA would fire rockets in northern Israel?  My contention is that there are two plausible reasons; first, Bush Junior would like very much Israel to try again to weaken Hezbollah before he exits power but Israel is no longer in such mood: even tiny Gaza with no exits for supplies has resisted for 20 days and is still launching rockets on the neighboring Zionist colonies.  The second more plausible reason is to open the airwaves of the multimedia for the regurgitation of the midget politicians in the March 14 coalition.  These insipid and odorless defeatist politicians had nothing to say during the horrors of Gaza; they certainly would like Hamas to be defeated, and some of them would love to have over one million Palestinians dead (they performed hand to hand genocide in the Palestinian camps of Sabra and Shatila in 1982); they would not dare join the US and Israeli positions because the internal situation in Lebanon is too volatile for stupid commentaries.  Thus, the two salves of rockets permitted the feather weight politicians to reiterate that the government is the sole authority for ordering military activities.  Well, they had their 15 minutes of babblings and they are thanking the US for that opportunity.  Personally, I think that although the Israeli government didn’t take these rockets seriously, the Zionist colonists in northern Israel must have recalled their plights on July 2006 and urged their government to put an end to the attacks in Gaza.

            General Aoun lambasted the “potential” politicians who are pretending to form a “moderate” or “medial” or “independent” group for the next Parliamentary election.  Deputy Aoun said “How can you be moderate between ending the embezzlement of the finances and allowing a few stealing to go on?  How can you be moderate between stabilizing the political climate with Syria and permitting a few unreliable activities of animosity against Syria?”

            The Ex-President of the Palestinians in the West Bank, Mahmoud Abbass, dared proclaim that “Egypt, the USA, and Israel assured him that the military operation in Gaza should not last one week to exterminate Hamas”. How stupid can a politician be?  Anyone with the word “Abbass” attached to his name should quickly change it; otherwise people will regard him as stupid:  Abbass connote Stupid and Traitor to his people.

            Qatar managed to hold a formal meeting of the Arab foreign ministers; only Moubarak of Egypt, the Wahhabi monarch of Saudi Arabia, and the dictator of Tunisia refused the invitation. Lovely, at least this Arab summit, without the heavy weight traitors amidst them, has a chance to raise the flag of human dignity and boldly face the genocidal plans on the Palestinians by the Bush Junior Administration and the European Union leaders.  Now that the masks have been totally dropped by Moubarak of Egypt and the Wahhabi monarch of Saudi Arabia, it is hard to envision Seniora PM of Lebanon and Saad (of the Hariri clan) resuming their patriotic declarations and their claim of honest brokers for the stability and peace of Lebanon..  I like to remind Seniora and Saad and Samir that even Dracula Condo Rice felt terribly ashamed when Bush Junior ordered her not to vote for the UN resolution 1820 for a complete cease fire in Gaza; she simply didn’t cast a vote!

            Hilary Clinton insists on not negotiating with democratically elected Hamas in Gaza. What Barak Obama meant by change?  How Obama is to change anything if the cat ate his tongue and the Zionist devil bought his soul?

            The Horror!  This Silence of the powerful; this Silence of the “good guys” in the “Land of the Free” watching a genocide in progress.  The Horror! The Silence of an Obama leading a Silent majority while over 500 babies died and 3,000 seriously injured under debris and by phosphorous burning bombs and the genocide of famine, lack of potable water, and of medicines going strong for 20 days..

“Licensed to kill” by Robert Young Pelton (Part 1, December 26, 2008)


Note: My niece Ashley purchased this gift for me on Christmas Eve and my nephew Cedric selected it.  If you enjoy my review you might as well thank Ashley and Cedric.


Robert Pelton met a covert team of “contractors” licensed to kill at the Afghanistan/Pakistan border in the fall of 2003.  Robert embarked on an odyssey in locations where the CIA and the US State Department needed the services of these private war constructors (read mercenaries and security service operators) because these private businesses were evaluated to be more economical (fixed cost contracts) and less burdensome in legal matters, paper works, and political legitimacy than relying on the US army. (I am under the impression that beside the President, his Vice, and the Pentagon the other ministries are not entitled to request the security services of the US arm forces; or maybe the ministries do not want to feel indebted to the Pentagon!)

The hired members of private “security” businesses are ex-Special Operations soldiers, small-town cops, ex-marines, ex-rangers, ex-operators in third world dictator regimes (such as Chili, Guatemala, South Africa, and grouped under the label of third country nationals TCN), and young adventurers seeking $600 a day with license to empty the magazine of their fire arms.  Many of these shadowy operators took their vacations to relax on safari trips.  They mostly claim that they love their jobs and that it helps save their marriages from bankruptcy.  The fact is, most of these operators ended divorced and mutilated and living in their cars. 

The chairman of Blackwater Security Consulting, Erik Prince, is bidding for a “peace-keeping force” in Darfur (Sudan) since the income from the multitude contracts to massacre and maim in Iraq is dwindling.  A competitor to “Blackwater”, Triple Canopy, is facing legal issues after one of its operators killed an Iraqi simply because he felt like satisfying a wish before returning home; Triple Canopy was forced to send packing its operators to their respective homes.  The competitors to Blackwater are mainly MVM, USIS, and DynCorp.

The operators of Blackwater shave their heads and tattoo their bodies with Blackwater logo (the wide ass of a grizzly bear) because headquarter is located in North Carolina on a 6,000 acres of the Great Dismal Swamp.  Their vehicle of choice is called Mamba, a slower moving South African-built armored Suburban leviathans, designed to withstand mine blasts and sniper bullets.

There are so many hot places in this forsaken Earth because the US has been taunted, in the last three decades, as the only serious superpower that the US didn’t feel to stooping to any diplomatic resolutions but to using brute force as a mean to discriminate itself from the rest of the pack.




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