Adonis Diaries

Posts Tagged ‘globalization

Is forcing Globalization been checked?

Note: re-edit of “Lucubration (written in 2006 and posted on October 25, 2008″

Why do you want to force Globalization on people?

Why do you want to force Nations to out leap the process of natural development?

If it takes what it takes to go through industrialization, couldn’t you let it be?

Couldn’t you set up the gauntlets for underdeveloped Nations to pass through without undue pressure?


If some Nations cannot endure the pain, humiliation and dehumanization…

Of your type of development,

Of forcing kids less than 7 years to work in the mines…

Then, let them take another perspective to life.

Let them prospect for a different future.


If there is a purpose to life

Make expressing your true feelings your purpose.


If I talk but of life and death,

What else do you want me to talk about?

Let me fall in love once

And I’ll gift you my silence


Is Freedom the right to have choices?

Is Liberty the right to have opportunities?

Are freedom and liberty the essential right to act?

For a fairer and equitable rights to all in any community?

Or should they be relegated to merely wishing publicly?


Are freedom and liberty just for the young and healthy?

And the rest of us, what should we fight for?

Maybe is it our right to be skeptical about your futile fights?


An idea becomes a consumer good

Once its charm and novelty are tolerated by adults.


What do you want to know from this world?

Science is already telling you that it shall die.


Why God created spiders?

My students said that spiders were created in order to:

Scare us, eat flies and mosquitoes,

Weave webs to protect a certain prophet from being detected in a cave

And cultivate them for their fiber to fabricate anti bullet vests…


Then, why did God create mosquitoes? So that they could be fed to spiders?

Are there any useful uses of mosquitoes for human beings?


It dawned on me that may be God wanted to send us a message:

God did not create the Universe for just Man!

But it is the power-to-be who created  God, Gods, demigods…

To subjugate the people into an abstract concept that suit their interest of control.


It is hard to be inducted a normal person.

A normal person has to evolve into a superman to acknowledge that greed is beautiful.


The greedy Lords of society have set high standards of conformity.

Standards that most modern slaves strive to achieve.

The subnormal people lack the strength to meet the quota in the production,

Of money, of kids, properties and standard of living.

The subnormal has to suffer silently, absorb his weaknesses and accept to be discarded.


Why men do wars?

Did any man win in any war?

Did any soldier or mercenary benefited from war?


It appears that most of the profits are accumulated during the preparation of wars.

So, why man has to act on his preparations and plans?

Instead of him continuing his preparations to perfection?

For example, striving to have zero civilian victims and casualties?

Notes and tidbits posted on FB and Twitter. Part 87

Note 1: I take notes of books I read and comment on events and edit sentences that fit my style. The page is long and growing like crazy, and the sections I post contains month-old events that are worth refreshing your memory.

Note 2: If you are Not tri-lingual, you will stumble on Arabic notes, written in Latin characters and with numbers representing vocals Not available in Latin languages.

I wish that this savage civil war (this international war) in Syria has educated the nationalist and democratic Syrians to abolish the traditional dictum of “Obey before expressing your reservations on an order
Globalization is no longer working; not for the poor of the world and developing States; not for the environment; and not for world economic stability.” Joseph Stieglizt
The real culprits for the failure of globalization were the international institutions such as the World Bank (WB), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Commerce Organization (WCO).
An explanation loaded with injuries, fawl mouthing can be categorized as shitty rhetoric of the dumb to the dumbers.
Many States have better standard of living per capita than the USA and they still have much lower inequalities and far better health care systems.
Pas d’absolution sans reparation materielle, en espece ou en labeur.
If you agree for absolution, you still have the responsibility to do better materially, in money or in labor, for reparation
Le cure’ (the pastor): Moi je t’absoud. A toi de t’ absoudre toi- meme
 Avec tous ces milliards de gens, ecrire un monde tel que tu desire touche un monde reel que quelqu’ un vit de son mieux
Genetique: la force de gravitation humaine (habitudes) qui maintient deux individus solidaire sans rencontre possible.
On avance d’ une horreur a une autre moins tuante pour une vie plus drole et indifferente
Les reves et l’ ecriture sont pour le long terme. Les politiciens s’ en chargent pour les court termes
Psychanalist: Moi je t’ecoute. Guerit toi toi-meme. Je suis ton confesseur civil sans l’ autorisation de te fournir aucune absolution ou t’ offrir des recommendations pour faire moins de mal aux autres.
Psychanalist: Mediateur de tes horreurs personnelles, a toi de jongler au mieux mieux.
Certaines offenses permettent de trouver une juste milieu.
La traversee des frontieres et des langues nouvelles vieillit l’ esprit en renovant le corps.
E-Cigarette? Main Advantage is to eliminate the tar. Questions: 1) any bad chemicals added to the oil? 2) any particles of oil find their way to your lungs? 3) Are we inhaling deeper in lungs? 
Je n’ insiste pas qu’ on m’ explique ce que j’ aime. Meme pas ce que je n’ aime pas. Il faut que je decouvre un theme qui m’ invite a une explication. Comme: “Pourquoi tu me quitte?”. Une question neutre, justement.
C’ est marrant ce “Que sais-je”; apes une explication profusieuse d’ une idee
J’ etais en sixieme et j’ ecrivie ” Que sais-je” dans une dissertation. Le Frere Francais a adore’ cette phrase. Il a dit c’ est du Montaigne. Ce qui prouve que tout a ete’ ecrit, meme si tu n’a pas lu beaucoup
 Oui, tout a ete ecrit , meme les nouveaux concepts en sciences et technologie, avec des termes de l’ epoque. Ce qui ne prouve pas que les ecrivains avaient une imagination fructueuse. Le plus souvent, on ecrit n’ importe quoi qui semblent connecter a quelque chose de moderne.
Les ahuris: ceux qui ne font que semblant sans plus le savoir
Les cyniques: Ceux qui font du semblant, le sache et persevere
Peu sont qui ont maitrise’ le “faire semblant” et qui se considerent comme des malades.
Si la parole est notre system immunologique complementaire, l’ ecriture est notre confesseur charlatant.

Les engages sont-ils les plus blesses, les plus hysteriques? S’ ils ne croient pas a tout casser et ne le font pas, ce sont des passiones raisonables.

If there is a single stable theory of the spread of homo sapiens in the Mediterranean Sea Basin or the Black Sea, like in Europe, North Africa, Turkey and the Caucasus regions… is that the varieties of homo sapiens in the regions and in Africa flocked to Egypt and then to the Levant (Syria, Lebanon, Palestine) and constituted a melting pot for thousands of years before immigrating every which way.
Browsing through Twitter, I am under the impression that European books are translated to French, years before being translated into English.
It turns out that the local florist, whom the client doesn’t know, and who never use up the damaged stock and the fading flowers, never seems to have trouble affording better stuff.
Might seem non-intuitive: Don’t learn a skill that you believe is necessary for an urgent project. Your impatience will force you to skim and select your own chapters just to finish the project. The next time around, you’ll be re-learning the same abridged skill.

Set up the gauntlets  (2006)

Why do you want to force Globalization on people?

Why do you want to force Nations to out leap the process of natural development?

If it takes what it takes to go through industrialization, couldn’t you let it be?

Couldn’t you set up the gauntlets for Nations to pass through without undue pressure?


If some Nations cannot endure the pain, humiliation and dehumanization

Of your type of development,

Then, let them take another perspective to life;

Let them prospect for a different future.


If there is a purpose to life

Make expressing your true feelings your purpose.

If I talk but of life and death,

What else do you want me to talk about?

Let me fall in love once

And I’ll gift you my silence


Is Freedom the right to have choices?

Is Liberty the right to have opportunities?

Are freedom and liberty the right to act?

Or should they be relegated to merely public wishing?


Are freedom and liberty just for the young and healthy?

And the rest of us, what should we fight for?

Maybe is it our right to be sceptical about your futile fights?


An idea becomes a consumer good,

Once its charm and novelty are tolerated by adults

To let the children buy them.


What do you want to know from this world?

Science is already telling you that it shall die.

Why God created spiders?

My students said that spiders were created in order to:

Scare us, eat flies and mosquitoes,

Weave webs to protect a certain prophet from being detected in a cave

And cultivate them for their fibre to fabricate anti bullet vests.


Then, why did God create mosquitoes; so that they could be fed to spiders?

Are there any useful uses of them for human beings?

It dawned on me that may be God wanted to send us a message:

God did not create the Universe for just Man!


It is hard to be inducted a normal person.

A normal person has to evolve into a superman to acknowledge that greed is beautiful.

The greedy Lords of society have set high standards of conformity.

Standards that most modern slaves strive to achieve.


The subnormal people lack the strength to meet the quota in the production,

Of money, of kids, properties and standard of living.

The subnormal has to suffer silently, absorb his weaknesses and accept to be discarded.


Why men do wars?

Did any man win in any war?

Did any man benefited from war?

It appears that most of the profits are accumulated during the preparation of wars.

So, why man has to act on his preparations and plans?

Instead of him continuing his preparations to perfection?


For example, striving to have zero civilian victims and casualties?

How markets can function in developing countries? (Mar. 31, 2010)

            Many developing States have leaned during Globalization to act contrary to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank pressured suggestions on policies for economic stability and liberalization of State’s monopolies.  The successful developing countries have learned the main pre-requisites for an adequate functional market working properly. They are:

            First, reforming institutions for control and management of speculative economic investments; they erected barriers and taxing mechanisms that desist speculative financial multinationals from ruin their real economy base.  They trained personnel and expert professionals to target and pinpoint investments that do not benefit their society but force the State to pay high interest rate on superfluous loans that enrich only the speculators.

            Second, successful developing countries focused on reforming institutions such as the legal business system that arbitrate speedily according to compatible modern business laws. Democratic institutions that establish continuity in power successions on timely manner encourage the influx of foreign investment.

            Third, policies of eradicating unemployment by encouraging investment in rural regions and extending greater powers to regional administrators for local economic development have much greater return values on investment. Cheaper land and affordable manpower in rural areas enhances economic development and the consequent investment on appropriate infrastructure, transport, and educational facilities.

            Fourth, policies that encourage banks and financial institutions to opening branches in rural regions with government support in lower interest rates, minimizing paper works and collateral requirements on family businesses.

            Fifth, adopting gradual privatization processes on State’s monopolies for inefficient government assets so that further analysis and evaluations of the process rectify errors in economic assumptions and models.  Privatization into many smaller enterprises should be done to encouraging competition for higher quality products and services. Until the institutions have learned and assimilated the pitfalls of privatization then further phases should be postponed.

            Sixth, the State should intervene to stem galloping inflation to reasonable levels.

            Seventh, budget deficit should not be considered a critical factor that needs to be reduced quickly at the expense of development in real economy and people’s quality of life. The best return in government investments are in education, training in economic sectors that do not require high investment and that put to work many citizens.  Tourism is a highly expensive sector and highly polluting. Unless the government is set to remedy, control, and manage sanitation requirements then it is better to postpone investing on tourism until relevant infrastructures are in place.

            Eight, local and regional economic policies should take priority over highly dense urban centers where land and infrastructure needs are extremely expensive and unable to catch up with the flux of citizens fleeing rural impoverished regions.

            Ninth, custom tariffs should be eliminated on technological imports and highly taxed on luxury items such as expensive cars, expensive beverages, and expensive furniture. In any event, it is the poorer sections in society that are indirectly paying for the tariff barriers, especially basic food stuff.

            Tenth, any economic policy must rely on the power structure within particular economies.  When syndicates are powerful and independent of political party allegiance then syndicates should be represented in parliament and government. When most enterprises are highly indebted then government should facilitate credit extensions for business activities; reducing tax levels on small businesses along with incentives to better control and administration of enterprises keep the market functioning and potentials readily available for further development.

            Eleventh, government should invest in “think tanks” with mission to be informed in timely manners on policies, decision processes, and discussion of world institutions such as IMF, WB, WTO, and UN.

            Most important, developing States with economies that can be salvaged should devalue their currency rate of exchange and promptly default on external debts: every dime paid out to financial multinationals and the IMF loans is actually paid for by the poorer sections in society on speculative investments that benefit speculators only.

Part Two: “The Great Disillusion”; (Mar. 24, 2010)

Joseph Stieglitz, Nobel Prize for economics, stated in his book “The Great Disillusion, 2002”:

“Today, Globalization is not working; not for the poor of the world and developing States; not for the environment; and not for world economic stability.”

Although it is no longer feasible to abandon globalization, its management must be reformed according to greater consensus on the rules of the game that needs to be revisited for it to work.

Globalization has functioned relatively well in the Far East of Asia by promoting trades and technological exchange and transfer.

It also brought great successes in health progress and in galvanizing civil societies toward dynamic social justice and greater transparencies in policies and administration.

So far, the real culprits for the failure of globalization were the international institutions such as the World Bank (WB), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Commerce Organization (WCO).  Why?

These institutions fixed the rules of the game unilaterally to the profit of the developed States and specifically the USA: the US imposed options for recovery to other developing States that it had rejected for its own economic development.

Although these international institutions are public institutions they in fact are not accountable but to the Central Banks Chiefs and the corresponding ministers of the leading economic and financial States.

Thus, the international institutions that were meant to rescue faltering developing countries functioned mostly according to the interest of the industrial and developed nations.

There is great need for serious reforms to the financial structure and management practices.  Debates are demanded to be more open in World Forums.

Until now, it appears that the international institutions are not serious in engaging any reforms: they simply changed their discourse to mentioning “poverty” more often.

Financial interests dominated the ideology of the IMF as economic interests dominated the World Commerce Organization. The same as the IMF feels not concerned with the poor (its focuses is on banks crisis), and the WCO is ready to sacrifice everything to trade facilities for the rich nations. For example, environment and fishing industries that kill many varieties of fishes such as turtles and small fishes are considered as collateral damages.

The greatest challenge is in the mind of the institution structures because they simply reflect the state of mind of those they are responsible to. Their theses do not enjoy any consensus.

For example, the governor of a central bank starts his day by worrying of inflation statistics and not on its effects on the poor.  The minister of trade and commerce worries on export numbers and care less of pollution indexes.

There is a need for a functional economic global system vision such as it was extended by Adam Smith and Karl Marx.

Many States have better standard of living per capita than the USA and they still have much lower inequalities and far better health care systems.

It is how State governments intervene in the market that makes the difference in matter of health, unemployment, adequate retirees’ compensations, and social justice for all.

The performing States ensure high quality education, convenient infrastructures, independent efficient legal systems and regulations, technological development and innovations.

It is important that economic structure differ among States: some States have strong syndicates and others have high levels of debts among enterprises. Thus, alternative resolutions for financial and economic aid should be tailored made to economic structures in order not to penalize the entire society and the poorer of the poor.

The next post will provide details on reforms for collective global participation in the international institutions, the mode of governance of these institutions, and further transparency in their management and decision processes.

Part One: “The Great Disillusion”; (Mar. 16, 2010)

            Joseph E. Stieglitz, Nobel Prize for Economics, published “The great disillusion” in 2002 six years ahead of the financial crash.  It was followed by “When capitalism lost its head” in 2009.  “The great disillusion” is of 407 pages divided in nine chapters such as: promises of international institutions; promises not kept; liberty of choice; the Asiatic financial crisis; who lost Russia; the “unjust laws of fair trade”; the best alternatives toward the market place; other programs of the International Monetary Fund (IMF); and the future.

            Joseph E. Stieglitz was doing research on the imbalances in fair market competition because of the lack of adequate and precise flow of economic intelligence that are not equitably disseminated and shared equally by competitive companies and enterprises. Former President Clinton asked Joseph to join in 1993 the “Economic Advisory Council (EAC)” that was represented by three experts nominated by the President to counsel the Executive branch on economic matters. Thus, Stieglitz was de facto immersed into politics since then and witnessed closely the processes of decision making.

            In 1997, Stieglitz was transferred as First Vice President to the World Bank or economist in chief till 2000. In these 7 years in Washington DC, Stieglitz followed the transition in Russia and the Far East Asia financial crisis that extended globally. Stieglitz had the opportunity to visit countless developing States and converse with many financial and economic ministers and political leaders.

            The book discusses and analyzes the terrible effects of globalization and the ideological economics precepts of the IMF on the rampant poverty that was exacerbated by unilateral neo-liberal economic ideology of the USA. Stieglitz said: “Today globalization is not working; not for the poor of the world; not for the developing States; not for the environment; and not for world economic stability.  Globalization is not working because it is badly managed: the unilateral rules of the game of the US disturbed the process for developing States to comprehend why non working and non applicable decisions in the US should be forced to work in the developing countries.” (To be continued)

FedEx President has a word to say; (Mar. 14, 2010)

          Frederick Smith, founder and President of FedEx, employing 300,000 around the world had this to say on the ridiculous ideology that finance contributed to the world economic boom:

          “Finance was largely a smoke screen… In 1983, the financial sector represented 155 of the profit in American economy.  In 2008, it jumped to the third in total profit.  Between these two dates, finance has invented nothing to justify appropriating so much profit share.  All that financiers invented was a system of splitting the actives and diffusing them in the economy as fast as electronic markets absorbed.  The financiers pretended that this diffusion created value and permitted diversification of risks.  In fact, it added no value and concentrated the risks.”

          Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Union Central Bank said: “I do think that our democracies will accept a second times that states will fly to rescue of the financial institutions and the real economy as they did during this latest crash”

          Joseph E. Stieglitz, Nobel Prize for economy and former President Clinton economic advisor and Vice president of the World Bank wrote in (The Great disillusion, 2002):  “Today globalization is not working; not for the poor of the world; not for the environment; and not for the world economic stability.  It was a unilateral imposition of the rules of the game.”  Slieglitz published recently “When capitalism lost its head, 2009”

Sins and technology: Tell me more; (October 25, 2009)                     

                        I stated in a previous post “The Sacred Practical Necessities” that “Religion might not have been invented right after we got conscious of our mortality but necessarily as modern man realized that he is a special individuality.  Then modern man got wary of producing mass hand tools for the tribe and took special care for individual designs, specialty carved symbols on the tools, particular color combinations, drawing and painting that reflected feelings and awe toward the environment and the forces of nature.  Painting and sculpting and drawing symbols were the precursors for inventing a language as a practical necessity, first verbally and then by written medium. By the time humankind got conscious of his ephemeral life (for many millennia, people didn’t get to live beyond the age of 30 at best) and that death is a certainty, then religion (the sacred in practical necessities) was created to cope with the consequences that resulted from that conscious fear, on the ground that otherwise no security or peace could prevail within any organized society.”

                        If there is paradise (an after death phase) it must be located within our universe where matters and energy interact and transfer. However, if there is hell, it must be within our mind: there is no hell more terrible and more powerful than our conscious feeling of having committed an egregious sin or guilt.  Since nature does not provide a moral order to observe and emulate then even all our power for abstraction cannot generate the concept of evil.  I believe that the notion of evil is a culture inherited by osmosis to our subconscious by the uninterrupted religious culture that constituted the fundamental basis to organized communities through the millennia. 

                        Sin is a concrete notion because it is associated with punishment and ostracism.  In contrast, the notion of doing good remains relatively abstract and any remuneration is not immediate and not palpable.  Thus, many religions tried, now and then, to great extent to emphasize the reward of commendable actions in their teachings. Ultimately, the religious institutions had to rely on the effective politics to revert to admonitions and focus on the negative deeds because fear has a much more efficient impact on the mind of the believers then the long lasting effects of doing good.

                        Can anyone comprehend the state of an Alzheimer patient who lost all his memory and even his identity and the meaning of his environment?  And yet, the Alzheimer patient carries energies to keeping him alive but for what use and what purpose?  Can we conceive of a paradise without prior memories of feelings, senses and experiences?  Thousands of the early Christians faced boldly their martyrdom simply because they were convinced that they will be resurrected in the third day as Christ did and in the flesh!  Do Muslims go to martyrdom without the conviction of immediate rewards?

                        The same process is taking place with technological breakthroughs.  While we experienced some of the benefits and the many harms of religion we are at the beginning phase for experiencing the benefits and harms of technologies that we can invent and produce but do not comprehend or grasp the consequences. We are traversing a dangerous period without adequate check and balance on the production of new inventions and tampering with human genome and agricultural and animal cloning. Thus the consequences might be irreversible this time around for our survival. 

                        We have created enough tools, processes, and know-how to invent all kind of products without the need of thorough theoretical foundations; it is like a machine that invents new machines with what it already knows and the vast array of tools it has in its arsenal so that theory is becoming an after thought because science requires a rational model. Furthermore, experiments require abundance of time, financial and human resources that validation and testing on consequences to human health, safety and survival is dragging a long backlog that can never catch up with what is thrown in the market place.  For example, developed States have realized that a process for testing and validating the consequences of pharmaceutical products before marketing them was a must to safeguard health and safety of the consumers; but even that process was not adequate enough or ethically stringently applied when pharmaceutical new products were tested in the third world populations. 

                        Technology is the new metaphysical ideology for defining youth; you are as young as you can keep up with new updates.  How fast and how readily you can manipulate and use new gadgets is the main criterion for youthfulness, for keeping your membership in the new cult.  The technology cult means that you should have faith in what the market is providing you in updates and inventions because ultimately it is you who is testing, validating and selling the technology at your own risk. 

                        Technology is basically a cultural revolution against abstract or theoretical works, whether in religion, metaphysics, or sciences, and its motto is “There is no good or evil in technology”.  Let us keep inventing and let the less expensive and quicker trial and error method sort out what is beneficial to mankind.  Let youth, these flexible and adaptable mind, these spiritually and culturally ignorant spirits, and these energetically undaunted and bold souls, be our guinea pigs as they used to be historically”.  

                        The institutional organizations that have the responsibility of reviewing and testing the consequences of any invention and discussing the ethical foundations are feeling the squeeze of mass revolts on any attempt to tampering with the new technological and marketing trend.  At this junction, religious fundamentalism from all kinds, have reacted to the slow process of civic organizations to confronting vigorously the new technological cult; religious fundamentalism is raising the banner for fighting any breakthrough that is practically overrunning all the red lines erected by religions.  Religious fundamentalism cannot be the medium to checking the curious mind of humankind: it has always been the obscurantist power to any rational investigation and cultural paradigm shift.


                        The technological cult feels unstoppable: globalization is its vehicle and many institutionalized tyrants will come to power, under the guise of confronting dangerous technologies, and backed by the impotent minds, scared and lazy, only to use technology in order to sustain and spread this reign of terror.  Technology is running wild and fast and becoming utterly unaffordable by its frequent updates. The best check is that the UN imposes a moratorium on field execution by the greed of the multinationals to slow down this process: humankind wants a reprieve to assimilate and digest this drastic and worldwide cultural transformation.  Human curious mind cannot be usurped but the ethical and moral need to discuss the new paradigm that “Human survival CANNOT be carried with this one-directional mind that only technology is the remaining panacea to all our ills”

                        On a lighter note, I believe that there is a dichotomy of how the two genders view the meaning of life; man thinks that life is a problem that needs to be solved while woman view life as a secret to be uncovered.  Woman whispers into the ears of her lover the mysterious clue “love is everything” and then the man picks up on that clue and starts singing “All we need is love; love is all we need”.  Woman whispers “I need to feel protected” and then man gets all rattled figuring how to resolve the practical difficulties for survival.




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